Bridge Topics

In #bridge channel we enjoy discussions concerning:

Ascension - And All It's Ramifications

Ancient Civilizations-Pangea, Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Vedic, etc.

Angels - Our Guardians and Guides

Astrology - Ancient Science of the Cosmos

Books - What have YOU been reading lately?

Channeling - Who you gonna call?

Comparative Religions - Exploring Our Belief Systems

God Family - Father, Mother, Son

Healing Modalities - Reiki, Essential Oils, Crystals, Colors, etc.

Inspiration - Do you need a ((((HUG)))) today?

Love - Caring enough to give our very best.

Music - Power through vibrations

OBEs/NDEs - Where have you been and where are you going?

Poetry - The Language of the Gods

Psychology - Mind/Ego/Id

Reincarnation - Have you lived before?

Relationships/Family - At-ONE-ment with our other-selves

Spirituality - Investing in Light, Power, and Love

Tarot/Runes/Oracles - Ancient Tools

UFOs/ETs - Our Universal Family

Prophesies - Nostradamus, Hopi, Mayan, Biblical, etc.


Other fun things we do in #bridge include:

GIF and JPG trading (graphic files)

Wav and Midi trading (sound files)

Special Conferences/Classes

IRC Help

Topics Page last updated: February 20, 1999

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