The S-Mart HT-2 "Stonewall"

     The "Stonewall" Hover Tank is S-Mart's response to the CS's new Linebacker MBT. It is a sleek looking craft, though it weights around 50 tons, it's thrusters are capable of propelling this massive craft at an incredible speed of 200 mph!! It is long and comparitively flat, with a featureless foreward hull which rests over the crew compartment, with the back side of the hull flaring out into two small winglets. Towards the back of the upper hull rests the main weapon turret. It is streamlined, almost oval in shape, but inside it is a stabilized turret with an experimental type of 2 cm Rail Gun mounted within. On top of the main turret is a stabilized, circular mini turret containing a Rapid Fire Field Cannon for close defense.
     Unlike much of S-Mart's designs, this design is completely new, having been developed only in the last year. Even though it's so new, it has already gone through it's test phase and is ready for deployment amidst the Allied Nations.

Class: Hover Main Battle Tank
Type: HT-2
Crew: 3; Pilot, Gunner, and Tank Commander.
M.D.C. by Location: (See note below.)
    Winglets(2)-90 each
    **Mini-Missle Launcher-180
    ***RFFC-19 Barrel-75
    Main Turret-450
    Ares Super 2 cm Rail Gun-180
    ****Main Thrusters(2; Heavily shielded)-250 each.
    *****Vectored Thrusters(6-Heavily shielded)-150 each
    Main Body-900
    Reinforced Pilots Compartment-250
* The Mini-Turret is a comparitively small target, and can only be struck with a penalty of a -3 to strike.
** The Mini-Missle Launcher is mounted on the bottom of the Stonewall in a slightly recessed pit. It is difficult to strike due to it's possition, and can only be hit from an angle (ie firing up from a foreward possition at the faces of the launchers), if the Stonewall is less than 10' from the ground it is virtually impossible to strike unless the attacker is laying on the ground firing at the target from 150' or less, and even then it can only be done at a penalty of -5 to strike. (Tough isn't it?!)
*** The RFFC-19 Barrel is comparitively small, and can only be struck at a penalty of -3 to strike.
**** The Main Thrusters which are mounted on the rear of the hover tank, provide much of the tanks foreward propulsion. Over the turbines an armored grill which reduces the thermal emitions, as well as prevents the tank from being slowed too easily, by well aimed shots. The armored grills account for 200 MDC of the total 250MDC, however if a sharpshooter makes a sharpshooters aimed shot at point blank it may be possible to strike the narrow slots leading to the thruster, but this may only be done at a -6 to strike! (Behind the grill, the thruster itself has only 50MDC, but will shut down due to safety reasons if 25MDC is done.) If one of the main thrusters is destroyed, then reduce the hovertanks speed by 75 mph, if two are destroyed, reduce the hovertanks speed by 150 mph.
***** The Vectored Thrusters are shielded behind four thick plates of composite armor, mounted at an angle, one on either side protecting from shots fired from the sides, and two plates in the front protecting the vectored thrusters from foreward attacks. There are only two ways to strike the vectored thrusters and that is to, one, fire directly from the rear side of the hovertank, or two, to fire from the sides or front at an angle from up close. Generally as a rule, the attacker must be at half the distance that the hovertank is above the ground. If three or more thrusters are destroyed, the hovertank will loose it's ability to hover, and will begin to drop in altitude at a rate of 20' per melee round.

Maximum Speed: 200 mph; Cruizing Speed is considered to be 90 mph.
Maximum Altitude: 150'
Maximum Effective Range: Effectively Unlimited; However, the Stonewall's vectored thrusters are pushed to perform an awesome feat by lifting the 50 ton mass of armor and propelling it at the speeds that it does. Therefore the Stonewall can only "fly" for up to 4 hours at speeds exceeding cruizing speeds, or 8 hours at or below cruizing speeds before needing a cooling period.

Statistical Data:
Height: 9'
Width: 22'
Length: 42'
Weight: 50 tons
Cargo: 4'x4' area for personal effects.
Power System: Nuclear; 20 year life.
Market Cost: S-Mart Rarely sells this valuable peice of military hardware to anyone but allied nations, and even then the price is a stiff 61.7 million credits!

