S-Mart HoverTruck

     The Hovertruck as it is blandly called, is not much for character, but is what it is. This vehicle is used mainly as a hover transport, for both military and civilian applications. Several nations have purchased this relatively basic vehicle as a troop transport, as a relatively disposable means of moving troops over moderate distances in a fair amount of time. Wa-Daisho, among these, has purchased these extensively, and used them as troop transports, for rapid transit between the island and the mainland of Pre-Rift British Columbia. They are commonly available on the market, in both civilian and military variants. It's appearance is fairly basic, as it looks like a boat, with an enclosed two man canopy and open troop/cargo area behind the canopy (can be covered with a hardtop covering, available at a small cost), with a hovering skirt, and a pair of rear facing jet-like thrusters for propulsion to the aft of the hovercraft.

Class: Hover Transport/Armored Personel Carrier
Type: HovTrans-1A or APC-2
Crew: 1 for civilian variants (Driver), 2 for the military variant (The Pilot and Gunner), plus up to 12 troops comfortably.
Mega-Damage by Location:
    *Rear Thrusters(2)-75 each
    **Skirting(30 sections)-25 per section
    ***Crew Compartment-150
    Automatic 40mm Grenade Launcher-50 each
    (Optional)Hardtop Cargo Area Cover-75
    Main Body-220 (300 for the military variant.)
* If one of the two thrusters are destroyed, the maximum speed of the hovercraft is reduced by half, and the cargo capacity is reduced by 75%!
** If more than four sections of the skirt are depleated the hovercraft's belly will begin dragging on the ground. To continue moving will mean damaging the hovercraft beyond repair within 1D4 miles of dragging. Making the hovercraft worthless beyond being that of a parts donor.
*** The Crew Compartment protects only the driver and 1 passenger (Or gunner if the military variant.).

Hover Speed: 100 mph
Maximum Altitude: 5'
Handling: This vehicle is only slightly better at handling than the Dustfish. Yet it is still difficult to handle when making high speed manuvers like dodges or sudden turns, so therefore these manuvers are conducted with a penalty of a -5%. On a failed roll, reduce the vehicles current speed by 30%, or if appropriate the vehicle crashes/slides into something.
Accelerated Leaping: The HoverTruck can leap up to 15' into the air from an incline.
Maximum Effective Range: Electric & Multi-Fuel have a 400 mile range. Nuclear variations have no limit to the range.
A Note Towards Range: All vehicles need some degree of maintenance, and a hovercraft is no acception. The skirt along the bottom of the Dustfish will tear and wear down from the constant friction of it's contact against the various surfaces it comes in contact with. Generally, they absolutely must be replaced or patched every two or three thousand miles, but it is recommended that the skirt be completely replaced every 50,000 miles.
Statistical Data:
Height: 9' (14' with the skirt inflated)
Width: 15' (19' with the skirt inflated)
Length: 25' (29' with the skirt inflated)
Weight: Approx. 10 tons
Cargo Capacity: 5 tons; or 12 soldiers fully loaded; or 6 Power Armor Troopers fully equiped.
Power System: Electric, Multi-Fuel, or Nuclear w/10 year life span
Market Cost: 125,000 for Multi-Fuel or Electric; 755,000 for Nuclear. Increase these base costs by 220,000 credits for the military variant with the Auto GL & pintle mount, Increased Armor, & Smoke Dispenser. The hard topped cargo cover costs an additional 25,000 credits, and may be removed and replaced as often as desired. (The increased cost of the nuclear variant is because of the longer life span Nuclear Power System.) Repair sections for the skirt cost 750 credits per section, bringing the MDC back up to the 25 count, patches only cost 10 credits, but are SDC patches capable of being blasted away with even SDC firearms.
System Notes
1. Military Radio: 500 mile range.
2. Fire Extinguisher Unit: Several computerized fire extinguishing units are placed around the Hovertruck to prevent the spreading of any battle-situation fires from spreading. In addition to a manual fire extinguisher in the pilots compartment. (Note: The Magnesium Parts in the rear facing thrusters have been replaced with more damage resistant parts and materials.)

Weapon Systems: These are standard for only the military spec APC-2 variant.
1. 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher: This is the standard weapon system on the military variant. It is mounted above the passenger side of the crew compartment, on a pintle mount, accessable via a hatch above the passenger side seat. It is almost identical in design to Wellington Industries Automatic Grenade Laucher, with a belt feed. The ammunition box is slung just above the passenger side seat, slightly offset towards the left side of the vehicle. With this placement, there is a warning outside of the left side door, to watch your' head, due to it's awkward placement. (There is no other place for it, because to put it ON the roof is virtual suicide if someone hits the box with an aimed shot, not allot would be left of the vehicles crew compartment!
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D6 MD to a 12' area per shell, 2D6x10MD to a 40' area per burst of 10 rounds.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000'
Payload: 40 Fragmentary Shells in the Ammo Box. An additional box can be carried at the feet of the passenger, but this costs an additional 15,000 credits (For the Grenades and the Ammo Box.) Each replacement grenade costs an additional 350 credits apiece.

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