Welcome to Crab Apple Cove

     Better pray that your' E-Clips are charged, your' minis replentished, and your' armors repaired-if not...you'd best be on your' way!
     Let me be the first to welcome you to Crab Apple Cove, my name's Hay, Hay Hoofhearted, and I'm the mayor of this little hole in the road. Most people don't like my little town here, but then again, me thinks that most of those people are wussies too! Asside from wussies, there are only two types of peoples not allowed around here, and that's any kind of lawyer, or any member of the coalition states. I'll warn ya, be on the lookout here, you're strangers, so a bunch of these people are sure to test ya, to make sure you ain't a wus, or a prissy little CS fly boy. We have special treats for those kinds of people...*grins evily as he glances at the series of catapults in front of the brown stained granite wall*
     Why don't you take a look around my town here, and come back later and tell me what you think...*chuckles* that is if you aren't a grease spot by the end of the day.
The Town of Crab Apple Cove

     If that doesn't strike your' fancy, why don't you check out some of my other specialties;

Haywood Hoofhearted | Glory Road-Adventure | G'morph's Jewelry Shop-Adventure
Tony May-The man behind the insanity. 1
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