Weapon Systems:

1.Ares 2 cm Rail Gun: The primary weapon for the Stonewall is the Ares. This is a new experimental type of rail gun, of the same caliber as the Glitterboy's massive Boom Gun. How this gun is differerent however, is that it uses an experimental feature that allows this gun to charge up the electromatic surfaces to propel the flechettes at an even greater speed than those in the Boom Gun, propelling them farther, and faster! This feature does have it's disadvantages however, as the weapons rate of fire is limited to a rate of 4 shots per melee. When a high rate of fire is required however, the Ares system may be disengaged, allowing the gunner to fire an equal number of shots to his/her hand to hand skills, but the range is reduced, as is the guns damaging abilities.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Installation.
Mega-Damage: Ares Accelleration: 5D6x10MD; 3D4x10MD otherwise.
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee with Ares Accelleration, Equal to the gunners hand to hand attacks without.
Maximum Effective Range: Ares Accelleration increases this weapons range to an awesome 13,000'! Without the Ares Accelleration the range is still an impressive 6,000'.
Bonus: + 2 to strike targets in motion due to weapon stabilization.
Payload: The Ares 2 cm Rail Gun is supplied by a 200 shell ammo drum. These shells are composed of a dense plastic shell that breaks open during firing, allowing it's payload of 200 flechettes to be sent screaming at their target, after which the spent shell is ejected into a bin within the tank, to be disposed of at a later time.
Reload Costs: Each of the shells cost 1,600 credits.
2.Underbelly Mini-Missle Launcher: Built into the belly of the "Stonewall" Hover Tank is a 6 slot Mini-Missle Launcher. It's placement was strategically made to make it virtually impossible to attack.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missle type, but is typically equiped with a 50-50 mix of Armor Peircing and Plasma.
Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, or 6 mini missles at a time.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missle type, but is typically 1 mile.
Payload: 36 Mini-Missles contained within an armored bay in the belly of the Stonewall.
Reload Costs: Armor Peircing & Plasma Mini-Missles generally run about 2,500 credits each among most arms dealers.
3.Medium Laser System: This Medium Laser is mounted directly next to the Ares Rail Gun, but is designed to take out troops at close ranges, and to keep people off of the tank.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10MD.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the Gunners Hand to Hand attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: Due to the weapon's short barrel the max range is limited to 1,600'.
Payload: Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply.
4.Rapid Fire Field Cannon-20(RFFC-20): The RFFC-20 is the top of the line RFFC in Desert Star. What it is, is a weapon that operates on similar principles to that of a rail gun, in that it fires two 40 mm shells, one a nano second after the one before it at incredible speeds using electromagnetics for propulsion, but these shells are shape charged armor peircing rounds designed to bite into armor, and ultimately shatter it with it's smashing speed, and devistating explosive force. On the Stonewall, the RFFC-20 is mounted in a stabilized mini turret attop the main turret, and is typically operated by the Tank Commander.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10MD.
Rate of Fire: Dual Shell Blasts only!
Maximum Effective Range: 5,000'.
Bonus: + 2 to strike targets in motion due to weapon stabilization.
Payload: The Ammo drum containing 200 40 mm shells can be found within the main turret; equaling out to 100 RFFC blasts.
Reload Costs: It costs 500 credits to replace each shell.
5.Anti-Radar Chaff Dispenser(2): These systems are intended primarily to confuse and disrupt radar guided missles attacks, but is also excellent in disrupting vehicular radar systems, preventing them from seeing the "Stonewall" for 1D4 melee rounds. This system is not 100% reliable because it only works effectively 70% of the time.
Payload: 20 chaff bundles per dispenser; 40 bundles total.
Reload Cost: Each chaff bundle can be replaced for 25 credits each.
