For your listening pleasure "Imagine" by John Lennon. This song plays only once. It can be turned off or on at the button below. More inspiring midis are found on our other pages. Enjoy.


Examine life's tapestry,
Find yourself there.
See how the threads of your life
Are woven together
With those of others.

Threads of love and work
And tears and laughter
Stretch back across the years
To ancestors unknown.
Friends unmet.

Threads newly woven.
Tie your cares and hopes
To familiar faces
And those yet forming
Whose threads must still be spun.

Joy and sorrow.
Delight and sadness
Are entwined in the fabric
Of our lives.

If we could remove
A thread of sorrow.
Would we not risk unraveling
Our joy also?

Could we pull out a thread
Of pain, without removing
The love and compassion
That are knotted to it?

Let the wheel spin,
The shuttle fly:
The cloth is whole
And we are one."
> ---Author Unknown

This background is from
Boogie Jack's Web Depot

This page was created on May 31, 1999.

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