All About ME!!!

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Ok, I'm dedicating a whole page to yours truly! Alright, here we go! My real first name is Melissa and my middle name is Mandy, and I'm not telling you my last name because I don't want to be stalked! I have three brothers, Steven, Jonathan, and Jacob. Steven is my twin brother. Out of the two of us, I consider myself the Raistlin. Steven is more jolly and happy-go-lucky than I am. I tend to be more sarcastic and I do get better grades than him! Jonathan is 7 and has played almost every sport in the book. He is going to give basketball a try now, wish him luck! Jacob is 3 and is cute as a button! He is also very smart and you can carry out a decent conversation with him.

My parents are divorced and both re-married, so I do have step-parents too! I live with my mom and step-dad and twin in Dallas, while my dad, step-mom, and other bros live in Kansas City. I visit my dad every Christmas, Spring break, and summer. That's why I have mail forwarded to me during these times!

I am a freshman this year and the high school I go to is huge! I am taking advanced art and English classes, all the other basics, and Jounior R.O.T.C. R.O.T.C. is a blast! I'm on the Sabre Drill Team, the Female Cadet Drill Team, and Physical Training. everyone jokes around and has a real good time in that class! When I'm not at school, R.O.T.C., or at soccer practice, I listen to music, read DL novels, and play on the computer (typical, huh?)

I have done it finally! I have gotten up one of my drawings! I consider this to be my best one, and if you can tell me where you've seen it before, I will be very impressed! Ha! There is only one problem now! There is a huge black box on the side of the picture...I have no idea what it is so dont ask me... Ok.....My Drawing!!!

That's all I've got to say about that (I love movies!) If you want to know anything else, e-mail me!

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