Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 12 (version 2.0)

This scene was viewed for Counter times.

(The English translation was done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

HAO turned to Anna, and their eyes met each other's. Just as HAO wanted to speak, Anna's glare suddenly changed into a freezed gaze, which gave a mental shock to HAO -- HAO also felt that something seemed to be wrong. However, may be HAO was very eager to explain himself, he only paused for a very short time, and then continued his speech, "My little Anna, why should I be not angry at that time?! For a thousand year, my plans were spoiled once and once again, and each time, the degree of unexpectedness of the development became more and more severe! If you think of what a bad luck I had been having for this 1000 years, you would be glad that I wasn't mad enough to kill you all."

Cold sweat appeared on the audience's faces. What could they say except giving a limp smile? It was too obvious to them now that even after Yoh succeeded in coming back, HAO had had a lot of chances which he could have killed all of those who were present. "Ehhh, why did none of us realize that? " Horohoro spoke out what was in many's minds.

"It was all because of your proud nose-up character. Think of it -- how much of the bad luck you experienced was actually a result of that stinky character of yours! " Anna pointed out the fact cruelly to HAO. The fact that HAO didn't kill the group when he could have done so was thought to be an expression of looking down to the group, and therefore not thought about seriously.

HAO laughed bitterly, and swallowed down what he was preparing to say. How could he say something so rude and hurting like 'You were also like that when you were very small, weren't you' to his love? HAO uncontrollably thought about the first time he met Anna, and was attracted deeply to her because of her character, past and ability, which were a mirror of his, so much attracted was he, his reaction time was decreased and therefore he was hit by the 'lengendary left hand'. At this moment, HAO suddenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong again, but he just couldn't point out what was wrong.

Tamao started cleaning up the table with help from Konchi and Ponchi. HAO stretched, and sat up straight again, "Finally I realized that you guys, and other shamans, would not recognize me as the Shaman King, and will not believe in me, nor try to understand my dream, even if I told you that I am the Shaman King. Therefore I fought with you until you lost all motives to fight with me, and then started using all my power to attack Yoh, and lent my anger on him without any withdrawal. I knew it very clearly that this was going to be suicide, but that was already my best choice, and being killed by Yoh was also an acceptable move in my plan."

The group listened but couldn't understand.

"Not only I was baffled by Yoh's success in getting away from my body, but because of this, I also felt that Yoh would finally defeat me with some method that was completely outside my imagination. My presage had always been very accurate. " HAO explained patiently.

"At last, as expected, I was killed by my innocent brother, " HAO turned to Yoh and said, "I have cared so much about you, Yoh. Watching you living your optimistic life, and growing with incredible speed, finally surpassing me, you couldn't know how happy I actually am! Although I didn't really like to be surpassed, but this is my fate, and I actually think that this is a satisfactory ending for me."

It was not clear that whether it was the 'after-meal effect' or that their brains were overused, the audience didn't gave much response. HAO stared at Yoh for two seconds, and then spoke with a warm voice, "Do you know it, Yoh? At that time when you used the Furyoku and spirit power from all the people to defeat me, I measured your Furyoku*Spirit power capacity very quickly. According to the data at that time, your capacity was at least 2 million, and mine was just about 1.5 million. "

"You just said 'capacity'? " asked Ren.

HAO nodded, "Before my body perished, the highest Furyoku I could produce was approximately 1.25 million, and Yoh's, at that time, was only about 150 thousands. However, as he has just experienced several minutes of pseudo-death awhile ago, his Furyoku should have increased by now. " (AKIDA: according to the anime, Yoh's Furyoku was only 10 thousands when he started fighting with HAO. However, Yoh's soul was then artificially removed from his body, entered another body and then left that body and back to his own. This is equivalent to 'double death' (i.e. not only dead for 2 times), and therefore his Furyoku should have increased a lot.)

Pilica snatched Horohoro's Oracle Bell, and let her fingers danced on the five keys.

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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