






serpo | ax-21 | shape | bime | spacewarn | cammic


xxxxxxxx SERPO Project agents only xxxxxxxxx


A representative of AI-TRAD claims to have been contacted by a 3-Star
General who in confidence confessed to the government's cover-up of the
UFO Phenomena. He was in fact approached by others in the Intelligence
Community to assistin an "Awareness" program to help make alien contact
palatable to the General Public, a program which was being initiated by
a joint human-alien agenda. This 3-Star General however refused their
overtures, concluding that not all aliens were benevolent andtherefore
it would be dangerous to instruct the masses to put their trust in alien
forms such as the Grays when history has proven their malevolent nature.


| atic | pounce | They ex-ist | plato | excede







The Artcafe provides Web services to the business community. We are"outsider"/homeless / volunteers, a non-profit for mentle disabled , homeless individuals and artists
to do web pages for industry, commerce, and entertainment....



I have been in Raw Vision Mag, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, USAToday, plus-  Budzu's Hammer, CTM, INC Mag, Danish Daily News and Seattle Times as an outsider artist and curator.

Kohl in book mention S. Wilson on art and technology with 2 paragraphs on my art.

Trend-setting art blog with Kurt Kohl works
-Today in art-

NANO show at LACMA Review of my work in group art show at LACMA


Contents are by Kurt Kohl © copyright 2009  all rights reserved

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