Featured Speaker: Mr. Jim Jarvis of St. Louis, Missouri USA (Wizard)
Topic: Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT)

Session Start: Saturday, Mar 13, 1999 19:44:17

Wizard tells about his work with PLRT:

Greetings! My name is Jim Jarvis. I am a licensed clinical psychologist living in St. Louis. This past Fall marks my 25th year of private practice. I limit my practice to psychotherapy with individuals, couples, families, and have subspecialties in hypnosis, alternative healing, and sport and performance enhancement psychology. My educational background includes a doctorate that combines theology and psychology from Christian Theological Seminary and Duke University. I am also an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church and a Reiki Master.

I have always had an interest in metaphysics and have usually, but especially more in recent years, tried to include the �spiritual side� in therapy as the client defines that and desires. Still, I wasn't quite prepared for the change that occurred in my life and work six years ago.

I had always �sort of� believed in reincarnation but had never really tried to learn more about it. A client named Mary Ann was nearing the end of her work with me. I had really enjoyed working with her and would be sorry to see her leave. She was intelligent, worked hard in therapy, and had achieved some positive changes in her life. One Friday, she walked in holding a copy of "Through Time into Healing" by Brian Weiss, M.D., which is a book describing Weiss� experiences using Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) as a tool for healing and self understanding. Weiss is a psychiatrist in Miami. Turns out that Mary Ann worked with Brian�s brother, Peter, who is an oncologist here in St. Louis. Peter had alerted her to Brian�s work.

Of course I resisted reading the book. But, she kept insisting, so finally one Friday evening I started reading and couldn't put it down. The next weekend, I read his first book, "Many Lives, Many Masters," and couldn't put it down either. Since I have used hypnosis in my practice from the beginning, I thought, �Well, maybe I can do this too.� Mary Ann was eager to try. It worked well for her and other of my clients were interested in PLRT also. PLRT has now become about 30% of my practice.

PLRT is not a trivial process, and I have great respect for it as well as self-hypnosis. If you want to try it just to see if you had a lifetime fighting in the Civil War, odds are you are not going to see very much unless there is learning there for you. Some people who seek me out for this kind of work have some kind of physical complaint (headaches, backache, etc.), that no one has been able to diagnose and successfully treat. Others come troubled by phobias, addiction, or weight problems. Many have a nagging sense of not having a purpose in life, or are troubled by their relationships. Rarely do they come out of just curiosity.

It is not uncommon to see a rather dramatic healing of a physical symptom with PLRT. Mary Ann had suffered from migraine headaches all her life. No one had been able to discover the cause, and she was constantly taking medications to control the auras and pain. In one of the past lives that she saw/experienced, she was a gentle Greek farmer in an ancient time (a male lifetime). He was taking his crops to the marketplace in a cart pulled by a mule. The mule balked at crossing a bridge. The farmer pulled and shoved the mule with no success. Finally, the farmer lost his temper and swatted the mule on it�s rear. The mule�s response was to kick the farmer in the head at precisely in the spot where Mary Ann�s headaches originated. The farmer died. But Mary Ann has had few headaches since.

I am not saying that this kind of healing always happens, and I certainly can't control it. But, I have seen this kind of healing many times.

Another thing that happens frequently with PLRT is that people gain an understanding about an emotion, a compulsion, or an event in their life that traditional therapy has not been able to completely resolve. For example, many clients who struggle with weight problems discover past lives where they were starving.

One young woman, Cindy, had always dreamed of going to Europe. So she worked and saved a long time in college to make her dream come true. She had always had an affinity with England, so the first stop was England. Cindy hopped a tour bus to get a feel of where she might like to spend more time visiting later.

When the bus got to a certain section of London, she became so anxious and frightened that she had to get off the bus and take a taxi back to her hotel. This event was deeply disturbing to her. An athlete and semi-pro baseball player who went to college on athletic scholarships, she had always seen herself as a strong and independent woman who could handle about anything. Cindy couldn't figure out what had frightened her so. In a regression session, she discovered that one of her past lives had been as a prostitute in London. At age 21 (about her age at the time of this trip), she was brutally murdered by Jack the Ripper in the area of London where the bus had entered. She even recognized some of the buildings. With enormous relief, she finally understood why she had been so scared.

The process of PLRT is facilitated by self-hypnosis. My role is to facilitate, interpret, and document. In other words, help the client enter a state of readiness, help them understand what they receive, and tape the session for them so that they can have a record. I have no control over what will happen and I believe that a person�s spiritual guides direct the session once I get them to the state of receiving.

