The S-Mart SM-PA02 "Titan"

      The "Titan" is another pre-rift design brought to life by the techs at S-Mart. Although arguably the toughest suit of armor in North America, there is nothing terribly advanced about the "Titan" accept the incredibly tough robotic chassis. Though it is tough and reliable it does have it's weakness. It's speed is surpassed even by the notoriously slow Glitterboy. Even with this in mind, the "Titan" still makes an excellently well rounded, ground pounding power armor unit, which S-mart produces allot of for the exclusive use of the Allied Nations.
      Unbeknownst to King Ripley or anyone else for that matter, the "Titan" was originally a Russian design! It was used quite extensively by Soviet forces late from the mid 2080s until the coming of the RIFTS. It could even be possible that some of these thousands of units survived.

The S-Mart SM-PA02 "Titan"
Model Type: SM-PA02
Class: Heavy Strategic Assault Power Armor.
Crew: 1
M.D.C. by Location:
    *Arms(2)-185 each.
    Legs(2)-280 each.
    Backblast Flechette Packs(3)-50 each.
    *Forearm Mounted Pulse Laser(1;Right Arm)-50.
    *Grenade/Light Laser Cluster(Left Arm)-45.
    **Main Body-435.
* These designated areas of the armor are small and difficult targets to hit, so therefore may only be struck with a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Once the MDC of the "Titan" is depleted, the armor is in tatters resulting in a total systems shut down.
Maximum Running Speed: 40 mph; Note that the act of running does NOT tire the pilot as this unit utilizes similar technologies used in the Ulti-Max and Terror Trooper to create an ultra small robot vehicle.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap, but only a pitiful 10' high or across may be accomplished due to the weight of this massive unit.
Maximum Flying Speed: Not Possible; The armor unit is simply too bulky and heavy to be carried by a conventional jet pack, and serious modifications would have to be made for the mounting of a power armor jet thruster unit.
Maximum Swimming Speed: Not Possible; The "Titan: is notorious for it's abilities of swimming, in that it sinks like a rock.
Maximum Safe Diving Depth: The unit is safe from the water tight seal being ruptured up to 150' in depth.

Statistical Data:
Height: 12'
Width: 7'
Length: 6' 6"
Weight: 1.4 Tons
Physical Strength: PS: 50! The Titan is equal to the strength of the NGRs Super Jager!
Power Source: Nuclear; 5 year Average Energy life.
Market/Black Market Cost: This unit is only sold to Allied Nations for a price of 4.2 million credits. King Ripley has made it terribly clear that not a single "Titan" is to find it's way to the Black Market, and thus as of yet, none have. If someone were to manage to steal one, Northern Gun or another manufacturer would likely pay 10-15 million credits for this heavy duty machinery, in the hopes that they could figure a "knock-off" of it.

System Notes:
Light Polarization Lense: This system automatically adjusts light filters to prevent the unit's pilot from being blinded by sudden explosions or blasts of light.
Infrared Optics: This allows the unit's pilot to see into the infrared spectrum of light, and differentiate heat sources up to 2,000' away.
Passive Nightvision: Allows the pilot of the unit to see up to 2,000' in the dark.
Image Enhancement: This permits a unit's pilot to zoom in on anything received on his/her optics system.
Telescopic Optics: This enhances a pilot's vision to 6,000'.
Thermal Optics: This allows a pilot to see heat sources and such so well, as to actually be able to see through small obstacles up to 2,000' away. (Maximum obstacle thickness of 30'
Military Radio & Scrambler: 500 mile range.
Other Systems: This unit also has many of the other standard features of Power Armor listed in the main book including Environmental systems, Heat and Radiation Shielding, Heads Up Display, and Targeting Computer. This unit does NOT incorporate a Radar system.
Weapon Systems:
1.Rapid Fire Field Cannon-14 (RFFC-14): Like all rapid fire field cannons, this weapon uses conventional propellants in addition to electro magnetic acceleration (similar to that used by rail guns) to hurl two small caliber armor piercing cannon shells, one a millisecond after the other. This is the heaviest (Physically) RFFC ever produced by Desert Star. It was one of the first successful types of Rapid Fire Field Cannons, reproduced by S-Mart technicians. Since then newer types of RFFCs have been developed that are light enough for infantrymen to carry them, with the same or similar capabilities to the heavy 14s mounted on the "Titan".
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10MD per rapid fire dual shells.
Rate of Fire: Dual shell blasts only!
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000'
Payload: 20 shells per clip; 8 clips are stored in internal storage bays in the legs, (4 per leg).
2.SM-133 Heavy Forearm Pulse Laser (Right Forearm.): This new pulse laser rifle was designed to replace the HPL-7B Energy Rifle mechanism mounted in the forearm. It is slightly heavier than the old type, but makes up for it in firepower. This weapon is not considered the main weapon of the "Titan" but is intended as a back up for the Rapid Fire Field Cannon, if it should ever run out of ammunition.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: Single Pulse Blasts inflict a whopping 1D4x10MD, but a three round pulse blast inflicts 2D6x10MD.
Rate of Fire: Single Pulse Blasts, or Three Round Pulses only!
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000'
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; Thanks to the Nuclear Power Supply.
3.Forearm Weapon System (20mm Grenade Launcher and a light pulse laser.): This weapon system is intended to add to the variety of weapons carried on this monstrous unit. It is presented in an over and under configuration in the left forearm.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 5D6MD for the grenades. 6D6MD per 3 round pulse from the pulse laser.
Rate of Fire: The Grenades may only be fired one at a time, while the pulse laser is calibrated to only fire three round pulses.
Maximum Effective Range: 900' for the grenades; 1,600' for the light pulse laser.
Payload: 8 20 mm Grenades. Unlimited Payload; for the pulse laser.
4.Flechette Back Blast Cannisters (3; Two foreword facing, one rear.): These Cannisters are utilized to destroy large groupings of lightly armored opponents. Squads and platoons equipped with this weapon are notorious for setting up positions and shredding entire troop columns with these flechettes.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10MD per 40 flechette burst!
Rate of Fire: Flechette Bursts only!
Maximum Effective Range: 90'
Payload: 6 Flechette Bursts of 40 rounds per cannister.
5.Hand to Hand Combat Abilities:
+1 Attack (+1 additional attack at levels 3, 6, 9, and 15.)
+1 to Strike
+2 to Strike with Integral Weapon Systems.
+2 to Parry
+2 to Dodge
+2 to Roll with punch, fall, or impact.
Punch: 3D6MD
Kick: 2D6MD
Leap Kick: 4D6MD
Power Punch: 1D6x10MD!!
Body Flip/Throw: 3D6MD
Body Block/Tackle: 3D6MD

     The picture used above is available courtesy of R. Talsorian's "Cyberpunk 2020®" as seen in their now discontinued source book Maximum Metal. In the source book it is seen as the Russian Arms Boris, the Russian workhorse among power armor units. This is by no means an attempt to steal the hard working efforts of R. Talsorian Inc's authors or artists, but merely used here as a means of utilizing interesting designs from their source materials, inside of Palladium Books' RIFTS.
      A special thanks goes out to Marauder, who scanned this picture and provided it to me, only after many hours of begging and groveling. ;o)
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