Well..., since you asked...

The space fleets of 2097 are similar to fleets on earth in 1997. Each fleet would be based around a carrier battlegroup.

One heavy carrier,(w one space wing, incl 80 various craft) crew 5000,

One medium carriers,(w transport, special craft for assault, incl 60 various craft)

Three cruisers crew 358 ea, lasers

Five destroyers crew 339 ea, lasers, torpedoes

Six patrol boats ea w crew 24, & 14 seals

One multipurpose assault ship, crew 900 & 2000 marines, plus transports 3 large, 30 small, & 30 assault craft

Two spacedock repair ship ea crew 400

Two fast supply ships ea crew 600

Two mine countermeasures ships crew 80

All fleet ships have kinetic kill guns, numbers vary but two types: 155mm kem (60 rds/min),

and 30mm EMChem (2000 rds/min)


23 ships, 203 tactical craft, 20000 sailors, marines, etc.

Several Fleets because it takes time to deploy

1st Fleet: Space within orbit of Mars
home port on Phobos/VM Northside (main base/surface facility)

2nd Fleet: Space between Mars and Jupiter, incl Jupiter
home port on Europa

3rd Fleet: Space beyond Jupiter*(3rd Fleet has two heavy carriers, six cruisers, eight destroyers and ten patrol boats, otherwise standard fleet makeup. Frequently divides into inward, outward fleets)
home ports: inward on Titan, outward on Oberon.

*in a practical sense however, there is no fleet presence beyond Neptune

The fleets exist to protect Earth interests and thereby the interests of humanity in general.


Fledgling private space enterprises begin opening the space frontier

UN attemps to assert complete control over space access

March Revolution: reaction to UN power grab. Conflict ends in 2004, UN gone, replaced by EarthGov with limited powers beyond earth.

Growth of EarthGov power through treaty

High Temperature Plasma Drive becomes practical

The Space Explosion saw the formation a many colonies and off earth interests.

EarthGov, with the only credible space navy, becomes the the policeman of the solar system. Humanity's presence in the Kuiper belt is minimal, but growing

Reports of Alien technology in the Kuiper Belt

Colony founded near K40G131up1.5(SD2500)

Contact Lost


Project Newmoon begun.

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