A Greeting...

Welcome traveler. Have you too fallen through the portal? Well never mind. My name is Earthpig. Does it seem such a strange name to you? Earth is your homeworld after all, and in the most populous country on your world, the pig is considered great good luck. Weapons from your world have always brought me luck. I have fought beside your kind many times in the last hundreds of years. I left the palace of my mother the queen, Zxcvb of Mars. That was 600 years ago. I have worn Earth armor, and carried a blade from Earth all that time. That time on earth ended just a few days ago reckoned by this worlds sun. I stepped through a portal, and found myself here, with no obvious route back. Walk with me a while and I share my thought with you as we wend to yon tavern whose lights you can discern in the far distance.

Earthpigs Musings...

My sword was made by a man named Ritter. As you can see, the blade is a very springy steel and full yard long. The cross hilt and pommel are brass, and the grip is ebony. I'd like to get a dagger like it sometime. I wonder how clever the smithes in this world are.

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