The S-Mart MBT-3 Maxwell

     The Maxwell is the most commonly produced Main Battle Tank in S-Mart. It is considerably lighter than the previous two types described, but is still one of the best on the market to date.
     The Maxwell's origins place it as yet another Pre-RIFT design, but was in production for only a short time in the early 2070s under the designation of USM9A2. The reasons for this is, the development of the USM11A1 (The Iron Hammer MBT,)was finally complete, and thus the new improved design with all the trimmings made the USM9A2 obsolete. Only 75 USM9A2s were built, but were sold off to Egypt in an arms trade in 2077AD.
     In post apocolyptic North America the Maxwell has made it's mark in the pages of history again, as the tank of choice among mercenary companies and city defense forces alike, from the Great Lakes Region clear into the western Americas. In one extreme case, they are even seeing service in Mexico! In a recent transaction between S-mart & Ft Reid, 25 modified versions of the USM9A2 with a high pressure water cannon in place of the rail gun, and a 500 gallon water tank in place of the Ammo Drum has been purchased to fight the vampires!
     The Maxwell's hull appears much like the M1A1 Abrams does, but with a line of 7 missle ports along the front of the hull. The turret is very rounded, and looks more like a flying saucer than a tank turret, with a small bore cannon (A puny 1 cm.), that looks like a rectangular bar of metal protruding from the front of the turret nearly 8 feet. Attop the turret is a mini turret with a light RFFC (Rapid Fire Field Cannon) within.

Model Type: US M9A2
Class: Main Battle Tank
Crew: 4; Pilot, Gunner, Radio/Radar operator, & Tank Commander.
M.D.C. by Location: (See the note below.)
    Foreward Missle Launcher-150
    RFFC Turret-50
    Main Turret-320
    1 cm Rail Gun-120
    *Tracks(2)-120 each
    **Main Body-660
    Reinforced Pilots Compartment-150
* Depleating the MDC of the tread means that 1D4 of the plates have been blown apart. An experienced tech can repair this damage in 1D6x10 minuites under no fire. (If under fire, the tech will feel stressed and aquire a -20% to his/her mechanical engineer roll.) Due to the treads shielded possition it can only be struck at a penalty of -3.
** Depleating the MDC of the main body means that the tanks hull is in tatters, and subsequent shells/rounds have a 01-20% chance of striking the ammo-magazine detonating all remaining rounds. 21-75% will strike the Reinforced Pilots Compartment, and 76-00% simply punches holes in the already "shattered hull".
Note: The Maxwell is armored with a Pre-RIFT composite of Mega-Damage materials sandwiched together using an ultra tough polymer bonding agent. This Composite Armor was designed to protect against heavy hitting kinetic attacks such as rail guns, armor peircing explosives, ramjets, ect. Thus these weapons all do HALF DAMAGE!

Maximum Speed: 60 mph.
Maximum Underwater Speed: 20 mph.
Maximum Depth Tolerance: 18' with snorkel system; 250' buttoned up.
Maximum Effective Range: Unlimited; Thanks to the Nuclear Power Supply.

Statistical Data:
Height: 10'
Width: 18'
Length: 27'
Weight: 41 tons
Cargo: None internally; but can carry up to 2.5 tons on the exterior of the tank, or can pull up to 12 tons.
Power System: Nuclear; 20 year life.
Market Cost: 27 million credits.

