Part 15 Mulder watched the two groups leave, Scully still quasi-sitting in his lap. They sat in silence as their friends footsteps retreated into stillness. "Scully…" Mulder finally whispered, dropping his head to her shoulder. "I know," she said, looping her arm up to hold the back of his head to her, "I do." They stayed that way for minutes, breathing in the essence of one another's long absent company. Finally, Mulder spoke, his voice muffled somewhat by it's proximity to her shoulder. "Do you remember the last time we saw each other?" He asked, and finally raised his head, searching out her eyes, "because I do. "I remember, Scully," he went on, "and it's the only moment that I've *ever* spent with you that I'd rather forget." She looked at him sympathetically and nodded. He continued. "After I remembered-after the amnesia-it was the last moment that I'd had with you. It was the only thing I had to go on, …. I remember what that was like Scully, and I never want to go through that again." Scully closed her eyes for a moment and thought back to the last time she'd seen Mulder before he'd disappeared and colonization had begun. They'd had an argument, based on the deep-seated issue of belief-the only issue, if anything, that had continually kept them apart. "Is it *so* hard to believe, Scully, is it *that* difficult to open your mind a *fraction* and accept that it *might* be possible?" he'd asked. He'd been angry. More upset than normal, too angry for his usual air of indifference that he'd exude when he was upset. He'd stressed certain words, and that vein on his left temple had been sticking out. She'd forgotten the actual subject of the argument. At that point though, it hadn't really mattered. They were back at square one, where everything came down to when it concerned them. Belief. Or lack thereof. "Yes, actually, Mulder," she'd said, "it is." He'd clenched his jaw and stared at her, daring her to continue. So she did. "Mulder," she said, "honestly. The way your mind works transcends the ages. It's childlike and feeble at the same time." "What?" He'd nearly spat. "The things you believe in, Mulder. Concepts easily grasped by children and old people-because kids haven't yet found reason not to believe, and the venerable have every reason *to* believe." She hadn't meant the statement as a derogatory one, but he'd taken it that way nonetheless. He'd gotten really upset at that point and had grown very silent. A staring contest ensued that had been interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He'd answered it quickly, and after a few short exchanges, he'd hung up, grabbed his coat and left. But not before he stopped in the doorway and looked at her with disdain. "I'm leaving," he'd said. "I can see that," she'd replied in a clipped, icy tone. "Where?" He'd given her a huff of breath and a smart grin and said, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." And that was the last that she'd seen him. In the time after his disappearance and the colonization, she'd often thought back to that day. And the two worlds-one she'd believed in, and the one in which she now lived-still warred with each other. Sometimes she'd wondered why he believed in the things he did. Sometimes she'd wondered why she didn't. His rumbled words behind her shook her out of her reverie. "I don't want to go back there again, Scully," he said, giving her middle a slight squeeze, "ever." He paused a moment. "I want things to be different." She didn't respond at that point. She merely twisted around a little and grabbed his head in her two hands. She planted a firm kiss on his lips, and another on his forehead. They looked at one another for a few moments and she leaned in for another kiss. When she pulled away, his lips tried to follow. She smiled at him and ran her fingers through the hair on his face. "Come on," she said, scooting backward a bit and reaching for his hand, "help me up." He obliged and asked, "Where are we going?" "To the table," she replied, "I need you to help wrap my ankle a little better, and we have things to talk about." He paused a moment to take one more reverent eyeful, then stooped to grab his backpack with the first aid kit in it and finally helped her to the table. XxXxXxXxXxX John, Cass and Richter were making their way back to the room, their senses somewhat dulled by nearly an hour of no action and fruitless searching. "Chicago is gone?" Cass asked, her voice somewhat incredulous and louder than was probably wise. "Yes," Richter answered, "nearly all of it as far as I could tell." They'd been making nice with each other, John and Richter finding that they'd been in college at the same time and that their schools had played each other in various sporting events. "Jesus," John said quietly. "So we've gone from cows to extra-terrestrials… Talk about progress," Cass spoke. She took a few steps and stopped, holding her hand up, indicating to the other two men to do the same. John quietly moved up beside her, leaning his mouth in by her ear. "What is it?" he whispered. Cass made a walking movement with