Tiegraen RCCTiegraen
by Clinton Knoell

These are a race of Humanoid Siberian Tigers! It seems that somehow on a world roughly the size of Jupiter a race of Tiger like creature evolved into the white and black Tiegraen. They are a cold weather people, who are not accustomed to the heat of deserts. They are notorious for being a warrior race, capable of taking on a suit of power armor with only his/her flashing teeth and slashing claws. As of this point only a community of about three hundred Tiegraen in the foothills of British Columbia are known to exist on RIFTS Earth.
Alignment: Any; but they all typically have an unusual sense of honor.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision: 200', Psionic Wingless Flight, Psionic Powers, Black and White vision, excellent hearing, cat like sense of smell, Supernatural strength, Supernatural endurance, and a super strong body.
Appearance: Appears to be a mutant Siberian Tiger. They typically stand anywhere from 7' to 8'6"
Common Ailments: Strained leg muscles, muscle pulls, and especially suseptable to sprains in their legs. (The Tiegraen's knees face backwards, and they are just not designed for that kind of stress.) They also feel very sluggish in temperatures over 80 degrees.
Life Span: 2 Aeros Years or 125 human years.
I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 4D6, M.A.: 3D6, P.S.: 6D6!, P.P.: 5D6, P.E.: 4D6, P.B.: 3D6, Spd: 1D4x10 running; 2D6x10 Flying.
PPE: 3D6
ISP: ME+2D6x10
MDC: 5D6x10MD
Tech Level: The Tiegraen developed until they reached the equivalent of the middle ages before they were contacted by the Nauruni. Granting the Nauruni mining rights, a system of trade was established and the Tiegraen made a quantum leap in technology.
Magic: The Tiegraen have no qualms against using magic, however only about one in a hundred perform any kind of magic.
Psionics: All Tiegraen have the powers of; Bio Regeneration, Detect Psionics, Alter Aura, Clairvoyance, Empathy, Mind Block, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense, Telepathy, See Aura, Sense Evil, Bio Manipulation, and a telekinetic force field.
Skills: Basic Math, Language and Literacy Russian, and one additional Language of choice.
OCCs: The typical warrior follows the Knight OCC, and Royal Warriors follow the Royal Knight OCC. However the Tiegraen can be of any OCC as long as the possible training was somehow possible.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Completely compatable. Depends on OCC whether or not they have them.

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