NOMAD EBAN.O.M.A.D. Environmental Body Armor

This is the standard armor of the Desert Star military. It bears some sembalance to the armor used by Wa-Daisho, however the neckguard is not quite as large, and the helmet is much more aerodynamic. The general armor components are more reliant on a mesh not disimilar to Crusader that holds the strategicly located plates in place. Colors: Desert Kahki
80 MDC
-5% prowl penalty
12Lbs, Excellent Mobility.
Market Cost: 75,000 credits.

N.O.M.A.D. Heavy Armor Supplement

This is not actually a suit of armor but an armor supplement, meant to be added to the standard EBA used by Desert Star's NOMADs. It is made of laser refractive armor, but is painted Desert Kahki to make it less of a target on the battlefield. NOTE: This does not in any way impare the Laser Refractive Armor, as the paint simply burns off once it is struck. It covers the torso, in a similar fashion to the Juicer plate armor, but with additional plates strapped to the front of the thighs, shins, forearms, and elbows.
40 MDC (total of 120, but only 40 of which is laser refractive)
-15% prowl penalty (total of -20%)
20 Lbs (total of 32Lbs of armor!), reduces the mobility to fair.
Market Cost: 35,000 credits.

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