For your listening pleasure "Water" by Enya. This song plays only once. It can be turned off and on at the button below. More inspiring midis are found on our other pages. Enjoy.

** Our Beloved Pets **


This page is reserved for special stories about pets or any animals you love...furry, feathered, etc....those still in physical bodies and those who are already passed over the Rainbow Bridge...which you may want to share with us here. Please send me your inspiring poems, funny stories, and pictures (attached to email) and I will add them here as soon as I possibly can. Check out the Rainbow Bridge Web Ring (below) for many great Pets links on WWW. Thanks.



By Jennifer L. Goodman (numb)

TIPPY was probably my best friend. When we moved into a new house, they told me I could pick out a kitten for my very own, since my first cat Tippy had ran away. I picked out the runt of the litter.. a tiny little puffball of black and white..small enough the fit inside one hand of me as a little four year old. He was born in April to a litter of 8 brothers and sisters, but something about him made me decide "Mommy I want this one". Tippy put up with a lot from me. I kinda accidently, on purpose, dropped him down the stairs once just to see if he'd land on his feet... he didn't. As I got older and grew out of the phase, he was still my best friend. At night he'd curl up in bed beside of me, and often times, before morning, wind up stretched across my neck or piled up on top of my face... but I loved him. He began to get sick over the summer. A runt that once fit in the hand of a tiny four year old, grew to weigh 20 pounds, then all of a sudden he lost all of his weight again. He died Thursday morning October 16. He had starved to death, he was so sick he couldn't eat. He has a place of honor in the back yard now, with a little wooden cross that says Tippy. The entire family will miss him, but none as much as me. He was definitely my best friend.


by VioletAngel

From your corner all soft and warm,
I scoop you up into my arm.
You look at me with sleepy eyes
As if to say WHY?
Disturbed from your dream travel,
Poor kitty cat!
Your sweet dreams unravel,
at the drop of a hat.
The look that you give me seems to say,
and be on your way!

Email Jackie!


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Our Beloved Pets Page was last modified on April 4, 1999

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