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Autumn, 2001
As you probably know, very few people took the warnings seriously.
The World Government, (NWO) conspired with the aliens, (beta reticulan greys) and handed over earth in an orderly transfer of power January 1, 2000. The terms were stark. The population is enslaved and eventually will be food for the aliens. Humans are encouraged to breed prolifically, as they are in demand as slaves and entrees on many worlds. The leaders of the NWO were allowed to remain as our overseers. A threat to the plan has emerged however. Some humans were allergic to the hallucinogen that enslaved 99% of the population. You who are not now lotus eaters are the only ones who can read this page, so you know this. Unless you are one of the vary few who were missed? Rumors persist about you. The world seems as it was, but IT IS NOT THE SAME!

Seek out your local anti-alien militia Stockpile resources to aid your survival, evasion and escape. Act quickly
Eat as much ginger as you can. It increases the likelyhood of an allergic response to the hallucinogen. This could win your freedom when all else is lost.
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