
Saturn, like Jupiter, spins very quickly on its axis and is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Due to the fact that it spins very rapidly, it has flattened poles, and a bulge at its equator. Winds near the equator form a superfast jetstream traveling at one-thousand eight-hundred kilometers per hour (four-hundred seventy miles per hour). This superfast jetstream is four times the speed of the fastest winds on jupiter.
A very unusual thing about Saturn is the fact that Saturn is less dense than water, two thirds as dense as water to be exact. This makes Saturn the least dense known planet. If you put all the planets in an ocean, saturn would be the only planet that would float.
Saturn has more moons than any other planet. So far thirty moons have been discovered and maybe there are others orbiting around Saturn. Saturn's largest moon is Titan, second in size only to Ganymede. Though it is big, size is not the only thing that makes Titan unusual. Titan is the only moon with an atmosphere that can support life. Its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen but it is made of carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and other gasses as well. Because of this Titan has a hazy orange glow. A lot of these gasses are poisonous to most life on earth. But an impressive fact is that Earth's atmosphere was alot like Titan's atmosphere before life evolved. Some scientists think that life exists on Titan, but no life has been found on Titan,...yet.

name of topicSaturn
diameter120,000 kilometers
special featuresGreat red spot, flat at poles.
temperature extremesunknown? to -180�C
GassesH, He, CH4, NH4
distance from earth1,277,000,000 kilometers
mass of topic95 times earth's mass
any moons30 (Nat'l Geographic world June 2001)

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