
In a nutshell, palmistry is the study of the lines and features of the hand. These can tell a palm reader basic information about the personality and something of the future of the person being read.

I'm an admitted amateur at this, but I'm constantly learning about the variances in different people's hands. I've also been told by previous subjects that I'm very accurate, and I'm getting better the more that I read. In order to learn more, I study a variety of palms. The best way to do this is to have my prospective subjects make photocopies or scans of their palms and the backs of their hands, with which I then do a reading.

If you're interested in having your palms read by a fairly proficient amateur for free(!), all you have to do is send me one of the following:

  • Direct scans of EACH palm and the BACKS of EACH hand, large sized and at a dpi of about 300-400, in JPG format ONLY -- please, no BMP, TIFF, or GIF files! Also, please do NOT scan them both at the same time as this makes for a file that's just a bit TOO large. Samples of what both direct scans and scans of copies look like can be found here;
  • -OR-
  • High-quality close-up digital photos of each palm and the back of each hand, with nails and lines fully visible. It might be best to let a friend take them, and to make sure your camera is set at best quality. Use a camera with NO LESS than 2.0 megapixels;
  • A self-picture -- I like to be able to see whose hands I'm reading;
  • Your age;
  • Your birthdate;
  • And finally, whether you are right or left handed.

    Send all this to me. Your scans or photos are likely to be huge files, but don't panic -- I'm used to it! If your direct scans or photos do not turn out clearly, you may scan photocopies, though if you're going to make photocopies, you might consider sending them via regular mail to the address below. If you send copies via mail, please also tell which hand you normally use most, your age, and your birthdate, as well as an e-mail address that the reading can be sent to -- I do NOT have the spare postage lying about to send readings through the mail.

    Be warned, though: It will take me a while to do your reading, but it's worth the wait as I will do the best reading I can for you -- please be patient! :) If you haven't heard from me in a while after my first response to you, feel free to e-mail me and keep after me about your reading. And also bear in mind that for the time being, I'm currently only accepting requests from MALE subjects.

    If you have no access to a scanner, you can always send photocopies via snail-mail to the Emperor Dalek at the following address:

    Tony Whitt
    4009 Iberville Street
    New Orleans, Louisiana USA 70119

    Click here for a couple of samples to show you know what your scans should look like.

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