The S-Mart SM-PA05 "Nemesis"

      The S-Mart SM-PA05 "Nemesis" was designed in the late 21st century to accompany the US's newly formed Fast Attack Armored Corps (FAAC) in overland assaults. Although heavily armored and armed by today's standards, the "Nemesis" is still one of the fastest types of power armor in existence, which provides it a versatility unparalleled by any existing unit type currently produced in North America. Like the Titan and the Goliath, this unit is not available for sale on the open market or on the Black Market. This one however carries a Virtual Reality Interface System, which makes it much more efficient and deadlier than it's bigger brother, the Titan. In Desert Star's NOMAD Military, the "Nemesis" is still used in conjunction with fast moving, armored vehicles.

Model Type: SM-PA05
Class: Fast Attack Strategic Assault Military Power Armor
Crew: 1
M.D.C. by Location:
    Arms(2)-190 each.
    Legs(2)-300 each.
    Heavy Pulse Laser-50.
    *RMC-2(1; in left forearm.)-25.
    *Backblast Packs(4)-50 each.
    RFFC-14(1; Carried.)-40.
    Micro-Missile Launchers(4)-30 each
    **Main Body-420
* These designated areas of the armor are small and difficult targets to hit, so therefore may only be struck with a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Once the MDC of the "Goliath" is depleted, the armor is in tatters resulting in a total systems shut down.
Maximum Running Speed: 150 mph!; Note that the act of running does tire out it's operator, but at 10% the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The high tension robotic legs are designed for running and leaping for extended lengths of time. This means that the legs, as powerful as they are, makes this unit the high jumper of all power armor, capable of leaping a massive 52' from a standing position!
Maximum Flying Speed: Not Possible; The armor unit is simply too bulky and heavy to be carried by a conventional jet pack, and serious modifications would have to be made for the mounting of a power armor jet thruster unit.
Maximum Swimming Speed: 4 mph using typical swimming type motions, or the unit may run along the bottom of the ocean at half it's normal running speed.
Maximum Safe Diving Depth: The unit is safe from the water tight seal being ruptured up to 150' in depth.

Statistical Data:
Height: 10'
Length: 5'6"
Width: 6'
Weight: 700 Lbs.
Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 45.
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear; 5 year average energy life.
Market Cost: Each unit costs Desert Star 6.3 million credits. It would cost at least 12.2 million credits if this suit were to ever be found on the black markets, but as of so far no one has managed to aquire an intact "Nemesis" unit.

System Notes:
Virtual Reality Interface System: As mentioned before this system allows a pilot to call on data and calculations even faster than a normal HUD equipped power armor pilot. Additionally, the unit is not weakened by the presence of a vulnerable area such as a visor. The unit is instead equipped with five sensor units placed around the armor, and disguised to be flush with the body, which prevents all but the most knowledged of opponents from blinding the "Nemesis". Another aspect of this system is that the "Nemesis" can focus and fire up to four different weapon systems, if available, at the same time, costing only ONE attack. One must remember that the pilot inside "sees" via a high resolution graphic scene as interpreted by the system, meaning that the pilot sees as though he is not even in a power armor unit, but as if he were standing out in the field with nothing on his head at all, but with all these calculations and small windows always around his/her peripherals.
Light Polarization Lense: This system automatically adjusts light filters to prevent the unit's pilot from being blinded by sudden explosions or blasts of light.
Infrared Optics: This allows the unit's pilot to see into the infrared spectrum of light, and differentiate heat sources up to 2,000' away.
Passive Nightvision: Allows the pilot of the unit to see up to 2,000' in the dark.
Image Enhancement: This permits a unit's pilot to zoom in on anything received on his/her optics system.
Telescopic Optics: This enhances a pilot's vision to 6,000'.
Military Radio & Scrambler: 500 mile range.
Climbing Claws: These are claws designed to be used to help one in climbing. They are superstrong, and capable of being dug into rock as well as metal. In hand to hand combat, if the climbing claws are used, it adds +1D6MD to all punches.
Laser Targeting Computer: This advanced laser targeting system is used in assisting the unit to aim it's weaponry efficiently. It provides the pilot with +3 to strike with any of the unit's integral weapon systems.
EMP Capacitator: This uncommon system was designed to absorb the Electro Magnetic Pulses that are caused by Nuclear exchanges, and a few rare weapons developed shortly before the coming of the RIFTS. Effectively what it will do is, absorb any electromagnetic pulses and instead of frying the circuitry it will disperse the charge.
Food Filtration Unit: This is a system that has been installed to allow the pilot to remain in the power armor unit for up to three weeks at a time, similar to the system used in the famous Glitterboy Power Armor. Note: After a week it becomes EXTREMELY uncomfortable.
Other Systems: This unit also has all of the other standard features of Power Armor as described in the Main RIFTS Book including Environmental systems, Heat and Radiation Shielding, Radar (50 mile range!), Combat Computer, etc.