Typically, the some of the following will happen. First, the client will see anything that needs to be reviewed or seen in a different light from this lifetime, if necessary. Or they may receive reconciliation or reassurances from family or friends who have already crossed over to the other side. Then they see the lifetimes from the past that are germane to their learning and growth now. It is a very efficient process; that is, you only see the lifetimes that will help you grow or resolve a personal issue. In the course of the process, people meet and learn how to access their spiritual guides (everyone has at least two with them throughout eternity; others seem to enter and leave as necessary), and get information about their purpose this go around. The typical client will work with me about 5 to 10 regression sessions after a couple of preparation sessions, some more, and some less. People seem to gain much peace and self-understanding from PLRT. And a sense that everything is not so darn important all the time.

I could ramble on for hours about PLRT, but I will resist that temptation. Some random observations before I close. It seems, up to this point in history, that if a person needs to learn more about power and control issues, they chose a male incarnation, and if they need to learn about suffering and compassion, they chose a female life time. I have not come across any famous people from the past or royalty. Most of the past lives we are shown are pretty humble and difficult. Suffering seems to be a key to learning and growth. The happy lifetimes that are shown usually involve a very simple lifestyle with much shared community. The most lifetimes I have seen in one person is 182 and the fewest is three. The spirit guides say that if we choose to destroy the earth, the process will continue in other dimensions and galaxies. We have all had lifetimes in just about every race and religion which makes prejudice seem pretty ridiculous.

It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation to gain benefit from PLRT. It can be approached on as a metaphor. PLRT is not a concept that most people feel neutral about. People tend to think it is intriguing and wonderful news or are very threatened by the concept and even hostile.

This is the first writing I have done about my experiences with PLRT, mainly because others have written well about it already. If you would like to learn more about PLRT, I would suggest any of the Brian Weiss books. All three are excellent. I do speak about PLRT a lot and give seminars on self-hypnosis as a spiritual tool, and PLRT.

Mary Ann and I have finished two books which were recently published online at The Writer�s Block. �Beyond Regression: Lessons from the Light� is a channeled work by Mary Ann from the seven spiritual Masters. �The Masters Book of Days� contains a daily quote from the Masters for reflection and meditation. Both books can be found HERE and excerpts can be read for free.

Two more books of channeled messages are planned. Once that task is done, I would like to do some research on men and women who have the gift of channeling. Thanks for reading this epistle, and I will look forward to sharing more at the chat.

Jim Jarvis
Clinical and Performance Psychology
St. Louis, MO
[email protected]

blue ^Angel^9 AsCrystal Cosmeta CyberBlade Daisy Dov-afk EaTrom foxydot Gwendy Jackie Java1

Kotka Kyzoku Margarita MrC NYKE MaryMag Luminant Joyful PWest Qwazz Ridgewlkr reality_

Reiki2u ruje Sanna StarDream VioletAngel Wizard

WE BEGIN________________________________________________

Wizard- Thanks to all for coming. I appreciate it. Bear with me on my spelling. It's a genetic gift I didn't receive. Also want to welcome Mary Ann [MaryMag] who started me on this [in the] past. She'll chime in as she wishes. And I thank her for being here as an extra [special] guest. OK, Shirl [^Angel^9], I see your hand up

^Angel^9 - My question is: - Does a person have to be under hypnosis to be regressed?

Wizard - Yes, although we get a lot of past life hints. such as meeting a stranger you instantly feel like you know or an attraction to a culture or an event like the Civil War. But, to get info like life purpose or how a previous trama may be affecting you now, that needs to be done in trance. Does that answer your [question], Angel?

^Angel^9 - Yes, you did, but I have never been able to be hypnotised, and wonder if I will ever be.

Wizard - Well, actually, we are going in and out of trance all day long. It's a very natural state, and our mind/body connection is always looking for a trance to be in. So, when someone says they can't be in trance, that might mean that their expectations are wrong.

Cosmeta - I am familiar with past life regression, but would like to know if anyone here can SEE it clairvoyantly? Thanks.

Joyful - Are you using the term "trance" in the same way one might say hypnotic state?

Wizard - trance=hypnosis Or they may not trust me enough to let be in trance with them as well as lead the session. Most trances are eyes open, by the way.

MaryMag - I found that if you are open and are with someone you can trust, trance follows naturally in sequence.