6.Anti-Laser Aerosal Unit: This system protects the "Stonewall" from all kinds of Lasers. What it does is it releases a blast of greyish glittering aerosal in a cloud from several ports around the "Stonewall", either through command or through the use of the Laser Detector (See below). This will prevent targeting lasers, distancing lasers, and all types of weapon lasers from even touching the "Stonewall" for 1 melee round, 1/2 melee if it's windy, and only 1 round of attacks if the "Stonewall" is moving.
Payload: 30 aerosal gas bursts.
Recharge Cost: Aerosal gas bursts cost 15 credits each to "recharge".
7.Smoke Dispensers(2): These dispensers release a dense cloud of Infra-red resistant smoke in the form of a smoke screen preventing the use of optical sensors, thermal systems, infra-red sensors, or any kind of non-radar guided missles. (Note: Not even laser guided smart missles can penetrate this smoke efficiently.) Thus all attacks against the "Stonewall" would then be made at a -3 to strike.
Payload: 30 "puffs" (40'x40' areas) or up to 5 mins of constant dispersal, per dispenser.
Recharge Cost: Smoke dispensers can be "recharged" at a cost of 30 credits a puff.
8.Electronics Counter Measures Systems: This system garbles/interfears with any communications transmissions with a 65% efficiency rate. Furthermore, this system can, and does interfear with enemy radar, and all types of missle tracking systems.
Range: 100 mile jamming radius, but can be set to cover as little as 1/2 a mile.
9.Electronics Counter Couter Measures System: Extensive Efforts have been taken to "harden" the radar and communications systems against ECM. That does not make it impervious to it's effects, but does reduce it's efficiency, meaning that 80% of the time when ECM would work it doesn't! (ie first roll on the ECM %, if that is successfull, then roll on the ECCM's %.)
10.Additional Systems of Note:
-Virtual Reality Interface: This gives a computer generated image of the terrain around the "Stonewall" using it's advanced radar, as well as a dozen hidden didgital camera ports around the vehicle to produce a pristine 360 degree image to the entire crew through the use of VR Helmets. Note: This system cannot be jammed due to extensive efforts to harden this system, however ECM & Chaff can make it difficult for the radar to make out the picture entirely, forcing the crew to rely on various other types of sensors.
-IR Baffeling: Extensive efforts have been made with the Stonewall to reduce thermal emitions to make her a more effective military tool. What this means is that Thermal and Infra-red optics used against the "Stonewall" do so only at half their normal range, and even then the image will appear distorted or disproportionately small.
-Military Radio & Scrambler: 500 mile range.
-Laser Communications System: Line of sight.
-Visual Rangefinders: +2 to strike at ranges exceeding 1,000'. -Advanced Targeting Computer & Terrain Following Radar: 50 mile range; Track up to 100 targets, ID up to 50, +4 to strike! -Auto Pilot & Navigational Computer.
-Laser Detector: Can be linked to Anti-Laser Aerosal System or Chaff dispensers.
-Military Radar Detector: Can be linked to chaff dispensers.
-Painting Laser: +3 to strike with the 2 cm Rail Gun. (The way this system functions is, the computer/tank commander automatically begins painting all the enemy targets as the battle begins, (The Tank Commander can paint 1 targets per hand to hand attack, but the computer system can paint 5 targets every 15 seconds, allowing the gunner to begin making computerized adjustments on his next shot before the last has even fired.)
-Passive Nightvision: 2,000'range.
-Telescopic Optics: 6,000' range.
-Image Enhancement: Magnifies display by up to 10 times.
-Thermograph: 2,000' range; can see through walls at 30'.
-Environmental Systems: 20 hour life support.
11.Physical Attacks: Like any vehicle, it in itself can be a very efficient weapon;
Raming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings More Than 2 tons: 3D6MD per 10 mph, however at speeds exceeding 150 mph the Stonewall will also take 3D6MD per 10 mph above 150 mph.
Raming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings Less Than 2 tons: 2D4+1MD per 10 mph, and typically will run it over. No additional damage is done from the weight of the "Stonewall" unless a malicious pilot decides to set down on top of the target inflicting an additional 2D4x10+10MD to the unfortunate individule, (THIS HAS HAPPENED IN PLAY!). Otherwise the character/Object will be forced to the ground for the amount of time the "Stonewall" is over them, but the wind will typically scatter items, tear clothing, blow sand in eyes and mouth, etc.
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