Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 21 (version 2.0)

(Please note that there are slight difference between this translation and the Chinese version)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

"That explains!" yelled HAO, Bason, Amidamaru and Ren together, who were woken up by the loudness of steps taken by the berserking Anna, "Anna's 'legendary left slap' actually contains an oversoul component in it! No wonder it is so powerful!" (AKIDA: according to the original background setting of Shaman King, only oversouls can attack oversouls, and HAO's body is an oversoul in this fanfiction.)

After 2 seconds, HAO appeared in front of Anna's feet in a half-kneeling posture, "Anything I can do for you, Mistress Kyouyama?"

"I am now a spirit who belongs to you," HAO pumped his memory of what happened the night before into Anna's consciousness. With some difficulty, Anna swallowed back what she wanted to yell out -- "what the hell you are talking about'.

"Last night..." Amidamaru, who did not know the soul-exchange that's taking place between HAO and Anna, mumbled softly, trying to remind Anna.

Yeah, I know. You, HAO, was very clear about the fact that I would never let you stay in Yoh's body, and therefore you have wisely given yourself a reason to stay, to avoid the fate of being left alone again. You know that I wouldn't mind the tiniest bit for having a spirit as powerful as you, the last Shaman King, as my 'primary spirit', thought Anna.

"Do you want to be reminded that you have to boil the water and cook breakfast now? Don't tell me that you have never had breakfast, you unhealthy boy! " Words shot out from Anna's mouth, and all the other spirits in the room immediately felt that they were lucky enough not to be Anna's primary spirit.

HAO drifted into the kitchen as he spoke in a tone of pretended humbleness, "Sorry, sorry... this is only because I am too excited to be accepted by you as your..."

BAAKK! Another slap. "Another slippy word and I will make you wish for an eternal death!" This time, Tamao and Manta were woken up.

The group watched a fuming Anna following HAO, who was practically batted into the kitchen, into the kitchen. Tamao hurriedly followed too, "Anna-SAMA, let me help you too!"

Just when Anna wanted to refuse Tamao's offer -- she wanted to talk to HAO privately -- Anna remembered that HAO had spiritual sight. As a result, she pretended to supervise HAO and Tamao while she thought about her question in her heart, thinking HAO would know that, "Before you were batted through the window, you were dreaming, right? Could you explain to me why Yoh's memory had appeared in your dream?"

HAO did not make any response. Anna observed that he was seemingly totally absorbed in listening to Tamao's instructions and watching her demonstration, and soon she began to believe that HAO was trying to avoid her question, and became angry.

At the same moment, a rapturous shout came from the dining room. "MATAMUNE?! When did you come back?"
Anybody would be able to judge that Yoh was very happy from his tone. "I dreamed about you, and then I saw you when I opened my eyes..." This time, all those who had not yet woken up were woken up.

Matamune looked at Yoh unbelievably and said, "But it's you, Yoh-sama, who made this oversoul body for me and let me come back! "

"What's happened? So noisy!" asked the people who were just woken up, in unison.

HAO suddenly appeared beside Matamune in front of Yoh. He grabbed the kitten spirit into one hand, put on a big smile and said, "Finally you are back! This is so nice!" Tamao and Anna heard HAO's voice and poked their heads out of the kitchen door and looked, then they turned back again to make sure that HAO was still in the kitchen.

Two HAOs!! The HAO in the kitchen was rinsing rice, and the HAO in the dining room was carrying the kitten spirit Matamune in his arms, talking to Yoh. Unexplained anger burnt like fire in Anna's heart.

"What are you doing?!! You looked into Yoh's memory and now you were playing with multiple bodies?!"Anna uncontrollably shouted in her heart. She was surprised by HAO's behavior and therefore she was trying to use anger to cover up her surprise. Normally Oversouls don't change shapes by themselves, especially by their own will, but in HAO's case, it's obviously an exception, like MATAMUNE.

A surprised voice of HAO rang in Anna's mind, "Ah, dear little Anna, I expected you to be able to imagine this! Although I am still living, I enjoy the freedom of being dead..."

Like relaying, the HAO in the dining room spoke to Matamune, "Well, as I and my brother are now using the same body, we actually are able to share our memory when we sleep and therefore have a weakened sense of 'self'. Yoh could successfully bring your oversoul body back because, obviously, he had used my memory!" The cunny smile HAO wore on his face was observed, but no one could tell what was wrong in HAO's speech.

"Hey then, what about the cat that's on your knees last night?" asked Horohoro.

"It's just the same as my cloak, sort of decoration," answered the HAO in the dining room.

"Heh! Don't you have better things to do?" commented Ren.

Matamune spoke as if to clear the smell of explosives in the air, "Congratulations, Yoh, for becoming the new Shaman King! It's because of you that I can return to Haou!"

The Shaman King looked a little bit surprised. "Ah, hehehehe, thank you for your reminder! " Yoh laughed, scratching his head. May be it's the first time in history that a Shaman King had forgotten that one is the Shaman King. Blue lines appeared on other's face. This new Shaman King really looked too...

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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