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Session Continues - Part 2:

Gonzo: Transit watching is also a most favored (particularly in modern astrology) predictive technique, as we shall see. If the student begins to engage in intelligent transit watching, soon he will learn the knack of being increasingly capable of predicting the future, or some features of the future anyhow.

Gonzo: That is why in this course we are so interested in teaching you how to do intelligent transit watching. We will learn also how to combine transit watching with other predictive techniques, some of them ancient ones like the technique of time lordships and various kinds of progressions and directions, Ingresses, Returns, Lunations and Eclipses, etc.

But to do transit watching, the student must always know where the planets are, and what aspects they are forming. The term "ASPECT" is a technical term of great importance in astrology, ancient or new. In any astrological system, school or tradition, the concept of ASPECT is an essential cornerstone, and thus we will soon be studying it in great detail in coming lessons.

It has often been said that "astrologers talk in aspects", and there is a lot of truth in that statement. The student  is adviced to go to the website of the Sirius School and read the material on astrological ASPECTS there. Here we will start by saying that an aspect is a CRITICAL ANGULAR DISTANCE between any pair of directions in firmament, seen from Earth. Usually, we measure the angular distance spanning from the direction towards one planet in firmament to the direction towards another planet in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc from the center of the Earth.

Thus, 2 planets are said to be in aspect, if seen from Earth they have any of a particular set of angular distances between them. If 2 planets are, for example, 90 degrees apart, as seen from Earth, they are said to be in square aspect, or cuadrature, which is one of the hardest aspects. When 2 planets are in square aspect, we expect their influences to blend or combine in a strong and difficult fashion.

Practice soon teaches the student to respect squares as "bad" aspects, because bad things pertaining the planets in question do tend to be experienced when these planets align at 90 degrees angles between them, seen from earth.

Practice soon teaches the student to respect squares as "bad" aspects, because bad things pertaining the planets in question do tend to be experienced when these planets align at 90 degrees angles between them, seen from earth.

The strongest aspect is the conjunction, which is exact (partile orb) when 2 planets are together in the firmament as seen from Earth, meaning in the same direction (ideally with a zero degrees angle between them as seen from Earth).

The conjunction is considered strong but "neutral": 2 good planets together will be very good; 2 bad planets together will be very bad; later we will study rules for the other possibilities.

Finally, the traditional "good", "fortunate", "soft" or "harmonic" aspects are when the planets are separated by an angular distance 60 degrees (sextile aspect) or 120 degrees (trine aspect), seen from Earth.

Simplistically speaking (we will get into the finer details later), we can indeed say that good or easy things tend to happen when the relevant planets are in sextile or in trine aspect.

There are other families of aspects, based on other harmonics, as we shall see later. And we will also be looking at the ancient doctrines of astrological aspects and contrasting them with the modern theory of harmonics and other new perspectives to handle the fundamental astrological fact that planets combine their influences in various ways as a function not only of their cosmic state by sign and House, but also by the (ever changing) angular distances at any particular time separating them from the other celestial bodies.

The angular distances known as aspects operate not only to strengthen or enhance the combined influences of the aspected planets, but each of these specific angular distance called aspect lends its own peculiar traits or features to the connectivity it brings forth.

There are many useful ways of classifying aspects and we will not get into that right now either, since the only point of this brief introduction to the concept of ASPECT was to enable you to begin to approach the concept with full awareness of its medullar importance in astrology, to prompt you to gain depth here.

The information thus far advanced may not make full sense to you yet, understandably enough as you are a newcomer to the study of astrology, and you are only adviced to read through it quickly and that is it, in preparation to becoming familiar with the terms and assimilating their meanings on a day to day basis as this and all other important concepts of the astrological system will keep reappearing once and again through this course we are here by commencing.

Remember that all through this course you may submit your queries or request clarifications on the course material, etc, either through our mailing list, Predict, or directly to me at the Sirius School. [fini]

Most Attentively,
Dr. Gonzalo Pena Tamez

Gonzo: well...

Gonzo: that was Lesson number 1

gentle: Gonzo, thank you so much for your wonderful lesson.  Are you open to questions at this time?

Gonzo: it should serve to introduce the matter and bring up some questions, maybe?

Gonzo: :-)

gentle: gonzo, I have a question

Gonzo: yes?

gentle: What is chiron, and what does it affect?

Gonzo: Chiron is an orbitting body in between Saturn and Uranus

Gonzo: it has been called an asteroid or a comet, or other things...

Gonzo: as far as the astronomy

Gonzo: And as far as the astrology of it

Gonzo: it signifies healing in the natal chart

Gonzo: it may identify you as a healer...

gentle: thank you gonzo.....

