Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 10 (version 2.0)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(The English translation is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The Chinese version is here.)

"Although using Chou.Senjiryakketsu wasn't the only method to get back the body which should be mine, these few points made me consider, seriously, the possibility that Yoh might grow to such a level that I, who was tortured by my own dark memories, would be thrown far behind. Therefore I told myself, if I was prevented from getting my body back in secret for some reasons, then I would let Yoh to be the Shaman King. Because I believe that by then, Yoh would definitely be able to understand my dream and made it come true. Because of this, it had been my sincere wish that Yoh should become stronger, " said HAO with a rare expression of honesty and being truthful. "Therefore, even if my worst case would be getting myself killed again, I wouldn't really say that I have wasted my 1000 year of effort. "

"You reminded me about Matamune, NII-CHAN (AKIDA: informal Japanese meaning 'brother'). " Looking at Matamune, who was lying on HAO's knees in a cozy posture, Yoh spoke with a relaxed smile on his face, "Observation power and wisdom that had been accumulated for a thousand years is really something unusually powerful. "

Anna gave a cold, interrogative stare to HAO. HAO held up his right hand, 'blocking' Anna's speech, "Originally, I wanted to explain all the things to Yoh properly somewhere in that Sacred Land of the Star (AKIDA: this is my translation for "HOSHI NO SEICHI"), and exchanged our bodies without others knowing about it. I thought, as I have saved Yoh's life several times, he should be thankful to me and therefore allow me to do so. But... " HAO pointed at Manta unhappily for 1 second, "You followed me tightly! And you were the one out of all of Yoh's friends who Yoh cared about most! "

HAO looked at Yoh intensely and said, "If I had done anything to him, you would definitely stand against me, and then my last move would be blocked. Moreover, I actually appreciate people who are as talented and as brave as Manta."

Ignoring the 'I don't believe it' expression on the faces of his audience, HAO turned to Manta and spoke, "In the Sacred Land of the Star, I jeered at you that your effort in following me was absolutely a waste, remember? That was because I was really angry. Your presence had completely spoiled my original plan, but I couldn't do anything to you, and therefore I was forced to use my emergency plan. " Finishing his speech, HAO dropped into a state of depression (or so it seemed...).

"It doesn't make sense, " said Anna angrily, "Even with this, you still couldn't explain why you had to start the fight, and ate Yoh's soul! "

"Ehh, " Yoh exclaimed, "it was all my fault -- I wasn't calm enough to be able to at least try to understand you. "

"No! " HAO snapped, "It was because my attitude with which I spoke to you was too proud and rude and therefore my speech was interpreted as provoking for a fight, and therefore not thought about carefully. Attitude can really change the development of a situation... "

"It was him who started the fight, so it's not your fault, Yoh! " said Manta staring at HAO.

"Hehe, " HAO scratched his head, embarrassed, "actually it was because I had decided that I would get back my body by force, as Yoh had failed to understand me, but that means that I had to make Yoh unconscious first. Therefore I grabbed those 2 of the Ten Druids who followed Yoh, so that Yoh had to start fighting with me."

"No wonder you didn't kill me although you had about 5 or 6 times to do so! " Yoh said with a thinking expression.

"But you said, before swallowing Yoh's soul, that 'giving up such half is better", and something like you had had enough power after you ate Samash, and that you couldn't bear the sight of Yoh and want him to disappear from this world forever? Don't tell me you were also lying? " Manta was very careful with each and tiny evidence. (AKIDA: HAO really said those things in the anime)

HAO sighed, just when he wanted to explain, Ren spoke, "He said those because, obviously, he wanted to mislead those present that his motive was to kill Yoh, and not to snatch his body. "
Ren turned to HAO and said, "You must have been planning to bring Yoh to some hiding place and then leave Yoh's soul in your body and enter Yoh's. However, we arrived at that time. You must have thought that if you brought the unconscious Yoh with you and went away in front of our eyes, we would follow you, no matter what happened, and therefore you decided that you would play with us and started fighting with us for fun. However, it only ended in giving time and chance for Yoh to escape, hah! "

The group looked at HAO, who nodded to show that Ren's guess was correct. Tamao stood up, walked into the kitchen and soon returned with a big basket of assorted fruits, "You guys, it's time for some after-meal desserts. "

The air loosened for some reason. HAO happily looked at the calm looks of the group that were eating fruits, and smiled without himself noticing. Like a television which was suddenly switched on, Horohoro started a scuffle with Ren due to laughing at the look of Ren eating fruits, and Anna had somehow sometime removed the sealing on Honchi and Ponchi, so that the two obscene spirits started telling obscene jokes in the background, and made Ryu very excited.

In order to catch the attention of her brother who was fighting, Pilica asked, "But how did Yoh escaped? "

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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