Wizard - And trances can be very active such as in sports or at work.

Jackie - I go into some sort of trance when I do mundane chores.

Wizard - Clinical definition of hypnosis is a relaxed state of focused concentration.

foxydot - I drop into a trance at the drop of a hat, then I nap.

Cosmeta - trance=altered state; i.e. to focus or to have tunnel vision - hypnosis to me means to have another speak to ones subconsicious mind, in my humble opinion, though there are other trances that are not relaxed like fear or anger trances.

Wizard - Well, foxydot, sleep is a trance too. :)

foxydot - I actually have my most clear past life memories when I am asleep - like dreams, but clearer ..and less "unreal". Of course, I was never a cricket

Wizard> Well, I think dreams are pretty revealing and can certainly contain past life memories.

MaryMag - I think daydreams and our imaginations are clues as well.

Wizard - Some people have a natural gift for trance and can go very deep in a moment. But, we can all do it in our own way.

Wizard - The channelers that I have worked with are in trance very quickly. But, actually, it takes about 10 seconds for the rest of us too. Think about how fast you can get into a good book or movie. We just haven't been told it's a trance.

Joyful - It seems you call an altered state of any sort a trance, is that correct?

Wizard - Yes, though there are many different types of trances. Finally, I think life is just one big group trance. We all agree that a chair is a chair and all those moving atoms become a chair.

Jackie - Can you give us an example of a case where someone had major life problems and was helped by PLRT?

Wizard - Sure. One person, a woman, had a lifelong struggle with weight, and it really depressed her. Turned out she saw several lifetimes where she and her kids never had enough food. Always cold and hungry. It's helped her understand why she could never feel full.

Cosmeta - Can I add something to Jackie's question...

Jackie - Why did that one life come to the fore in this one [for her]?

Wizard - It also helped her to stop being so self condemning.

^Angel^9 - Did it help her to lose weight?

Jackie - Was this an overall pattern in many past lives of hers? ...the self-condemnation?

Wizard - [to Jackie] Actually, several lives. Probably because she was ready to deal with the issue and move on.

Jackie - So we deal with the most important issues so we can grow?

Wizard - (to ^Angel^9) Yes, she lost weight, but also gave herself permission not to be "model thin." Just more physically comfortable. And more comfortable with herself. Yes, Jackie, it's all about growth and learning. And we've all had lifetimes that are not fun to review.

foxydot - I am blessed with chronic depression, and have wondered if that might be tied to past lives, as i had a fairly normal childhood....

Wizard - Certainly, [foxydot]. You may have suffered some losses that were never fully grieved.

foxydot - The two lives I remember with any detail both involved killing others at some point.

Wizard - But, there are a lot of factors in depression, including genetics.

(foxydot copies/pastes to the channel: Margarita - But I'm not depressed and I wear her [foxydot's] genes (margarita is foxydot's sister]

Wizard - Well, you have to understand the lifetime in the context of the time and culture in which it occurred. And the system is not judgmental. Just for learning. There is a lot of violence in some of my past lives. It's not fun to review, but it happened in a culture where it seemed appropriate at the time.

(reality_ pastes a question here:)< Gwendy - How do you know is not a trick of the imagination and that is a real past life?

Joyful - Is there a method you recommend people use to connect with past life memories?

Jackie - Good questions.

Wizard - Well, Joyful, I think one-on-one trance works best if you are looking for info about who your guides are, your individual life purpose, and past lives influences. And I think some memories will only be revealed with the presence of a supportive observer because of the tramatic nature of the memory.

Joyful - I agree with you.

Wizard - But again, you can get glimpses just by noticing what your interests are, what and whom you are drawn to.

Jackie - What about imagination? About imagination... I take it [past life memories/imagination] literally, because I've had so many validating expereinces. But it can be helpful as a metaphor as well.

Jackie - I guess we need to pay attention and validate our imagination as real, not unreal.

Wizard - For example, I saw in one of my personal sessions that I was a Roman Soldier at the time of Christ. A client who didn't know that, saw a lifetime at the time of Christ [also] and saw me in it as a soldier. And that kind of thing has happened a lot in my work with past lives.

(blue pastes multipart question to the channel for Cosmeta: 1. If we were to agree that time and space are illusional, and that we are spirits first who are in possession of a physical body; would you agree or disagree that the past is not really the past, but very much in the present?
2. With regard to past lives, therefore, if our memories are held in the akashia, (i.e. etheric or astral to mental body vehicles), then would you say, that we are walking around with our past INSIDE of us? Therefore, it is not really the past? Would you agree that we are multidimensional?

