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Couplets and Haiku

Iamb what Iamb:

 ya know that Im the kind of guy who cries.
 and still you use my tears to salt your fries?

 I get excited 'bout good poetry,
 Iambic penta meter yeah baby.

irrelavant haikus:

 I drink ginger ale,
 I wish it was IBC.
 I want a rootbeer.
 I take aspirin,
 two at a time, with water.
 because my back hurts.
 Im thinking of you,
 wondering what you look like.
 send me a pic, 'kay?
 A three button mouse,
 a keyboard, a monitor,
 what a small world, mine.
 and last but not least,
 the song passionate kisses,
 whats she really want?
 Thanks for reading it,
 I enjoyed the writing part.
 talk to you later.
 your friend in georgia,
 father of two and married,
 mike (thirty eight/ M).
 sometimes I cant stop,
 I think in haiku for days*.
 scary isnt it.
 *Okay, as you guessed
  I am exaggerating.
  (usually just hours)
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