S-Mart HPL-7b Heavy Pulse LaserS-Mart Heavy Pulse Laser (HPL-7b)

The standard rifle of the Elite NOMADs. It looks similar to the the L-20 Pulse Rifle pictured held by the Bushman Body Armor suit in the RIFTS Main Book pg: 211, and Held by an armored knight on pg: 84 of the Conversion Book One. However if the rifle is viewed or studied by a visitor from Phase World they would recognize this monster as a HI-80 Pulse Rifle! The reasons for this can be found in the section of Desert Star reguarding Interdimentional trade.
Weight: 7 Lbs
Mega-Damage: 4D6+6MD for single pulses or 2D4x10+10MD for a three round pulse.
Rate of Fire: Standard; Aimed, Burst, Wild.
Maximum Effective Range: 2,000'
Payload: 24 shots per Long E-Clip.
Market Cost: 75,000 credits.

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