Wizard - Cosmeta, good questions.

Wizard - The Masters who spoke through MaryMag say that all lifetimes are co-occuring and happening at the same time.

Wizard - I don't quite understand that [myself], but it's sort of like time moves sideways rather than back to front. So, I would say that we are walking around with our past inside of us. We are certainly multidimensional.

Cosmeta> Thank you, Wiz.

^Angel^9 - [That] Past/Present/Future all occur simultaneously is really difficult concept [for humans] to conceive [of].

Jackie - I think of it as multidimensional dramas.

^Angel^9 - Does being drawn to practice Reiki in this lifetime suggest that i have done so before? i felt strangely drawn to my tai chi and reiki teacher the first time i ever hear her name, before we ever met (at some point, new learning must take place, yes?)

Wizard - Well, Angel, I think time is a human conception which is probably different than on the spiritual planes. And, yes, Angel, a strong attraction to Reiki, could certainly mean you practiced it in a past life. As you know, it's a very ancient art. Well, new learning on layered on the old learnings. And it seems that our learning follows us. Or the old lessons are relearned very quickly.

PWest - What about [seeing our] future lives?

Wizard> Paul, some think you can see future lives. That has not been my experience.

PWest - Past and future are not the same, in my opinion.

Wizard - I don't denign it, I just haven't seen anyone be presented with a future life in my work.

^Angel^9 - Genius progeny children, say like, Mozart, who was a great composer/musician many lifetimes before he incarnated as Mozart: Do all masters take many lifetimes to achieve that level?

Wizard - Good question, Angel. And I'm really not sure.

Wizard - He started composing at a very young age, so it wouldn't surprise me. I also think that geniuses are able to tap into the universal knowledge in a narrow area of their life, though may not be able to apply it to other areas. Like a brilliant surgeon who is not a compassionate person.

^Angel^9 - Oh, like Frank Lloyd Wright was a billiant architect, but ignored his own family? Wow, what karma. Wizard - Good example, Angel.

Jackie - What about transmigration?...that we were animals/birds/etc. in past lives, for instance. Have you seen this in your work?

Wizard - Jackie, a lot of people believe this or want to believe it. It has not been my experience. There is a class of spirit guide, however, called "special messengers" who come in animal form to help the person learn a lession like love and compassion. Usually, but not always, small animals.

PWest - Is that because animals aren't as self aware, so when a soul is incarnate into one it has no memory of it?

Wizard - Well, Paul, about animals, I don't know. MaryMag's material says that animals are an "in the present moment system' and we are to learn from them about living life.

PWest - amen

^Angel^9 - Yes, amen paul

Wizard - But, some people get very upset when someone says animals have a different sort of soul and system than we do.

(blue pastes a question for MrC) Why is the regression experience important? If we are souls on a pathway in the now and looking ahead, why look back?

PWest - "truth is a pathless land"

Wizard - The looking back is to bring the lesson or learning into this lifetime. Or the learning might have been missed. Plus, understanding that a particular symptom has its root in a past life can give some people enormous relief.

PWest - I was told recently that in a past life i was married and had a daughter names jasmine. when I was younger in this lifetime I used to have thoughts about a girl called jasmine and how I thought it was a nice name. As thought is memory-based I figure that is how one taps into it? -like we are actually faced with subtle memories of the past right now, but it's a matter of distinguishing them?

Wizard - I think that's the case Paul. My mother once knocked my sister across the room at age 5 because she told her about a past life.

^Angel^9 - oooooooooooooooh poor kid

Wizard - It seems that when we come into physical form, the memories are still pretty fresh about the other side.

PWest - Wizard, do you think that each lifetime, or particularly this lifetime, is for further integrating the spectrum of self-experience?

Wizard - Well, yes Paul. But, I think we all share a universal purpose which is to learn and to grow, to love and to serve. Then we all have our individual spins on that.

^Angel^9 - Wizard, I like that.

PWest - How often have you regressed someone to find out they are an important figure in human history?

Wizard - No famous people, Paul.

PWest - Not even locally famous, like to a village coffee-morning level?

Wizard - I did work with one woman who was a concubine in one of the chinese courts. She was in a position to help people and didn't. . .

