S-Mart MBT-1 Harvey

     The Harvey, or as it is called in Wa-Daisho, the Gauntlet MBT, is actually a Pre-RIFT MBT that was prepairing to go into construction less than a year before the coming the RIFTS. It was then designated the USA M11A2, and was going to be produced in Salt Lake City. By the time the RIFTS erupted only 50 Harvey's had been completed. (It is unclear as to what happened to these armored vehicles.) The M11A1 series was, however widely produced for nearly 20 years, leaving the total production of these heavily armored vehicles at nearly 600 strong. (Shockingly enough, the M11A1 version is almost identical in design to the Iron Hammer MBT but lacks the mini missle launchers, and had no foreward gattling gun, but unlike the Iron Hammer MBT, this version did however utilize composite armor, turret stabilization, and chaff dispensers.)
     The M11A2 appears much like the Pre-Rift tank from the 1990s, the M1A1 Abrams, but has several secondary weapons, including a secondary cannon parallel to the primary, a mini turret for anti personel use, and a six slot missle launcher to the left side of the turret.

Model Type: USA M11A2
Class: Main Battle Tank
Crew: 3; a pilot, a gunner, and the tank commander.
M.D.C. by Location: (See the note below.)
   Hellfire Pod-120
   20mm Ramjet Machine Cannon Turret-75
   Main Turret-450
   200mm Mauser Cannon-200
   *Tracks(2)-150 each
   **Main Body-945
   Reinforced Pilots Compartment-250
* Depleating the MDC of the tread means that 1D4 of the plates have been blown apart. An experienced tech can repair this damage in 1D6x10 minuites under no fire. (If under fire, the tech will feel stressed and aquire a -20% to his/her mechanical engineer roll.) Due to the treads shielded possition it can only be struck at a penalty of -3.
** Depleating the MDC of the main body means that the tanks hull is in tatters, and subsequent shells/rounds have a 01-20% chance of striking the ammo-magazine detonating all remaining rounds. 21-75% will strike the Reinforced Pilots Compartment, and 76-00% simply punches holes in the already "shattered hull".
Note: The Harvey is armored with a Pre-RIFT composite of Mega-Damage materials sandwiched together using an ultra tough polymer bonding agent. This Composite Armor was designed to protect against heavy hitting kinetic attacks such as rail guns, armor peircing explosives, ramjets, ect. Thus these weapons all do HALF DAMAGE!

Maximum Speed: 60 mph
Maximum Underwater Speed: 20 mph
Maximum Depth Tolerance: 2,000'
Maximum Effective Range: Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power plant.

Statistical Data:
Height: 12'
Width: 20'
Length: 30'
Weight: 60 tons
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear; 20 year life.
Market Cost: S-Mart Rarely sells this valuable peice of military hardware to anyone but allied nations, and even then the price is a stiff 48.2 million credits!