her fingers then pointed in the direction of the room, down the hallway. They were only a couple hundred yards from the door, and had been wondering how to intrude on Mulder and Scully without causing anyone any undue embarrassment. After a moment, both John and Richter heard it too, footsteps-but more like someone running-getting steadily closer. They nearly didn't have a time to draw their guns before Invictus and Elspeth tore around the corner at break-neck speed. Invictus pushed off from the wall as he made the turn, refusing to slow one bit. "What the…?" Richter said, then all three lowered their weapons and ran toward the two others only slowing and stopping when they met in front of their room's entrance. Mulder and Scully, sitting across from one another at the table, hands locked together, both looked up, surprised. Elspeth and Invictus both doubled over, leaning against their knees and the wall. "What…" Cass started, "What happened? Where's Alan?" "He didn't make it," Elspeth said, looking up between breaths. "You mean you ran into… but you got away?" Scully said, as she made her way to the doorway and the others slowly, held nearly all the way up by Mulder. Invictus nodded. "So we're going to have company?" Mulder asked gravely. Invictus nodded again. "And Alan…" Cass hedged. Invictus finally straightened, "You know how you said his head was usually so far up his ass that it you were surprised it was still sitting on top of his shoulders?" Cass looked at him strangely and nodded. "Well," Invictus said, "that's no longer going to be a problem." Elspeth unconsciously wiped at her face and clothes again where Alan's blood had spattered. Cass glanced at her and put her hand to the wall to steady herself. "I think I'm going to be sick," she said. "No time for that," Invictus said, moving to her and escorting her into the room, "gather everything together, we need to get out of here." "Now?" Scully said, glancing at her ankle in worry. "Yesterday," Invictus answered soberly. XxXxXxXxXxX Richter found it by accident. They'd been walking through the tunnels beneath Madison for hours and had finally decided to rest when Scully had let out a whimper that she'd been holding in for hours. They'd set down their gear at the end of one of the hallways that seemingly led to no where and hunkered down against the walls, sitting on the floor. Cass had offered to let Scully put her leg up onto her shoulders to ease the swelling a little, so Cass sat a little awkwardly on the floor and Scully put her head in Mulder's lap. He didn't seem to mind. Everyone else had grabbed something they'd been carrying and used it as a pillow to take a quick nap. Richter, the only one who couldn't lie down properly without hurting his arm, instead opted to lean against the wall with his good shoulder while sitting sideways on his legs. The position however, was so awkward that when he finally made his way to the ground, inertia and gravity took over and jammed his good shoulder into the wall forcefully. But instead of jarring him, the wall gave in several inches and he nearly fell the rest of the way into what appeared before them now as an open door way. He found himself on his back looking up, upside down at a lighted staircase. "Buddy?" He heard Invictus say from the hallway. He gingerly sat up and faced the rest of the group who hadn't moved from their prone positions, but were all looking in his direction curiously. "Stairs," he said, adjusting his makeshift sling a little so that it didn't dig into his side as much, "I think I found some stairs." "Can you see where they go?" Mulder asked, putting his arm around Scully's middle and boosting her up a little bit. Richter had been irritated with Mulder for no reason ever since they'd found him, and while he couldn't explain to himself why, he harbored resentment just the same. "Up," he said, infusing his words with a biting sarcasm, "they go up." Mulder ignored it. Scully didn't. "Richter?" She edged. "Is your arm bothering you? We do have a couple more aspirin." Richter relented and immediately felt a little guilty for snapping. He twisted his head a little and looked up into the stairway. "I think it's a… I don't know what is," he said, squinting, "it looks like a friggin museum." He turned back to the group. "The ceiling does, anyway." Invictus frowned a little and got up, his knees cracking as he stood. Curiosity got the best of him, and he drew his weapon, moving up the stairs slowly. When he got to the top, he didn't lower his gun, but some of the tension drained visibly from his shoulders. "Well I'll be damned." He muttered quietly to himself. XxXxXxXxXxX What Richter had discovered wasn't a museum, not in the classical sense, anyway. Scully mused that by today's standards the label wasn't exactly a stretch. What he'd found, was instead, the general assembly hall of the Wisconsin State Capitol building. The tables and chairs that had been used in the general assembly had been pushed to the sides of the great room, and stacked somewhat neatly along the walls. There was, in place of those