Category: Post-finale, MSR, I forgot the rest of these. That�s enough, right?
Rating: PG-13

Summary: 25 years in one night.

Manifest Destiny
Category: Action/Adventure, Angst, MSR
Rating: R

Summary: In a post-colonization world wracked by upheaval, Mulder and Scully must battle to find themselves, each other, and the vaccine, with the help of those they meet along the way. Out of a world encrusted with ash, they must rise.

Last Chance Falls
Category: Action/Adventure, MSR
Rating: R

Summary: A man. A woman. A forest. A hit squad. An adventure.

(Nominated for the 1999 Starbuck's for Outstanding Long Story; Outstanding Mulder characterization; and Outstanding Original X-File)

Category: V, MSR
Rating: PG-13

Summary: What do you do when there's nothing left to live for?

Nothing II: Finding the Jewel
Category: V, MSR
Rating: PG

Summary: Everyone can discover their treasure. The trick is to hold onto it.

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