Jedi Knight OCC Jedi Knight
by Edward May; Inspired by the Star Wars Trilogy

The Jedi Knight is a rare form of warrior from a distant Galaxy. They are primarily known to be warriors of light, who rely on an unknown power that even they simply refer to as "The Force". However occasionally even these powerful warriors of light can be corrupted by what is called the dark side, the side of the force that represents Death, Aggression, and Fear. This OCC however only covers the powers of a Jedi Knight who follows the straight and narrow. Therefore it will focas on their abilities to comune with the world around them, and their sensory powers that are...pardon the pun...out of this world.
Alignment Restrictions: For this OCC, Good only, however selfish and even evil Jedi Knights do exist.
Attribute Requirements: A high ME and IQ are required, while a good physical endurance is suggested but not required.
Attribute Bonuses: +6 to PP, PE, and PS.
Combat Bonuses: See Abilities.
OCC Skills:
Language/Literacy of choice: 98%
Language/Literacy two of choice: (+15%)
Anthropology: (+15%)
Navigation: (+5%)
Body Building
Athletics General
Paramedic (+15%)
Climbing: (+10%)
Gymnastics: (+20%)
Swimming: (+5%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Light Sabre
Hand to Hand Martial Arts
OCC Related Skills: The character may then select 12 other skills of choice at level one, plus one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: Any
Mechanical: Basic only.
Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only.
Military: None
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable.)
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rouge: Any
Science: Any(+10%)
Technical: Any(+20%)
WP: Any
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: The player may then select six other skills to represent the characters hobbies or pasttimes.
Powers and Abilites: The force in question is what those on RIFTS earth call Magic. Unlike normal practicioners of magic, the Jedi simply uses the ambient mystical energy around themselves whenever they need it.
1.) Jedi's Sixth Sense:
Sense Approaching Creature/Person 50'+5' per level.
Sense Danger: 50'+5' per level.
Sense Evil/Dark Side of the Force: 145'+5' per level.
Level of Aquisition: Level 1.
2.) Jedi's Telepathy:
Range: 1 mi per level.
Detect the Intentions of an individule: 20%+2% per level.
Level of Aquisition: Level 3.
3.) Jedi's Intuition: Lesser: This ability is very similar to a psychics power of Clairvoyance, however this ability will occasionally spark into life on it's own, telling the Jedi a needed hint that his friends are in trouble, or something as simple as that he left the iron on at home!
Sensory Variable: 25%+5%
Level of Aquisition: Level 2.
4.) Jedi's Intuition: Greater: This ability is not disimilar to the Cosmo-Knights' Galactic Awareness. They can detect such catastrophes as massive dissasters, the death of Jedi Masters, (Or other super powered creatures like gods or intelligences.) and the likes there of.
Sensory Variable: 63%+4% per level.
Level of Aquisition: Level 3.
5.) Blind Fighting: Allows the character to fight without penalty in darkness or against invisible oponents, allowing the force alone to guide them.
Requires 1 Attack to initiate this ability.
Level of Aquisition: Level 1.
6.) Telekinetic Force: Lesser: The Jedi may manipulate the force to do many things, from lifting objects to flipping switches. The Dark Jedi use this same ability to do horrendous things such as throwing large objects at others, or stranglings! The Jedi Character can not use this ability to directly attack, as it is against their code of ethics to use the force for attack.
Range: 12'+2' per level.
Limitations: 500Lbs+20Lbs per level
Requires 1 Attack to initiate this ability.
Level of Aquisition: Level 1.
7.) Telekinetic Force: Greater: This ability is a super powered form of the lesser power. It can permit high level Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters to lift and move incredibly large items, like a starfighter for instance!
Range: 100'+20' per level
Limitations: 1 ton (2,000 Lbs) per level.
Requires: 3 Attacks to initiate this ability.
Level of Aquisition: Level 8.
8.) Healing Touch: this power permits the Jedi Knight to heal with his hands alone! (As demonstrated by Obi One when Luke was struck down by the sand people.)
Range: Touch
Limitations: 3D6 SDC/MDC
Requires 2 Attacks to initiate this ability.
Level of Aquisition: Level 6.
9.) Jedi Mind Trick: This power allows the character to use a similar power to the psychics Hypnotic Suggestion.
Range: 10'+4' per level.
Requires 2 Attacks to initiate this ability.
Level of Aquisition: Level 6.
10.) Jedi's Armor: This power is a power that presents itself only when the Jedi arrives in a Magic rich environment (Like RIFTS Earth), in effect it changes the characters SDC and HP into MDC, making most Jedi the match for armored warriors.
Limitations: It turns the characters SDC/HP into MDC.
Level of Aquisition: Level 1.
11.) Energy Parrying Technique: With the Jedi's intense focas on the atmosphere around him he can time his attacks and defenses better than the typical warrior. When he is using this ability he may parry both energy or projectiles with absolutely NO NEGATIVES! To parry it directly back at someone it takes an attack and has only a 20%+4% chance per level of striking.
Standard Equipment
Light Sabre: 5D6MD (The character will intuitively know how to modify his sabre to inflict 2D6MD more every three levels of experience)
Energy Pistol of Choice
First Aid Kit
2 Knapsacks
2 Canteens
3 Sets of clothing
Air Filter
Credits: 1D4x100 Credits; as it will be assumed that the character has been on earth for a while.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Oddly enough these deviced DO work on these warriors without hindering their mystical abilities, as their link with the force is much more than physical, it has become spiritual. However even then the character usually will not get any kind of augmentation unless necessary.

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