Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 19 (version 2.0)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation was done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

The luxurious dining room suddenly disappeared and the entrance of EN appeared. (AKIDA: EN is the name of the 2-storeyed house Yoh and Anna lived in. It had been an ONSEN hotel. EN is a Kanji character meaning 'flame'.)

A tired-to-death Yoh ran through the entrance and collapsed onto the lawn before the door, with Amidamaru following behind. "Huh! It's like this every day! 10 km in 1 hour! Huh! And then I have to do the dinner! " gasped Yoh. With 2 lines of tears running down his face, Yoh actually looked like a little girl despite his age, thought Anna, who drifted in the air above EN.

"If I continue to run like this, my legs will certainly wear out very quickly! " said Yoh as he frowned and stood up, "So, what should we have for dinner? "

"What are you complaining about? " said a suddenly appeared Anna, "That was the exact reason why I bought you this pair of running shoes, which is excellent in absorbing shocks! " Anna pointed at the pair of shoes Yoh was wearing, which had a cross sign on it.

Well, it is true that it was for this reason I bought you this pair of shoes, thought Anna. However, I certainly won't say something as straight as that!

"And you actually enjoy this dialy run, right? You are speaking the opposite of your mind! I know that you actually add yourself another one hundred meters every day, too! " said the Anna in Yoh's dream, who was giving the dreaming Yoh a very scary smile.

"No... I didn't..." Yoh defended with a bitter, embarassed smile.

So that's what happened, Yoh? No wonder your time never improved...

Anna held up her left hand, trying to slap Yoh, but was blocked by Yoh's right hand. "You are not Anna! Who are you? "

Huh! This is just like those meaningless boring soap operas!

After the image of 'Anna' shimmered once like a TV image produced by interfered TV signals, an image of a person with long brownish-black hair who was wearing the famous earings, trousers and mantle appeared.

"ONII-CHAN!!" (AKIDA: this is 'big brother' in Japanese) Yoh's expression should be described as disgust rather than surprise. "What you don't know, is that Anna would never try to read my mind! She's not like you, whom have an uncontrollable spiritual sight! "

It's you who sealed up my spiritual sight, Yoh! I never know about the way that would enable me to control that cursed ability... but, you are not to be blamed for not knowing the truth, anyway. It's me who haven't told you that my spiritual sight had disappeared, because I didn't want you to lie to me...

Retaining his overly graceful smile HAO spoke, "Ah yes... she IS your fiancee... You really know her character by heart -- that she will never be straight to you, hehe."

Anna, who was in Yoh's dream watching the scene, suddenly wanted very much to go down and slap each of the two men.

"You pervert! Tell me quick and straight why you are here, and disguising yourself as Anna! Or else I will remove your oversoul body by force, and then tell Anna to dump you at the hellest place in the hell, and make you unable to reincarnate forever! "Yoh said hotheadedly.

This is weird! This Yoh is unlike the usual Yoh! And this dream sucks! It is worse than any soap opera!

HAO gave an obviously false smile, demonstrating his helplessness at his own situation and said, "Okay, okay! I am just trying to come and pay a little visit to you, and play a little trick -- as a creative present and my way to say 'hi' to you. " Then HAO suddenly pushed Yoh to the garden wall and smiled cunningly, "You dare? Removing this oversoul body of mine is equivalent to killing me, you know?"

Yoh calmly observed HAO in return. "You are coming for Anna. You disguised as Anna, appeared before me, and did stuffs that Anna will never do, so that Anna and me will have rows and our relationship might deteriorate. I know you like Anna, because you two are very similar in many ways."

So although Yoh looks stupid at times, his subconsciousness is actually very sensitive...

HAO laughed, "Well, now that you know the truth, I can only use force to get what I want! Spirit of Fire! "

Yoh returned an identical laugh to HAO. In no time HAO and Spirit of Fire dissolved into the air. Like the defeated bad guys in anime, HAO's last words echoed in the air, "How-- come-- you-- dare--!"

So childish! You are eighteen already!... but, is this the 'true you'? Yoh! Killing without a bit of hesitation ...for me?! Or is this actually HAO's dream?

Yoh swept away the strays of grass on his trousers and walked to the door with his typical smile as he explained to Amidamaru, who was scared to death, "Because this is a dream, hehe. "

So you can even keep your self-consciousness in your dream! No wonder you were assigned to be my fiance. So powerful you are!

It seemed that Yoh had suddenly discovered something -- because he looked up and gave a warm smile to Anna, who was looking from above.


Anna fled immediately.

Tamao...that poor little girl who is deeply in love with Yoh... what dream would she have?

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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