Weapon Systems:
1.Rapid Fire Field Cannon-14 (RFFC-14): This was one of the earliest RFFCs developed int the time before the RIFTS, and it shows in it's styling. It is excruciatingly heavy, and bulky as well. Like all rapid fire field cannons, this weapon uses conventional propellants in addition to electro magnetic acceleration (similar to that used by rail guns) to hurl two small caliber armor piercing cannon shells, one a millisecond after the other. Despite it's restricted payload, the RFFC-14 is still a weapon to be respected, and feared. It is standard practice to use the pulse laser for light targets, saving the RFFCs valuable payload for more important/tough targets.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Fortification.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10MD per dual shells fired. (5' Blast Radius for both shells combined.)
Rate of Fire: Dual Rapid Fire Shells Only.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000'
Payload:80 shells are carried in the RFFCs Ammo Drum, allowing up to 40 dual shell bursts.
2.Heavy Pulse Laser-6a (HPL-6a): This secondary weapon is almost as powerful as the primary weapon, as it is designed to be used against light targets and as a secondary for in the event that the primary weapon is destroyed or ammo source is depleted. This heavy pulse laser may be found in the right forearm.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: 4D6+3MD for a single laser pulse, or 2D4X10MD for a triple laser pulse.
Rate of Fire: Standard; Aimed, Burst, or Wild.
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000'.
Payload: Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply.
3.Backblast Flechette Pack (2; One in the back and in front.): This weapon is used to destroy lightly armored troops and to defend against incoming missiles and close proximity hard targets.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10MD per blast of 30 flechettes.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots number combined hand to hand attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: 60'.
Payload: 5 blasts of 30 flechettes per backblast pack. (Total of 10 blasts.)
4.Backblast Minilet Mine Packs(2; Both are back mounted.): A minilet pack is a device that is used to disperse small clear disks about the size of a half dollar, that are actually pressure sensitive highly explosive minilets. These packs are intended to be used against larger ground based forces, or as a trap for unsuspecting ones. The real nasty aspect of this device is that once one minilet is set off, any others that have been deployed within 300' WILL go off! One of the favored tactics of the "Nemesis" pilots', is to leap over an enemies path and release one or both minilet packs, to devastate the enemy force targeted.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Terror.
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD per minilet; 10' blast radius, +5' per each additional minilet (ie 50=255' radius or 510' area.) This will inflict full damage from ALL of the minilets deployed, to the person or vehicle that set off the first minilet, and 1/2 damage to all others in the radius.
Rate of Fire: Anywhere from 1 minilet to all 50 at once!
Maximum Effective Range: The pack can spin these disks and throw them out up to 150' if the device was modified to throw the disks further, there would be a 10% chance each time the device was used, that the minilets would go off in the pack, simply from the added pressure from the spin torque.
Payload: 50 minilets per pack. (100 minilets total.)
5.Ramjet Machine Cannon (RMC-1): This weapon is intended to defend the unit against lightly armored targets. Against heavily armored opponents however, this weapon does come in handy as pilots specialized with this suit are trained to fire this weapon into the visor or sensor system of armored adversaries. It can be found mounted in the left forearm.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD per burst of ten rounds. 1D4MD per single round.
Rate of Fire: Standard; Aimed, Burst, Wild.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,200'.
Payload: 600 rounds are contained in the forearm.
6.Mini-Rocket Launchers(4):These rocket launchers are mounted on the shoulders. They are intended to soften heavy targets and annihilate smaller ones. Though they are smaller than mini-missiles and unguided, troops seldom complain about the charge as their smaller size permits a larger amount of them to be carried and therefore fired at once!
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Assault.
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD to a 9' radius.
Rate of Fire: Up to 5 missiles can be fired from each launcher at once! Yes this means up to 20 missiles can be fired!!!
Maximum Effective Range: 600'
Payload: 80 micro missiles; 20 per launcher.
7.Hand to Hand Combat Abilities:
+2 Attack (+1 additional attack at levels 3, 6, 9, and 15.)
+3 to Strike
+5 to Strike with Integral Weapon Systems.
+4 to Parry
+3 to Dodge
+2 to Roll

Punch: 3D6MD
Kick: 2D6MD
Leap Kick: 4D6MD
Power Punch: 1D6x10MD!!
Body Flip/Throw: 3D6MD
Body Block/Tackle: 3D6MD

     The picture used above is available courtesy of R. Talsorian's "Cyberpunk 2020®" as seen in their now discontinued source book Maximum Metal. In the source book it is seen as the Mexican Metals Nemesis. This is by no means an attempt to steal the hard working efforts of R. Talsorian Inc's authors or artists, but merely used here as a means of utilizing interesting designs from their source materials, inside of Palladium Books' RIFTS.
      A special thanks goes out to Marauder, who scanned this picture and provided it to me, only after many hours of begging and groveling. ;o)
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