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Crysania, the raven haired cleric of Paladine, was involved in the Legends Trilogy. Raistlin chose her to play a part in his plan to take over the world. While Crysania thought that she was turnig Raistlin towards Paladine, Raistlin in truth was only using her. He convinced Crysaina that she was the only one who truly knew him and that he wanted her help him. Crysania fell in love with Raistlin and began doing whatever he asked, within reason. She disappointed Caramon when he told her how he felt about her, and she was rejected by Raistlin when she tried to seduce him. She followed Raistlin into the Abyss and fought for him. When she lay dying, Raistlin turned away from her, and she realized that Raistlin had been using her the whole time. In truth, she had loved her "quest" from Paladine of converting Raistlin to a follower of Paladine more then she had loved Raistlin himself. When Caramon followed Raistlin into the Abyss, he rescued Crysania and brought her back o Krynn.

She went back to her regular life at the price of her sight. She walks in darkness, guided by a mysterious white tiger.

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