Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 22 (version 2.0)

Please note that this English version is slightly different from the Chinese version.

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

Yoh's carefree attitude obviously was not well received by the audience because even Anna, who should have get used to Yoh after so many years, was not particularly happy in seeing Yoh's reaction like this one.

"As a matter of fact, I don't feel particularly comfortable with you as the new Shaman King! " exploded Ren with earth-colored face. "Although I know you won't try to eliminate the human beings, you do lack something very important..."

"What are you saying about?!" boomed Anna, who was standing at the door to the kitchen, shifted her anger onto Ren. Anna had ALREADY got used to her new position as the Shaman King's lady, and could not bear the tiniest grudge against her beloved, even if she also wanted to say the same thing actually...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please calm down," said HAO, who was carrying Matamune in his arms as he drifted between Anna and Ren above the table. "Actually, to become the new Shaman King, one only needs to fulfill 3 requirements:
1. To be acknowledged by the present (if not yet retired) Shaman King, and volunteered to become the Shaman King, which means willing to own the Great Spirit.
2. Having a sufficiently large *capacity* of Furyoku, which means that the person is an excellent medium of oversoul; (AKIDA: or else Furyoku would overflow, which is the exact reason why Yoh had to use the Futsunomitamanotsurugi)
3. Unconditionally, voluntarily promise to fulfill the wishes of all the members of the Great Spirit, and therefore is acknowledged by the Great Sprit.
That's it."

"Completely irrelevant with Shaman Fight, I see!" said Horohoro as he hit the table angrily.

"You have already forgotten what was said last night, Boroboro?" asked HAO while he observed Horohoro with slitted eyes.

"No I haven't! But I just couldn't bear all this!!" exploded Horhoro finally.

Anna turned back, make sure that a HAO was inside the kitchen removing bones from fish and that Tamao was cooking the soup properly, and continued to look at the HAO in the dining room.

"These requirements look simple to fulfill, but is actually quite hard to do so," HAO specifically turned to Ren, who was not impressed at all obviously. He gave Ren a smile and went on leisurely explaining his proposition, "The first requirement is simple to fulfil comparatively. The second one is about your natural inborn physical makeup, which cannot be changed by nurture."

"But what does it mean by 'sufficiently large' capacity of Furyoku?" asked Manta.

"Still remember what it was meant by being 'baptized' by the Great Spirit?" HAO's appreciation to Manta, which was so overt on HAO's face, made Manta uncomfortable.

Pilica raised her hand and answered with a bright, sunny expression, "To be toured around each autonomous region inside the Great Spirit."

HAO nodded, and returned a bright, sunny smile to Pilica, and gave a surprise to the observers -- this facial expression had seemingly turned HAO into another person. "Correct! Therefore the higher the capacity, the less time it will take to complete the whole process."

"Ah! I got it! " Ryu clapped and said, "This is because the shaman undergoing this process would drop into a pseudo-dead state, which is a stressful state for the physical body; and therefore if the Furyoku capacity was too low making the process too long, the body would die before completion of the process!"

"Yup, basically it's like this. According to the fact that Yoh only needed a few minutes to complete the whole 'baptizing' process, his Furyoku capacity should be at least around 20 million," HAO nodded as he landed on the table while enjoying the surprised look of the audience.

"Well, as you are on the table, clean it," said Anna as she accurately threw a piece of cloth onto HAO's face. All people and spirits, except Yoh, sweated.

Yoh, who got to know what happened last night through Amidamaru, thought, "Whew, now that it seems that my brother will do the stuffs I had to do in the past, I can expect a better life then."

Yoh's thought flowed without a word missing into Anna's consciousness. "And you lot have to pay for staying here overnight by cleaning the hotel for me! Besides, I can't bear you dirty boys! Your dirty faces will scare my customers away! If anyone of you forgot to clean either yourself or a little part of EN, none of you can have breakfast! HAO!" commanded Anna.

"Present!" the HAO cleaning the table in dining room and the HAO preparing for the cooking utensils in the kitchen replied in unison.

"Divide and multiply for me, and supervise these people in one to one manner. Including Yoh! If anyone dare to disobey me, you can punish them as you like!" growled Anna.

"What?!" The group, including HAO, cried miserably.

"Not enough Furyoku for that, dear little Anna!" HAO's complaint was the first to flow into Anna's mind. "Please give me a little bit more Furyoku, Mistress!"

"Hey, quick! Think of some solution to get away! New Shaman King!" cried Hororhoro to Yoh.

Ren left his seat, walked to the toilet and mumbled, "I don't need your reminder nor supervision! "

Ryu also stood up and said, "I will, but you don't need to be so scary..." Yoh, who was afraid that Anna would hear Ryu's comment, quickly said, "Okeydokey! Horohoro, Anna's request is actually very easy to fulfill..."

Anna released a very small amount of Furyoku into the air surrounding her. "Just that?!" HAO replied in naughty tone, "well, fine!"

Suddenly, Yoh and others discovered that each of them had a fist-sized HAO, whom was smiling to themselves, stuck to their clothes,

"So cute!" "Disgusting!" "AHHHHH!!" The dining room boiled up immediately.

The HAO who was cleaning the table in the dining room laughed sheepishly, "Don't try to remove me from you! Or else you will get burnt! "

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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