Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 13 (version 2.0)

This scene was viewed for Counter times.

(The English translation was done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

"301 thousands and five hundred, "reported Pilica.

The group took in a deep breath and looked at HAO. Smiling, HAO produced a 'come' sign with his left hand, and the Oracle bell in Pilica's hands immediately flied obediently with top speed to HAO like Lyserg's crystal pendulum. HAO caught the flying gadget deftily and operated on it with a practiced air.

"'Creator's backdoor'! "excalimed Manta. Except Anna and HAO who had got the spiritual sight, all the other people obviously could not understand what he was talking about. "In the past the usual practice, though never openly acknowledged, is that program writers usually will add some hidden codes into the programs they write so that they can have some secret privileges, something like hidden functions, and therefore like the software system's backdoor. As the presence and methods of using of these backdoors are only known by those who wrote them, they are the evidence of being the creator of the system..." Manta explained.

All eyes concentrated on HAO. At this moment, HAO stopped his operations, and talked in a voice like he was speaking to himself, "So that's why. " HAO looked up, turned to Manta and said, "Your present Furyoku is 1.2 million. No wonder why you could escape from the Angel's oversoul cage and produce an oversoul strong enough to stop my Shikigamais' actions without any training! " Then HAO turned to Anna, and smiled,

"And you actually have a Furyoku of 1.8 million, so beautiful this is. " HAO's voice suddenly seemed to be coming from a far away place.
(AKIDA: in the anime, the Furyoku of Manta and Anna was the last to be sent to Yoh. Before Yoh received their Furyoku, Yoh nearly collapsed under HAO's flame fall (think about waterfall->flamefall) but after Yoh received their Furyoku, he actually bounced HAO's flame back, and therefore it is too obvious that those two's Furyoku was equal to the sum of all others...)

Anna looked at HAO, stupefied, and the group obviously didn't know how to react, too. "I am really glad that you didn't participate in the Shaman Fight... no, I should say, it is too great that I didn't need to fight with my love. " The tsunami of emotion carried in HAO's disproportionally light voice swept over the group.

Looking at the shocked faces, HAO gave a laugh, whose meaning no one was certain of and said, "Still remember those white gatekeeper birds which blocked you and told you to show them your soul at the Sacred Land of the Star? I had underestimated them."

"Ah, " nodded Ryu, "Those curious stupid birds which appeared before those Totems. "

"I had told you that those are the works of the past Shaman King, right? " HAO said, "I had always thought that they were only a sort of guards which keep out all people who do not have enough power, confidence and determination from the core part of the Sacred Land."

"I had thought the same too, " Yoh said. The group agreed.
"And it turned out that they could also deliver Furyoku too, " said Tamao.
"And all your best wishes... " Yoh said with a warm voice.

"Actually those birds are just a little part of a much larger system, and this much larger system can the best described as only an experimental model, " HAO revealed. Yoh nodded in agreement. HAO continued, "And this system made use of the peak spiritual field which occurs naturally every 500 years to generate Furyoku, and made use of the spirits gathered by that field, make them attach to the particles and flying sand in the air -- the sand in that place has got a lot of biomatters in them -- and other natural medium to spread the oversoul over an area which centered around the spiritual field center which had a radius of 5 km -- isn't that a little bit scary and shocking to know about?"

Yoh and Anna blinked to show their surprise of HAO being able to say such a long and complicated sentence in one breath. Even if HAO's body is an oversoul, this was still too strong to believe in... Other people were obviously busy with contemplating this complicated sentence and had no time and effort to show their surprise at all. Soon, Ryu gave a long sigh and said, "I am very tired. I am giving up." And lied back.

HAO gave his habitual smile and continued, "According to Yoh's memory, the strength of the oversoul inside the Totems where the gatekeeper birds appeared was the strongest, with an average of about 400 thousands per cubic meter, and the strength increased when you move towards the center. The strength of the oversoul between the peripheral of the Scared Land of the Star and the Totems was about the same of that outside the Sacred Land of the Star, with at most 0.1 per cubic meter, but is stronger around place where there are people, and the increase in strength is proportional to the number of people. "

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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