Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 20 (version 2.0)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation was done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

Suddenly, all went white.

What the hell this place is? Why is everywhere, everything white? Windless, warm, and peaceful.

A room in which everything was white. Different tones of whiteness gave different colors of shades due to differences in the angle of light and material, making the borders of objects unobvious.

Soft twinkling white carpet looked like snow accumulating on the floor.
Layers of light, flowing, transparent gauze created the effect of thick haze.
Wallpaper with white marble patterns made the wall look like it's made up of ice.

Is this dream Tamao's? Why can't I see her?

Pale petals of lily spreaded gracefully on a white dressing table.
White dolls sat or lied leisurely on milk-colored sofa.
Snow-white stools and bedside table were hidden in the background of window clothes, which had got the same milky color.

Nothing is moving. So has this dream ended?

With a tint of disappointment, Anna walked to the middle of the room, where there was a big bed, built in the royal style and covered with layers over layers of white gauze. Through the haze-like gauze, Anna managed to spot a mess of pink, which was nearly drowned in the sea of white mats and white pillows.

Sleeping so sweetly and peacefully... so it's true that a dream reflects the character of the person... Light, pure, and soft...

Just when Anna wanted to turn back and leave, a portion on the bed, which she previously thought was just a shade, moved.

...big 'aeroplane' head?! (AKIDA: Sorry... I don't know how that hairstyle should be called...)...human minds are so difficult to predict!

An image of a person with long, straight brown-black hair flashed through Anna's consciousness.

Would that dead-yet-alive existence dream? Or would he be wandering in someone else's dream too?

As if replying to Anna's curiosity, HAO suddenly appeared before Anna. HAO, who obviously was unconscious of Anna's present, was totally absorbed in watching something under his feet. Anna followed the direction HAO was looking into with her own eyes.

Inside the weirdly intense incense smoke in the secret temple housing the 'Chou.Senjiryakketsu', a stout old lady wearing ITAKO clothes was doing divination with leaves. (AKIDA: if you have forgotten about HAO's dream, please re-read scene 16 and 17)

Anna and HAO silently watched this spooky scene.

"This, is my memory? " All of HAO's thoughts flowed into Anna's consciousness.

Identity crisis -- what is the definition of 'the same person'? For us, shamans, death is not the end. For HAO, which has overcome death of the physical body, the only thing he can make him sure about 'I am I' will be his consciousness. However, sustaining one's self-consciousness could be a very horrible thing to do, especially for those who have the spiritual sight -- it would make life into a never-ending nightmare.

Although I have heard about the happenings during the birth of HAO, watching it with my own eyes is completely another matter. Why do people overlap their crimes, and hurt each other recurrently? Sadness rushed into Anna's mind as she watched HAO's memory scene after scene.

Breaking from the family, broken hearts.
Milk from female mammals with heads charred by the Spirit of Fire.
Panicking because one was left alone.

Something deep inside Anna's memory resonated with what she was seeing. "This must be a dream," HAO toyed with the double meaning of this sentence.

Yeah... this is a nightmare... just like mine, thought Anna, after she saw the years of abnormal life of HAO flied before her own eyes.

HAO's confession.
From humbleness grows the power to strive, which develops into true bravery, faith and hope.
And finally becomes the basis of 'trust'.

It's you, Yoh, who let us see the way we should go.

Eh? This is weird! Why is Yoh's memory here...?! Don't tell me that HAO is...

* * * * * * * * * *

In 0.5 second, Anna opened her eyes, sprung up from where she was sleeping, and shot before HAO, whom was sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"WHAP!!!" HAO flied through the window out into the garden, like a baseball that was hit squarely by a bat -- well, the mass of HAO��s oversoul is not that big.

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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