Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 16 (version 2.0)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English version is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa, The original Chinese version is here.)

HAO stopped one meter away from Anna and landed on the floor. Sensing that the atmosphere in the room had tensed up a bit, HAO gave the guarding spirits an "I am not going to do anything noxious" smile, he gave a sitting bow (AKIDA: Japanese style of bowing when kneeling-sitting on the floor) to Anna and inserted his consciousness into that of the sleeping beauty.

"Let me be your Mochirei (AKIDA: spirit that solely belongs to the shaman), until you are married to my brother, please, Kyouyama-dono, " HAO's wordings and tone complied with the politeness and royalty a samurai should have to his master. All the spirits in the room, especially Amidamaru, looked at this 'ridiculous' scene with disbelief.

"Uh? " For some reasons unknown, Anna didn't wake up completely. May be Anna thought this must have been a dream. However, being half awake meant that Anna's spiritual sight was also half-open, and therefore HAO's emotion towards Anna, so real and hot like the Spirit of Fire, flooded into Anna's consciousness. Anna, who was still in her dream, felt a warmth which she had never experienced before, and managed to catch a sight of a long-haired figure in her mind's haze, who had had the same pair of eyes and same type of smell like her, smiling radiantly towards her, showing their mutual understanding of each other.

"Un, " mumbled the still asleep Anna while a smile of understanding spreaded on her face. "Thank you very much for letting me stay beside you! " HAO said, wearing a cunning smile of success. The spirits sweated.

HAO found a seat near Anna, sat down and started meditating.
What a quiet night! With a liberated smile, HAO closed his eyes. Finally I can have a real rest...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The wierdly intense incense smoke danced mesmerizingly in the air.The sealed Chou.Senjiryakketsu lied siliently on the eerie altar. An old lady wearing Itako clothes and having a strong skeleton was doing divination with leaves.
Floating above silently, HAO watched this spooky scene, slightly bewildered. This, is my memory?

Asakura Kinou. The name came out from the memory like a line of explanation in the news.

Looking at the leaves in her hand, Kinou murmured, "So which one of them is Ha-oh? When I asked 'Which child was chosen by Ha-oh', the answer was 'the latter'; when I asked 'Who will be Ha-oh at birth' and the answer was 'the former'; having asked more than 10 times this year 'Who is Ha-oh, the one who would be born first or the latter', half of the results said 'former' and others 'latter'! ... so there are actually two Ha-oh? And we have to kill both of the children?" (AKIDA: there is a famous rule in all branches of divination that you should never ask the same question twice, unless it is a question about 'now'.)

Hahahahaha, HAO laughed madly and loudly. Obviously, Kinou couldn't hear HAO's roaring laughter and continued to murmur something to herself.

Yeah. Now that I think of it, isn't it true that my little brother is actually another 'me' who had just lost his memory on his previous lives? If I had lost those memories too, were I still myself? HAO quietly chewed on this philosophical issue.


Scenes by scenes of memories flied across the eye. Looking at oneself from an audience point of view is certainly interesting, HAO thought.

Again and again, I was betrayed and hurt by 'my own people'.
Why couldn't they trust a baby? Is it just because of my power?
Why didn't they give me a chance, why did they force me to fight back?
Are human beings really so cowardly, selfish, stupid and eager to die?


Breaking from the family, creating broken hearts.
Milk from female mammals whose heads were charred by the Spirit of Fire.
Panicking because one was left alone.

This must be a dream. HAO toyed with the double meaning of this sentence.

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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