Weapon Systems

1.200mm Mauser Cannon: This is the Harvey's main gun, notorious for it's ability to smashe even light power armor, and lightly armored vehicles in single hits. It is mounted in a stablilized turret, meaning reguardless of the terrain, or manuvers made, the cannon remains directed at it's intended target. Another of this weapons traits is it's versatility allowing use of any number of different types of 200mm shells. (S-Mart currently only makes 3 types of shells; High Explosive, High Explosive Anti-Tank, and Sabot Discarding Solids.) This weapon is operated by the Gunner.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Fortification
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10MD per H.E.A.T. round (High Explosive Anti Tank round) or 2D6x10MD per A.P.S.D. round. (Armor Peircing Sabot Discarding Solids.)
Rate of Fire: Five shots per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000'
Payload: 100 rounds are carried. 50 of each type.
Bonus: +2 to strike targets in motion due to weapon stabilization.
Reload Cost: Costs for reload shells are as follows; 1,200 per HE shell, 4,000 per HEAT shell, and 1,000 per APSD shell.
2.Rapid Fire Field Cannon-16 (RFFC-16): This is the Harvey's secondary gun, a second barrel situated just to the left of the "Mauser". It, like the Mauser is mounted in the stabilized turret, granting it the same benefits as mentioned above. Unlike the Mauser's more mundane systems, the RFFC-16 uses the same type of electromagnetic system to propel it's shells at high speeds as a rail gun uses to propel it's slugs at such incredible speeds. This weapon is too operated by the gunner.
Primary Purpose: Anti Personel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10MD
Rate of Fire: Dual fired shells only. (Counts as a burst.)
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000'
Payload: A 100 round drum supplies this cannon permiting 50 dual shell blasts.
Reload Cost: Each shell costs 800 credits to replace.
3.Rapid Fire Field Cannon-17 (RFFC-17): This much lighter RFFC is mounted in a small remote control turret atop the main turret. The purpose for this weapon is to defend the Harvey against close, fast moving targets. It is typically operated by the Tank Commander.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4x10MD per dual shells fired.
Rate of Fire: Dual shells only.
Maximum Effective Range: 2,000'
Payload: A 100 round drum supplies this cannon permiting 50 dual shell blasts.
Reload Cost: Each shell costs 600 credits to replace.
4.Advanced Hellfire Missle Pod: This pod is mounted on the left side of the turret. It's six missle payload is capable of decimating all but the heaviest of armored vehicles. Though these weapons are heavily damaging it does account for it's short range of only 13,500'. The Hellfire's other weakness is that the target must be "painted" with the painting laser, to strike meaning, it takes one attack to sight it in, and one attack to fire. (Vehicles equiped with anti-laser aerosal and laser detectors are virtually impervious to these weapons.) This weapon is also operated by the Tank Gunner.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Fortification
Mega-Damage: 3D4x10MD
Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, or 6 missles at a time.
Maximum Effective Range: 13,500'
Payload: 6 missles are carried inside of the launcher.
5.20mm Ramjet Cannon: This weapon is mounted on an articulated mount on the front hull. It is designed to protect the tank from, and to eliminate, unarmored or lightly armored troops. It is operated by the pilot, and only has a 120 degree range of fire to the fore of the tank, and only a 45 degree upward and downward angle.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personel
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD for a burst of 20 rounds, or 1D4MD per single shell.
Rate of Fire: Standard; Aimed, Burst, Wild.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,200'
Payload: 600 ramjet shells; or 30 bursts.
6.Smoke Dispensers(6): These dispensers release a dense cloud of Infra-red resistant smoke in the form of a smoke screen preventing the use of optical sensors, thermal systems, infra-red sensors, or any kind of non-radar guided missles. (Note: Not even laser guided smart missles can penetrate this smoke efficiently.) Thus all attacks against the Harvey would then be made at a -3 to strike.
Payload: 30 "puffs" (40'x40' areas) or up to 5 mins of constant dispersal.
Recharge Cost: Smoke dispensers can be "recharged" at a cost of 30 credits a puff.
7.Anti-Radar Chaff Dispenser: This system is intended primarily to confuse and disrupt radar guided missles attacks, but is also excellent in disrupting vehicular radar systems, preventing them from seeing the "Harvey" for 1D4 melee rounds. This system is not 100% reliable because it only works effectively 70% of the time.
Payload: 20 chaff bundles.
Reload Cost: Each chaff bundle can be replaced for 25 credits each.
8.Anti-Laser Aerosal Unit: This system protects the "Harvey" from all kinds of Lasers. What it does is it releases a blast of greyish glittering aerosal in a cloud from several ports around the Harvey, either through command or through the use of the Laser Detector (See below). This will prevent targeting lasers, distancing lasers, and all types of weapon lasers from even touching the Harvey for 1D4 melee rounds, 1 melee if it's windy, and only 1 round of attacks if the Harvey is moving.
Payload: 30 aerosal gas bursts.
Recharge Cost: Aerosal gas bursts cost 15 credits each to "recharge".
9.Active Explosive Anti-Missle System: This system was devised in the late 20th century as a means to stem the growing threat of Anti-Tank missles. What it is, is several explosive charges placed at various points & angles around the Harvey that detonate when the radar picks up a "slow" moving object aproaching the tank, hopefully destroying or at least diverting it, which it does at an impressive 90% efficiency. (It can be used against multiple missles without penalty.) Note: Destroys/Diverts it's target from 75' out.
Mega-Damage: 5D6MD
Payload: Special! Starts at 75% efficiency, for every 4 blasts fired, reduce this percentage by 10%. Reload Costs: It Costs 375 credits to replace each charge fired.
10.Active Gatling Anti-Missle System: Another system devised in the late 20th century, but brought to this form in the early 21st century, to defend against the new mini nukes and proton torpedos, coming onto the battlefield. What it does is protect the Harvey from "slow" moving projectiles by releasing a hail of ramjet rounds at 300'. Like the AEAMS, this system is radar guided, and has a 90% kill rate, however for every additional missle the percentage drops by 10%. The AGAMS is mounted in the mini turret normally operated by the Tank Commander, if he is operating it at the time the AGAMS WILL override his commands so as to defend the Harvey.
Mega-Damage: On a successful hit each missle will recieve 1D4x10MD per 100' of travel (from the AGAMS range of 300')
Payload: 10,000' worth (ie 4 mini missles=400' since they are destroyed in the first 100' of their travel, 2 LRMs=400' if they are destroyed in the end of their second hundred feet, of their 300' course, ect.)
Reload Costs: Reloads cost 200 credits per 100' of ammo.
11.Electronics Counter Measures Systems: This system garbles/interfears with any communications transmissions with a 65% efficiency rate. Furthermore, this system can, and does interfear with enemy radar, and all types of missle tracking systems.
Range: 100 mile jamming radius, but can be set to cover as little as 1/2 a mile.
Note: This system is NEVER sold to anyone outside of the other Allied Nations.
12.Electronics Counter Couter Measures System: Extensive Efforts have been taken to "harden" the radar and communications systems against ECM. That does not make it impervious to it's effects, but does reduce it's efficiency, meaning that 80% of the time when ECM would work it doesn't! (ie first roll on the ECM %, if that is successfull, then roll on the ECCM's %.)
Note: Never sold to anyone but members nations of the Alliance.
13.Additional Systems of Note:
-Military Radio & Scrambler: 500 mile range.
-Laser Communications System: Line of sight.
-Microwave & Visual Rangefinders: +2 to strike at ranges exceeding 1,000'
-Advanced Targeting Computer & Radar: 50 mile range; Track up to 100 targets, +3 to strike!
-Auto Pilot & Navigational Computer
-Laser Detector: Can be linked to Anti-Laser Aerosal System or Chaff dispensers.
-Microwave Detector: Can be linked to chaff dispensers
-Military Radar Detector: Can be linked to chaff dispensers
-Painting Laser: +3 to strike with Mauser cannon, RFFC-16, or Hellfire missles.
-Telescopic Optics: 6,000' range
-Image Enhancement: Magnifies display by up to 10 times.
-Thermograph: 2,000' range; can see through walls at 30'
-Environmental Systems: 12 hour life support.
-Damage Control Computer: Computer display of damages recieved.
14.Physical Attacks: Like any vehicle, it in itself can be a very efficient weapon;
Raming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings More Than 2 tons: 4D6MD per 10 mph.
Raming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings Less Than 2 tons: 2D6MD per 10 mph, and typically will run it over inflicting an additional 2D4x10MD from it's weight alone!
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