Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 1(version 1.1)

This scene was viewed for Counter times.


(The Chinese version is here.)

(This translation is made by the author of the story, aka me, AKIDA Yamakusa. It is translated from version 1.0.)

It was 12/5/2003, the 18th birthday of Yoh Asakura and HAO Asakura.

(This story is a continuation of (the end of) the anime.)

Today, the family-hotel 'Flame' (AKIDA: aka "EN" in Japanese) was very noisy. A sign saying 'Owner's birthday. Hotel closed for today.' hanged at the entrance.

Inside the dining room, Yoh, Ren, Manta, Horohoro etc and their spirits sat laughing and chatting in front of the table which was full of food made by Anna and Tamao. Suddenly, the Oracle hanging on the Harusame, which was placed in a corner of the room, ringed. Ren reflexively used his right hand to pull up his left sleeve, and moved his focus onto the panel of his own orcale within 0.01 second. It wasn't Ren's orcale. The panel didn't show that new message was received.

"Was it an illusion? " Ren thought. "Or it was not mine that ringed? " At the same time, Horohoro and Pilica started another fight. Without any sign of interest, Ren looked at the red-faced Horo who was shaking his fist and running after Pilica who had escaped from the dining room.

Ren looked at Yoh. But Yoh was just giggling like he used to. It seems that Yoh couldn't hear the ringing. However, when Ren wanted to tell Yoh that he heard the ringing of an Oracle, Yoh's face suddenly freezed. Ren swallowed his mouthful of tea with his words.

Yoh's face didn't freeze because Yoh had heard the ringing. The real reason was that Yoh heard a familiar but strange voice talking to him, 'It's arrived. '

When Anna, who has also heard the ringing, wanted to tell Yoh about it, Yoh's freezed expression melt into a very graceful smile within 0.1 second.
'I thought I heard the orcale rining? ' Yoh said as he rised from his seat with a moderate speed, and walked towards his orcale which was hanging on Harusame.

"WHAT?!! " Except Anna and Ren, all peope and spirits that were in the room screamed and followed Yoh with extreme speed.

Except Ren, who was calmly sitting and observing the chaos, no one noticed the unusual fright and surprise that's on Anna's face. Ren was a bit surprised by Anna's vigorous reaction and felt that something was wrong.

Ren continued to sit in front of the now empty table, staring at Anna and listening to the crowd surrounding Yoh. After these few years, Ren had not only grown in physcial size (but still shorter than HoroHoro... because all of them had grown), but also psychologically. Ren no longer posed menacingly for trivial things like he had done in the past. Anna didn't notice Ren's stare. She just looked blankly at the crowd surrounding Yoh, and her surprise expression slowly melt into a confused one.

At this moment, Ryu read aloud the message Yoh got in a volumn which could have triggered an earthquake, 'Happy Birthday! Accept your birday gift? Yes/No? ... no sender name??? '

In the midst of 'who is that', Yoh, wearing a smile that was gentler than usual, pressed for 'Yes', and fainted before all the pairs of eyes.

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AKIDA Yamakusa 2003


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