Traces of Autumn by Slippin' Mickeys CLASSIFICATION: V, A, R RATING: PG SUMMARY: The result of watching "City Of Angels" one too many times. KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully romance. SPOILERS: None. DISCLAIMER: HA! Don't need one. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: To the loyal support of the XFFFA (X-Files fanfiction Anonymous) over at the XFFFA site ( ) , which I recommend for anyone who's hooked on fanfic. And of course, to the chat chicks of Monday night. ARCHIVE: Please! Just keep my name and email address attached, and let me know where it's going to be so that I can visit! FEEDBACK: I frame each one and put them on my wall. NOTE: This is technically a character death, BUT- I for one, won't touch character deaths, and I actually wrote this. It's a different brand of CD. I promise. So, come on, if I can write it, YOU can read it! Traces of Autumn By Slippin' Mickeys <><><><><><><><><><><><> It smelled that day of Autumn. A cool, crisp freshness remembered like a childhood. Of earth and amber-touched leaves speckling the landscape, carried low to the ground by a sun-warmed, sweet-smelling breeze. She could still smell his essence. A tangy aroma of spicy after-shave, highlighted by the salty effervescence of sunflower seeds, and dark, rich redolence that was purely him. The day looked, and sounded, and felt, and tasted of him. Of the dark black leather of his favorite coat. Smooth and cool under her touch, enveloping her senses and herself in a cocoon of memory. Of the grip of his hand in hers, warm and dry. Squeezing on occasion with a reassurance of safety and love. Of his voice. Deep and rich, a steady cadence of humor, intelligence and wit. Thick, warm, and gravely, like honey dripped over sand. Of his smile, beaming but rare, like a solar eclipse. Bringing with it every time, a surge of excitement and emotion. She could close her eyes and feel his cheek next to hers, his raspy five o'clock shadow scratching her skin like a warm wool blanket on a cold December night. Its comfort a blessing. She could feel and taste his kisses, each one like the first; new and passionate. His mouth a cavern of keen heat and fervent emotion. Each kiss ending with a promise of more. She remembered his looks of surprise and adoration, anger and merriment, rapture and grief. She remembered his laugh and his whistle, and recalled with perfect clarity his hugs and kisses, his playful slaps and tickles. She remembered the way he felt, the way he sounded, the way he smelled and tasted and looked. She would always carry his memory, blanketing her with love and hope. It smelled that day of Autumn, and she breathed it in, and whispered out a silent goodbye. Fin. <><><><><><><> Feedback: Absolutely cherished. Slippin' Mickeys Fanfiction Webpage: XFFFA (X-Files FanFiction Anonymous):