Truewarrior RCC Truewarrior
by Edward May and Clinton Knoell.

The Truewarriors are a race of human like aliens. They stand anywhere from 6'3" to 8' in height. In appearance they are identical to humans other than their huge build, tough bodies, and slightly enlarged height. As their name implys they are a race of warriors, who believe that to use any kind of weapon or armor other than a melee weapon (knives, swords, axes, ect.) Is a dishonorable gesture. (In some extreme clans of warriors, they believe that the use of any weapons is a dishonor!)
Alignment: Any; but typically of selfish or Aberrant alignment.
Natural Abilities: Extremely tough bodies, supernatural strength and endurance, and the ability to block out the sensation of pain!
Appearance: Unusually tall, overmuscled human body builders.
Common Ailments: Respitory Disorders (The common cold gives these high strung armbreakers the shakes!). Cold weather (30 degrees F or lower) makes it difficult to breath for these giants.
Life Span: 45 Aiga years (Truewarrior's Homeworld.), 90 human years.
I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 3D6, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 5D6, P.P.: 3D6, P.E.: 4D6, P.B.: 2D6+3, Spd: 3D6.
PPE: 4D6
MDC: 2D6x100!! (+3D6MD per level.)
Tech Level: Aiga's tech level is roughly equivalent to Earth 17th century, however they were contacted by the CCW (See Phase World) and many allowed to leave their world, and several did!
Magic: This typically is viewed with suspicion and in some cases fear. Natural development has made the Truewarriors super tough by channeling their magic potential to this feat. No matter how hard a Truewarrior were to try to perform magic, his attempts would come up short. They are simply incapable of magic.
Psionics: RARE! Only about two percent of the population possess any form of psionics, and even then only one ability may be selected from any of the three basic catagories.
Skills: Hand to Hand Expert or Martial Arts, two physicals of choice and a few various domestic skills for non combatants. OCCs: Any OCC is available to off worlders accept Magic using OCCs and Psychic RCCs.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Not Compatable.

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