Weapon Systems

1.1 cm Rail Gun: The "Maxwell" was a testbed for some of the more powerful flechette packet firing rail guns in Pre-Rift times, only to be phased out less than a year later, in favor of the 200mm Cannons equipped on the predecessor to the "Harvey". (Later, these designs would be implemented in such weapons of destruction such as the Glitterboy and the Atlas Main Battle Tank.)
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10MD
Rate of Fire: Equal to the Gunners Hand to Hand Attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile.
Payload: 100 flechette shells in an ammo drum contained within the turret.
Bonus: +2 to strike targets in motion due to weapon stabilization.
Reload Cost: 1,200 credits per flechette shell. (They cost comparitively little since all they are composed of is, 75 metal flechettes in a dense plastic casing that is broken open during the firing then ejected like a spent shell.)
2.Rapid Fire Field Cannon-17 (RFFC-17): This light RFFC is mounted in a mini turret on top of the saucer shaped main turret. It is typically operated by the Tank Commander.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D4x10MD per dual shells fired.
Rate of Fire: Dual Shell Bursts only!
Maximum Effective Range: 2,000'
Payload: A 100 round drum supplies this cannon permiting 50 dual shell blasts.
Reload Cost: Each shell costs 600 credits to replace.
3.Heavy Anti Tank Guided Missle Launcher (HATGM): This seven slot missle launcher is mounted along the front of the Maxwell's hull. It is typically used to soften up heavy armor or fortifications at long range, so that by the time the main gun is within range, the target is comparitively weaker. Since use of these heavy missles is almost always a strategic decision, the tank commander is the only one with fire controls to this weapon.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Fortification.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10MD.
Rate of Fire: Up to 7 at a time!
Maximum Effective Range: 9,000'
Bonus: +2 to strike.
Payload: 7 missles.
Reload Cost: 11,000 credits to replace one missle.
4.Smoke Dispensers(4): These dispensers release a dense cloud of Infra-red resistant smoke in the form of a smoke screen preventing the use of optical sensors, thermal systems, infra-red sensors, or any kind of non-radar guided missles. (Note: Not even laser guided smart missles can penetrate this smoke efficiently.) Thus all attacks against the "Maxwell" would then be made at a -3 to strike.
Payload: 30 "puffs" (40'x40' areas) or up to 5 mins of constant dispersal. (Per Dispenser!!)
Recharge Cost: Smoke dispensers can be "recharged" at a cost of 30 credits a puff.
5.Anti-Laser Aerosal Unit: This system protects the "Maxwell" from all kinds of Lasers. What it does is it releases a blast of greyish glittering aerosal in a cloud from several ports around the "Maxwell", either through command or through the use of the Laser Detector (See below). This will prevent targeting lasers, distancing lasers, and all types of weapon lasers from even touching the "Maxwell" for 1D4 melee rounds, 1 melee if it's windy, and only 1 round of attacks if the "Maxwell" is moving.
Payload: 30 aerosal gas bursts.
Recharge Cost: Aerosal gas bursts cost 15 credits each to "recharge".
6.Active Explosive Anti-Missle System: This system was devised in the late 20th century as a means to stem the growing threat of Anti-Tank missles. What it is, is several explosive charges placed at various points & angles around the "Maxwell" that detonate when the radar picks up a "slow" moving object aproaching the tank, hopefully destroying or at least diverting it, which it does at an impressive 90% efficiency. (It can be used against multiple missles without penalty.) Note: Destroys/Diverts it's target from 75' out.
Mega-Damage: 5D6MD.
Payload: Special! Starts at 75% efficiency, for every 4 blasts fired, reduce this percentage by 10%.
Reload Costs: It Costs 375 credits to replace each charge fired.
7.Additional Systems of Note:
-Military Radio & Scrambler: 500 mile range.
-Laser Communications System: Line of sight.
-Laser & Visual Rangefinders: +2 to strike at ranges exceeding 1,000'.
-Radar: 50 mile range & can track up to 100 targets.
-Auto Pilot & Navigational Computer
-Laser Detector: Can be linked to Anti-Laser Aerosal System.
-Military Radar Detector.
-Image Enhancement: Magnifies display by up to 10 times.
-Thermograph: 2,000' range; can see through walls at 30'.
-Environmental Systems: 12 hour life support.
8.Physical Attacks: Like any vehicle, it in itself can be a very efficient weapon;
Raming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings More Than 2 tons: 4D4MD per 10 mph.
Raming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings Less Than 2 tons: 2D4MD per 10 mph, and typically will run it over inflicting an additional 1D6x10MD from it's weight alone!
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