Mogo/Jan Knoell's Place on the Web

     Hi my name is Jan Knoell, I'm 43 years old, and I've been playing Palladium's RIFTS RPG since 1991. I was the one to introduce RIFTS to first my two boys, Perry and Clint, then later to Edward May, a friend of the family. Since that time, we've had alot of fun, having gone through two different RIFTS worlds, (You can only modify a world so much before it becomes too complicated, and in despirate need of an overhaul.) and taken part in hundreds, possibly thousands of epic campaigns. In the very beginning I was the only GM in the group, GMing very often daily, and then later, when Clint and Ed started GMing, only once in a while.
     Since Perry and Clint moved, we only game on the weekends now. With only two accustomed GMs in the group, it's a little tougher to come up with adventures, and spend much of our spare time working up new adventure plots and new creations. My personal favorite creations usually relate to villains & Characters. When they said in the Main Book, "Characters should not be a dime a dozen," they were looking to avoid me! :-) My favorite characters are Maddigan Morgan a Bounty Hunter/Mercenary extrordinare, Robert Silvereagle a Wilderness Scout turned Spirit Warrior, Red Hot a cocky mega-juicer, and Ann Bao a Lost One martial artist. This is in addition to probably nearly a hundred other characters. My alltime most vile villain I have created is Darius Vain, a demonic Necromancer who is bent on creation of an army of dead, and demons to attack and destroy anything and everything that he sees as...annoying.
Maddigan Morgan's Paymasters Office (10 most wanted bounties)
Darius Vain (Madness Incarnate) | The Corgus (A horrid Creature)
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