Alex's Poem

Contributed by Laurie Hebert from North Pole. Alaska U.S.A.


The Father's light is in all who abide
With His love and wisdom as their guide
To those who will but ask
Help will come to shoulder the task
With each new day a wonder of thankfulness
That we should continue to exist
But only to live for the higher will
For the work within us but to fill
His love always as a comforting cloak
To lighten the burdens upon our yoke.
A lesson forever to be learned
And from that teaching you cannot turn
For what may not seem to benefit
Is there solely to continue a lift
That is to bring you closer into the light
So when the time comes forever to be bright
A brilliance that will be clearly seen
To those also seeking to be gleaned.
Visions of inner eye to be seen
Of a future from a dream
Where paths of humanity may lead
If mindful of warnings taken heed.
Community of peace with diversity
With abiding love and trust the key
A center or core from within
With the children to begin.
A place for all ages who give to mind
True service that makes all one kind
Neither for poor or rich to be
But to anyone with a need.
For thirst of learning or healing of hurt
Even a place for growing and playing in dirt.
Once thought as a facility apart
Now becomes a community's heart.
Built with purpose to begin together
A place for learning and sharing with each other.
For a future of peace to be
Must begin with each community.
With Father's love and Father's light
A vision will continue to burn bright
As guidance for all who will be involved
Till His plan begins to evolve
This is the transition of humankind
Not one that's physical, but of the mind.

If you like this soft background, go see the lovely textures Brian has at Timid Textures!!

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This page last modified: February 21. 1999
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