desks, a large collapsible table strewn with maps, charts, geothermal readouts and various other papers of the sort. A huge skylight opened up the ceiling, bathing them in light for the first time in a long time. And however faint the light was, to them it seemed blinding, as though they had just emerged from a long hibernation. To some of them, it was exactly how they felt--both physically and mentally. Upon inspection of the readouts, the group found that they were mostly of the east coast, and the southern west coast of the United States. "We've just walked into the middle of enemy camp," Mulder said slack-jawed, his eyes scanning the room up, down, left, and right. "Then it's stupid to stay here," Richter concluded. "We don't know if this place is being monitored, or if someone's going to come back any second and full us up with some fresh rounds of ammunition. I'm in no mood to stay. I don't know about the rest of you." "Time to move the party elsewhere," Invictus agreed. "But where to?" A strange look crossed Elspeth's face and before she, or anyone else could say another word, she had hurdled over broken chairs and tables and had headed towards what appeared to be the governor's seat at the head of the assembly. She pointed up to the three-paneled mural that stood out prominently against the wall. "This signifies past, present, and future," she told them, moving her hand across from each picture to the next. She frowned and muttered something about symbolism or parallelism and then said, "Though I fail to see where colonization is being represented, though." Seeing their confused looks, she elaborated. "Learned it on a campus tour back when I went to school here," she said with a shrug. "Don't ask me who painted it, though." Richter was the first one to start after her, the others following suit after him, but when they were by all up there, they only stood and watched Elspeth as she pushed and shoved against the oak chair and desk, dropping on her knees and feeling for something, though none of them knew what. "It's here somewhere," she muttered, concentrated on her own efforts. A few, futile more seconds elapsed and she stood up, face twisted in consternation of herself. "I swear . . ." she muttered and suddenly, stopped in mid-sentence as something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She laughed. "Well I be damned." Reaching back behind a tall, white marble column, her hand disappeared, and then the rest of her followed. "Secret passage," Mulder remarked without a hint of surprise. "Let me guess," Scully said as she hobbled with help, through the passageway, "this leads to a secret bedroom." "A governor's gotta have his mistresses too," Invictus said matter-of-factly. "Can't let the presidents have all the fun." "No, you certainly can't," Mulder noted wryly. "That's one thing I think both parties can agree upon." XxXxXxXxXxXx It turned out that it wasn't a secret bedroom, but the governor's private office. Wisconsin state memorabilia littered shelves, ranging from Packers autographed football helmet to a different sort of headgear in the form of a wedge of cheese. "Charming," John muttered as he stalked the room, surveying it for anything unexpected. There was not much of note in the room, but it proved to be the refuge they needed at the time. Naturally, many of them split up in pairs. Cassidy and John. Richter and Elspeth, and of course, Mulder and Scully. As each thought of this, the names--the idea seem to roll off so naturally it seemed as though they had never parted. Leaning against each other, Mulder especially tender to the injured Scully, they drifted off into half-thought and half-sleep. In the meanwhile, Invictus left without someone to act as his "better half" found company with a bronze statue of a badger, the Wisconsin state animal. Out of one eye, Mulder noted that his friend was carrying on a rather heated conversation with the decidedly mute and inanimate badger. He wasn't sure if Invictus was going completely mad, just bored, or a little bit of both. Or if he knew something the rest of them didn't. He sighed heavily and turned his attention away from Invictus to Scully who was snuggled contentedly in the crook of his arm. He brushed away some hair that had fallen in her eyes and smiled faintly. If things could be like this after all this was over, he swore to himself then as he gazed at this beautiful woman before him, he resolved that he would do anything to make it that there *was* an "after" to look forward to. There was a shift in the stillness of the room, and all eyes rose to lift towards Invictus who had given up on his conversation with the bronze badger to advance upon Richter and Elspeth who rested together in the folds of a window curtain. There was some whispering amongst the three which finally resulted in Richter getting up to leave the other two to a private conversation. The dark-haired man, still a mystery even to Scully who had spent practically every waking moment with him since fleeing Rhode Island, roamed restlessly around the large room. Scully stirred