Gonzo: or reveal your need to be healed about something particular and specific,

Gonzo: depending on the aspects etc.

Gonzo: welcome

gentle: Any other questions?

Gonzo: you may ask questions about issues not related to the lesson I just delivered, of course...

graceful: hi

gentle: hi graceful welcome to bridge.

graceful: thanx:)

susanros2: why did you move to Mexico?

graceful: me?

graceful: hehe

susanros2: Gonzo?

Gonzo: Oh, I was born here in Mexico...

Tamarinde: you know what events lead up to what happens to you?

Gonzo: as a matter of fact I was born here in Monterrey, where I currently live

graceful: how old is every body here?

Tamarinde: you say you will do som caculations to know what happens tomorrow in your life

gentle: graceful, we are just winding up a lecture

Gonzo: yes, Tamarinde...

gentle: gonzo gave a talk on astrology

graceful: k

graceful: cool

graceful: im only 11

Tamarinde: how can you know what will happen between now and then..

Gonzo: in astrology it is taken as an axiom that the conditions that lead to whatever happens

Gonzo: are revealed to you

Gonzo: from the study of the chart of the commencement

gentle: hi ana, hi PWest

Gonzo: in other words

Gonzo: your natal chart reveals what sets of circumstances lead on to your being born

Gonzo: in that particular time and place

PWest: How long has this discussion been going for?

Ana: howdy

gentle: gonzo, a natal chart with a lot of squares would indicate a difficult life?

graceful: hi wud up?

gentle: lecture just ended Paul

PWest: ok

Gonzo: yes, a natal chart with a lot of squares always signifies a very difficult life

gentle: hiya daysi

graceful: hi Dasi

Gonzo: specially if you are attached to things happening in any particular way

graceful: im new here

Gonzo: in other words

daysi: hi, gentle and everyone

graceful: hi

Gonzo: the only way to soften the squares

daysi: welcome, grace!

graceful: how old is every body here?

Gonzo: is by exercising detachment

graceful: thanx :)

graceful: how old is every body here?

AlphaAquilae: hehehe

gentle: graceful, we are mostly adults I do believe.

AlphaAquilae: how old r u?

Gonzo: because if you have squares and you want it your way...

graceful: 11

AlphaAquilae: :-D

graceful: im only 11

* AlphaAquilae grins

Gonzo: the cosmos will not let you have it the way you want it

graceful: am i to young to be here?

Gonzo: hi graceful...

gentle: ewwww.....i don't like that one gonzo

gentle: no graceful, you are welcome to join us.

graceful: hi

graceful: :)

Gonzo: nobody does, graceful!

graceful: thanx:)

* Ana looks around for some cotton candy...

graceful: hehe

AlphaAquilae: oh, ana you're there??

Gonzo: that is precisely why squares are so awful

AlphaAquilae: we have piccolo's sister here

Ana: hehe...nice of you to join us graceful

gentle: man I got a chart full of em.

Gonzo: when you study your chart

graceful: thanx:)

AlphaAquilae: now i'm off to another meditation

gentle: hiya Sanna

AlphaAquilae: see ya

Gonzo: you learn where the squares are

MrC: gonzo, please

Gonzo: in order to

Sanna: Gonzo!!

daysi: Hi Sanna.

Sanna: hey people

Gonzo: exercise detachment in those areas...

Gonzo: for example

Gonzo: if someone has a Venus square Mars at birth

gentle: hiya sanna

Gonzo: meaning that these 2 planets were at 90 degrees angle seen from Earth

Gonzo: then that person will never be happy in matters of love, or marriage

Gonzo: because these 2 ´planets, Venus and Mars,

Gonzo: have to do with complementation of 2 polarities into a single wholeness

graceful: you guys are SMART!

Gonzo: thus, if you have them at odds in yout birth,

Gonzo: you will never find it easy to feel whole

gentle: join the convent

Gonzo: so you better learn to detach from wanting to be whole

Gonzo: which is difficult indeed!

Gonzo: Hi Sanna!

Sanna: hey! (you finally noticed me ;)

Gonzo: yeah!

graceful: ;)

Sanna: and I immediately seem to disagree with you *grin* but go ahead

Gonzo: well I was busy!

Sanna: I snuck in - I'm visiting friends

Gonzo: well, no, let's hear your disagreement :-)

Sanna: is this a question & comment period?

* graceful is bored

Gonzo: yeah, I already passed my lesson and my comments to lesson 1

Sanna: ok

Gonzo: so...

gentle: yes Sanna

Gonzo: What is your disagreement, Sanna?

Sanna: Well, in my opinion you just set too strict rules. Such as, "this position means that and you have no way of escaping your fate"

daysi: Gonzo, to be honest, I think we are as happy as we decide to be.

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