^Angel^9 - How did that manifest in this lifetime (for the concubine)?

Wizard - Angel, she had a leadership role in helping children.

^Angel^9 - Oh, kool.

Daisy - Can you determine pre-trance if the session will be a past life experience for the client?

Wizard - No , I can't I have no control over what will happen. My role is to get the person to the door, and then see what happens. The spirit guides lead the session at that point.

Daisy - Thank-you

PWest -In your experience of regression, have you found anybody who has regressed over the course of lifetimes? i.e. some lifetimes get better, then they degrade?

Wizard - The process is very efficent. The guides only take you where you will get the learning you need right now. Sometimes the lesson is patience, which means you might not get a past life at a particular session. Or it might be letting go of control. But, the way to approach it is that whatever happens is okay and intended.

PWest - Have you regressed yourself Wizard? What were you?

Wizard - Yes, Paul (PWest), I had my own regression therapy which was very healing in a number of ways. I did my with a psychiactric nurse that I trust a lot.

PWest - What did you do in past lives?

Wizard - I have always had a love/hate relationship with the church. Hate it for what it is, love it for what it could be. I had a lot of therapy on that issue, but could never connect the learning with the emotions. I discovered that I had a life time as the abbot of a small abbabbey in southern spain during the inquisition. I really loved the church and when my mentors started killing off my friends and monks under my care, I got very disillusioned. When I saw that lifetime, something inside me said "Of course! That's where those feelings come from." It was very healing for me. I was raised in a parsonage family, by the way. Guess I was to confront that issue this lifetime and resolve it. :) I also was killed a number of times on horseback. I love horses, but don't have a lot of desire to get on one this go around.

Jackie - any further questions or comments???

PWest - Is there any way to prove that we actually have past lives, or when exploring the root of something does the mind simply manufacture scenarios based on access to the factual resources that it is open to?

Wizard - Well, there is, Paul, but it's still a matter of your belief system, I guess. When Brian Weiss was in St. Louis last fall, he said he had given up trying to validate it. He met an anathesialogist who used hypnosis on his work in Switzerland. This guy had a number of patients who remembered pastlives in Nazi Germany as Jews, including the tatoos on their arms. He checked the records and the names matched. Weiss also checked and found that so convincing that he says he doesn't need to see any more proof.

PWest - This isn't necessarily proof of past lives though, although convincing.

Wizard - I could tell a lot of stories like that, but I'll refrain. Maybe another evening. :)

MaryMag - I actually did follow up on some of my past lives and found them to be factually/historically accurate. But after awhile the proof isn't so important. It's what you learn from the experience.

Jackie - Does the mind try to tell us that our imagination is running wild and to discount past life memories? Our belief system enters into that too, right? How do we get past our belief system?

PWest - (you don't)

Jackie - Mine is like a brick wall.

Wizard - Well, I believe there is a loving and compassionate One who gives us a lot of chances to learn and grow and not judge us.

Jackie - I agree!

Wizard - So past lives fits my belief system. But, there are many paths to the truth. And all the paths are important.

MaryMag - True, and no one path is superior or inferior to any other.

Jackie - I believe in past lives, but don't remember any of them consciously. So it may not be important for me to remember them?

Wizard - I was once making some snide remarks to my sister the Soul about conversative religion in Southern West Virginia. (Conversative as in "being saved.") She was quiet for a moment and then said. Well, at least they are on a path. It may take them to something else. Some people, Jackie, are on track for their purpose and learning, and don't need to review past lives. Again, it is an efficient system. In my less mellow days, "I used to ask, saved from what?"

^Angel^9 - I did too ... maybe saved from ourselves, maybe saved from our compulsions.

Wizard - That would be nice, Angel.

^Angel^9 - Everything is within Love is within
God is within

Wizard - Well, friends, I want to thanks you all for staying on for so long.

Joyful - Thank you for coming and sharing tonight

Jackie - We loved it!

MaryMag - The knowledge we need is also within.

^Angel^9 - Yeah, and thank you Jim.

Jackie - Thanks Wizard...it was very educational. reality_ - Thank you, Wizard

MaryMag - Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome. Great to hear your thoughts and questions. I learn alot always. Thanks Wizard for inviting me.

Jackie - Let's give JIM a big Group HUG!

Reiki2u - Thanks Wizard...this is the longest I have seen you in chat! lol

Wizard - My pleasure, friends. See ya online. We'll do it again sometime if you like.

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