General Warrior OCC General Warrior

By Jan Knoell

      The men and women known as General Warriors are those who have been trained in exclusive training camps dedicated to creating no artworks, or things of beauty, but to create the perfect warrior. Candidates are selected from only the finest stock of men and women. These men and women, once trained, are well respected, and sought after on the mercenary market. After training the General Warrior will be expected to compete in gladitorial combat events across North America (or wherever they were trained), for a period of two years, or will be required to earn money as a Mercenary or Bounty Hunter, giving 20% of all earnings directly to the General Warrior Camp. The only known training camps in North America are in the Wasatch Mountains to the west of Desert Star by about 50 miles, and in the far Northern corner of the Hope Barony in Colorado. There is training camps located in Asia, and the Middle East as well on Earth. It is unclear if this profession of warriors developed on Earth or in another Dimension.

Alignment: Any; Typically Selfish or Aberrant Evil Alignment.
Attribute Requirements: A high PS, PP, and PE is recommended, but not required.
Special Attribute Bonuses: +1D4 to PS, PP, and PE.
Combat Bonuses: +1 Additional Attack per melee. +1 to Initiative.

OCC Skills:
Language: American: (+20%)
Language: Select One Additional: (+10%)
Domestic: Cook: (+20%)
Domestic: Fishing: (+20%)
Paramedic: (+10%)
Land Navigation: (+12%)
Horsemanship: (+15%)
Climbing: (+10%)
Body Building
Gymnastics: (+5%)
Swimming: (+10%)
W.P. Ancient: (Select 3 of choice)
W.P. Modern: (Select 3 of choice)
Hand to Hand Assassin (This is the hand to hand trained to these warriors. They are taught to fight with deadly force at all times. I do not believe that one must be of an evil alignment for this to be true. It depends on ones training, entirely. Period.)

OCC Related Skills: The character can then select 10 other skills, but two must be from the physical catagory, and two must be a Weapon Proficiency. The character can then learn one additional skill every three levels of experience.
Domestic: Any
Espionage: Any (Accept Forgery.)
Electrical: Basic Only!
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only.
Military: None
Medical: None; See OCC skills
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable.)
Pilot: Any
Rouge: Any
Science: Math skills only!
Technical: Any
WP: Any
Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Select Six skills in addition to the ones previosly selected. These skills will represent what ones' previous hobbies or whatever ones' occupation was prior to camp. As usual the same rules apply, there is no skill bonus to these skills.

Standard Equipment:
Six Weapons of Choice!
Suit of Light MDC body armor
Suit of Heavy Body Armor (Typically Bushman or Gladiator)
2 Knives (One can be a vibro knife.)
Multi Optics Band
Vehicle: Tends towards Motorcycles and Horses, they prefer to travel lightly and quietly.
Money: 2D6x100 credits
Cybernetics: None to start; will typically avoid them unless absolutely necessary.

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