Uncharted By Slippin' Mickeys red_phile@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: V RATING: PG SPOILERS: None KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully… kind of… DISCLAIMER: You know they don't belong to me- Mulder, Scully and the crew- CC and Fox maintain the rights, And I hope that they don't sue. I just love running around here In Chris' little universe And I hope that he appreciates That my stories aren't perverse. I think that copyright infringement Is a complicated phrase But all my lawyer friends tell me That in the end it really pays. But see, Chris- (can I call you that?) You don't need the money all that bad, You flick ran me $7.50 And that was all I had. And since I've seen it 7 times (You had better love me now) was your little venture successful? If not, I'll tell you how: Quit teasing all of us 'Shippers (Noromos number in the few) You've got to give us the kiss And that missing hospital "view". But really what's most important, What would move you from the dark into the lighter- Is if you and your lawyers decided Not to prosecute *this* fanfic writer! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This one is for Lynda. I'd love to come up with something eloquent and poignant to say, but it's finals week, and the well has run dry. ARCHIVE: Go for it, just let me know precisely where it is so that I can visit! FEEDBACK: Do you want me to beg? Do you really? Cause I'll do it, you know! I crave and love feedback! Constructive flames are accepted (albeit begrudgingly). I just use the flamey flames however, to light the sh** bombs that I throw at the houses of the people who send them to me. ;) red_phile@yahoo.com XxXxXxXxXxX Uncharted: The Sky When I look at the stars, Mulder, I see you. I can connect the dots and paint your portrait. You are such a beautiful, complex man. Do you know how beautiful you are? You are as noble as Orion, as strong as the Bear, and as brooding as Cassiopeia, but there are no constellations that justly express your radiance. I would have to compose one myself. Just when I think I have you mapped out, Mulder, a new facet of light winks to life and I have to adjust my telescope. You are as ever-changing as the night sky, yet perpetually stable and immutable. When I'm lost, I can look to you to guide me home. You are my Polaris, Mulder. I depend on your presence to help me find my way. I have to send satellites out to explore your secrets. Do you keep secrets from me? Or are you open to all that know where to look? Your eagerness to find the truth bursts fourth like a billion pinpricks of light perforating through an inky-black canvas. Your quest is noble and your methods just, but I fear your all-consuming enthusiasm will lead to your downfall. And while your end would be accented not with a whimper but a bang, I dread that all that would be left would be a gaping black hole, into which all truths would be drawn, leaving nothing but the lies. If I were to become an astronaut and join you completely, would you be an endless vacuum and consume all that I am? I yearn to explore you. Your body, your mind, your soul. They are as endless as the night sky. I'm a gifted astronomer when it comes to you, Mulder, but there is so much more to learn. XxXxXxXxXxX Uncharted: The Sea When I look at the ocean, Scully, I see you. The translucent aqua-marine blue the same as your eyes. Both holding the secrets I long to know about. You are as mighty as the Pacific, as mysterious as the Atlantic, and as cold as the Arctic, though I do not mock your beauty and strength, I respect them. I'm the only one that sees your chill for what it is—a cold front masking a warm, tropical breeze. Just when I think I have you mapped out, the current changes, the wind shifts, and I have to adjust my course. You are as ever-changing as the sea, yet perpetually as steady and strong. When you rage, its as if the wrath of God was unleashed. I can baton down my hatches, and drop anchor in a cove, but the eye of your storm always finds me. As well it should, I am usually the cause of your fury. But when the storm is over, the skies are clear, and the sea is calm, we are closer than ever before, as if your rage drew us closer together. You are untamable, but if you know the right currents, as I do, every journey with you is a safe one. If I dove in unabashedly, would I drown? I yearn to explore you. Your body, your mind, your soul. They are as endless as the sea. I am not content to remain on land. I yearn to be a sailor Scully, to chart a course through your waters and discover all of the treasures you hold. End XxXxXxXxXxX Slippin' Mickeys red_phile@yahoo.com *** Slippin' Mickeys Fanfic Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/3303/slippin.html ***