The S-Mart SM-PA04 "Goliath"

      The "Goliath" as it is named, is another of the Heavy Assault Power Armor units used exclusively by the Allied Nations' Military Organizations. Among power armor pilots, more familiar with typical units used elsewhere in North America, this is the favorite ground based power armor in use by the Allied Nation, and produced by S-Mart. On the battlefield, it can be found as a heavy infantry escort to Armored Vehicles, and being used in conjunction with it's lighter brother, the "Interceptor" type power armor unit. Although it is not as heavily armored as the CS's new Terror Trooper Power Armor, it's heavy weapons, and small size by comparison makes it an even match for this juggernaut.

The S-Mart SM-PA04 "Goliath"
Model Type: SM-PA04
Class: Heavy Strategic Assault Power Armor.
Crew: 1
M.D.C. by Location:
    Arms(2)-100 each
    Legs(2)-150 each
    Heavy Pulse Laser Rifle-75
    *Micro-Missile Launchers(3; Left Forearm, and one on each leg)-50 each
    *Grenade Launcher(1;Right Forearm)-30
    Backblast Flechette Packs(2)-50 each
    **Main Body-310
* These designated areas of the armor are small and difficult targets to hit, so therefore may only be struck with a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Once the MDC of the "Goliath" is depleted, the armor is in tatters resulting in a total systems shut down.
Maximum Running Speed: 60 mph; Note that the act of running does tire out it's operator, but at 15% the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap 20' high or across.
Maximum Flying Speed: Not Possible; The armor unit is simply too bulky and heavy to be carried by a conventional jet pack, and serious modifications would have to be made for the mounting of a power armor jet thruster unit.
Maximum Swimming Speed: 4 mph using typical swimming type motions, or the unit may run along the bottom of the ocean at half it's normal running speed.
Maximum Safe Diving Depth: The unit is safe from the water tight seal being ruptured up to 150' in depth.

Statistical Data:
Height: 9'
Length: 4'
Width: 6'
Weight: 550 Lbs
Physical Strength: PS: 37
Power Source: Nuclear; 5 year Average Energy life.
Market/Black Market Cost: This unit is only sold to Allied Nations for a price of 2.5 million credits. Only a small number of these suits have landed themselves on the Black Market, and have sold for anywhere from 4-6 million credits each. Northern Gun has themselves purchased three of these heavy units for study, and have begun preliminary development of their own model that they will call The Northern Gun "Hercules" which will run for around 5 million credits, but will have a 15 year average energy life, and will be missing both backblast cannisters.

Systems of Note:
Light Polarization Lense: This system automatically adjusts light filters to prevent the unit's pilot from being blinded by sudden explosions or blasts of light.
Infrared Optics: This allows the unit's pilot to see into the infrared spectrum of light, and differentiate heat sources up to 2,000' away.
Passive Nightvision: Allows the pilot of the unit to see up to 2,000' in the dark.
Image Enhancement: This permits a unit's pilot to zoom in on anything received on his/her optics system.
Telescopic Optics: This enhances a pilot's vision to 6,000'.
Thermal Optics: This allows a pilot to see heat sources and such so well, as to actually be able to see through small obstacles up to 2,000' away. (Maximum obstacle thickness of 30'
Military Radio & Scrambler: 500 mile range.
Other Systems: This unit also has many of the other standard features of Power Armor listed in the main book including Environmental systems, Heat and Radiation Shielding, Heads Up Display, and Targeting Computer. This unit does NOT incorporate a Radar system.

Weapon Systems:
1.Heavy Pulse Laser (SM-133): This new pulse laser rifle was designed to replace the aging HPL-4a as the primary weapon of the "Goliath" Power Armor Unit.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Mega-Damage: Single Pulse Blasts inflict a whopping 1D4x10MD, but a three round pulse blast inflicts 2D6x10MD.
Rate of Fire: Single Pulse Blasts, or Three Round Pulses only!
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000'
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; Thanks to the Nuclear Power Supply.
2.Micro-Missile Launchers(3): These missile launchers are smaller than mini-missile launchers. One is mounted on each of the Legs, and on the left forearm. They are usually used in massive volleys in conjunction with other units of power armor, to soften a large target such as a tank, bunker, etc.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Installation.
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD to a 10' area.
Rate of Fire: Each launcher can fire up to four missiles at a time! (Yes this means volleys of 12 missiles can be fired!)
Maximum Effective Range: 600'
Payload: 72; 24 per launcher.
3.)Forearm Grenade Launcher: This is intended as an area effect and anti-personnel weapon system. It is a 40 mm Grenade Launching System mounted in the right forearm.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD to a 20' area.
Rate of Fire: Single Grenades Only!
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000'.
Payload: 60 grenades.
4.Flechette Back Blast Cannisters(2; One foreword, one rearward): These Cannisters are utilized to destroy large groupings of lightly armored opponents. Squads and platoons equipped with this weapon are notorious for setting up positions and shredding entire troop columns with these flechettes.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10MD
Rate of Fire: Flechette Bursts only!
Maximum Effective Range: 90'
Payload: 6 Flechette Bursts of 40 rounds per cannister. (Total of 12 Flechette bursts).
5.Hand to Hand Combat Abilities:
+2 attacks at level 1; +1 additional attack at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15.
+2 to strike
+2 to strike with integral weapon systems.
+2 to parry
+3 to dodge
+2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.

Punch: 2D6MD
Kick: 2D6MD
Leap Kick: 3D6MD
Body Flip/Throw: 2D6MD
Body Block/Tackle: 2D6MD

     The picture used above is available courtesy of R. Talsorian's "Cyberpunk 2020®" as seen in their now discontinued source book Maximum Metal. In the source book it is seen as the Arasaka Standard B, a power armor unit produced by a Japanese based company. This is by no means an attempt to steal the hard working efforts of R. Talsorian Inc's authors or artists, but merely used here as a means of utilizing interesting designs from their source materials, inside of Palladium Books' RIFTS.
      A special thanks goes out to Marauder, who scanned this picture and provided it to me, only after many hours of begging and groveling. ;o)
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