closer to consciousness in his arms, but Mulder's attention remained trained on Richter McLachlan. Scully had related to him as much as she could have about her experiences in the time they had had together since being reunited, so Mulder knew the bare facts about Richter and Elspeth Parr. The same went for Scully and her knowledge of Invictus, John, Cassidy, and Alan. He was like a lion in a cage, Mulder thought to himself, still watching Richter pace, and he certainly possessed the fierceness in his face to match that of the king of the beasts, he amended. It didn't seem so much nervousness that colored his body language but fear. His eyes constantly strayed towards Elspeth and Invictus and Mulder could not help but wonder to the nature of that conversation. At one point, it was not Elspeth or Invictus' eye that Richter caught, but rather, it was Mulder's. Mulder gave him a sympathetic smile but got in return a scowl. He didn't allow himself to think before he acted and the words just came out of his mouth. "What?" he spat angrily. Richter, a passive look on his face, began his way over to where Mulder and Scully sat. "What?" Richter echoed coolly, using his standing advantage to stare down disdainfully at Mulder. "What do you think." "What have I done to wrong you?" Mulder hissed, trying not to disturb Scully who had drifted back into sleep. "I barely know you. I don't understand what warrants this hostility towards me. Do you care to explain? Because I would be really interested in knowing." Richter shifted his injured arm. He licked his lips, dried and cracked from over- exposure to the elements. "I understand that this is a group effort," he began calmly, his voice flat and without any hints of emotion. "So you don't think I'm doing enough--" Mulder began tersely. "Let me finish," Richter continued, annoyance flashing in his face. "This is obviously a group effort, and yes, I am wondering what you have done thus far, but that's not the issue. I'm . . . curious. I'm curious as to what you intend on doing, and why," he said with a sweep of his good arm, "why everyone seems to hold you in this strange reverence. Why they say things like 'he's the one' as though you were some hero out of some bad science-fiction movie. Tell me, Mulder," letting his name shoot out of his mouth like a bad taste, "tell me why this is so. Give me a reason to trust you." "Mulder?" Scully suddenly said sleepily, her eyes blinking open. "Shh," Mulder soothed, glaring at Richter. "You don't trust me?" he said finally. "Please," he said irritably, "give me a better answer than that." "I'm not casting any illusions, Richter. I didn't make them believe anything about me. They believed these things on their own, with or without me, and even before they had even met me. I don't claim to understand . . . or maybe I just don't remember." "That's your excuse?" "This is ridiculous! Utterly and completely ridiculous. You're a grown man and this isn't--" Harsh voices coming from Elspeth and Invictus momentarily distracted both of them from their argument. Scully also woke up to the noise and watched with a confused and horrified look all at once. John, who apparently had been awake for a while and had been doing more checks on the room, also turned his attention towards the source of the noise. They all watched on. Elspeth gestured angrily but Invictus did not relent, physically pressing his issue as he confronted her. Richter looked torn, unsure whether or not to continue his argument with Mulder or to go to Elspeth. But it was John Baxter who made the decision for all of them. "Shut up!" he growled, his head swiveling left and right and up and down. His gun immediately appeared and he raised it cautiously. "I heard something, out in the hallway," he said, pointing his gun towards door that had been flung ajar by someone else, some time ago. All arguments, disagreements were immediately dropped and the companions readied themselves and fell in line behind him. John stood, poised in the doorway, the rest of the group nearly crowded around. There were more sounds, loud ones and quieter ones, and they all seemed to be coming from a room adjacent to the one they had just left. This door was also open and from first glance, it appeared empty, but the ruckus seemed to imply otherwise. John, gun raised, scanned the room from left to right. He paused a moment, and just as Cass opened her mouth to suggest they move forward, they heard a shuffle from inside the room, and a head and body came up from behind a counter in the room, facing the other direction and completely oblivious to their presence. John waited a moment and then cleared his throat saying, "you move one inch, and you'll look more like a pincushion than yourself when they bury you." The figure froze, his arms at his sides. "Turn around," John said in a dangerous voice, "slowly." The man did so, and as he faced the group, Mulder and Scully were the only two people that had any sort of reaction. They were taken aback momentarily, and then, in the same instant, both exclaimed. "Frohike?" End part 15