Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 23 (version 2.0)

(Please note that this English version has got some very minor differences compared to the original Chinese version...)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

Obediently, the group cleaned and tidied themselves up and then did what Anna told them to -- sweeping the floors, cutting the grass, cleaning the windows of Hostel EN etc, with the HAO doll oversoul on them (exclude Anna and Tamao) supervising them, transmitting Anna's commands and instructions,as well as making announcements.

With the dollish oversoul, HAO managed to speak to the group on his previous speech which was interrupted by Anna, "And the third requirement is actually the most difficult one to fulfill. For the gist of 'unconditionally, voluntarily promise to fulfill the wishes of all the members of the Great Spirit, and therefore is acknowledged by the Great Sprit' was in the latter part."

HAO spoke slowly, making sure that the group could go on to carry out their assigned job without having to stop in order to digest what they had been told. "That is because 'to fulfill the wishes of all the members of the Great Spirit' might not be something achievable at all, and even if it is achievable, everybody will bet that no one, except the Shaman King, can actually achieve it. Therefore only a 'promise' is enough; and you should not be surprised that it is not important to distinguish whether one is really 'unconditionally, voluntarily' to do so -- that doesn't mean that it's okay if the candidate is forced to be the Shaman King -- but it is so because there are too many good things one can get by being the Shaman King, and therefore even if somebody is originally unwilling to be the Shaman King, after he knows about the good things he would get for being one, most probably he would force himself to be one."

"Therefore, the third requirement can be described as 'the members of the Great Spirit unanimously think that the candidate would fulfill their wishes'. As there are many members, usually each autonomous region would send a representative out to meet the candidate for the new Shaman King, and then they would use their own ways to reach a unanimous decision." The group thought they could smell a faint smell of blood.

"The first two of these 3 requirements were what I managed to dig out a thousand years ago -- should be something left down by the past Shaman Kings -- and the third one was the answer the Great Spirit gave when I was having that 'baptism' process five hundred years ago. And that implies I don't know the exact method with which they decide whether to acknowledge a candidate or not. " By that time, the group had completed their assigned chores and had come back to the dining room for breakfast. The HAO doll oversouls had somehow disappeared some time in between, without anybody noticing.

After the group was seated, Yoh spoke, answering the obvious question in the group's minds -- how did Yoh and HAO get over the 3rd reqirement. "When I was led by NII-CHAN (AKIDA: this is how Japanese people call their elder brother) to meet the Great Spirit, the Great Spirit asked me whether I was willing to be the Shaman King. After I replied, 'it's okay', NII-CHAN told the members of the Great Spirit that my wish was to let all to have a leisurely life. To my surprise, they roared out a laughter after hearing it and then I was led around the autonomous regions..." Upon hearing this, the group turned their head automatically to the half transparent HAO whom was distributing the eating utensils, while they were all absorbed in their own thoughts.

"For me, "said HAO as he walked out from the kitchen holding a bowl of soup in his hands, followed by Tamao, "after I told them that I had fulfilled the two requirements I found out, I asked them whether there are other requirements except those two -- and the answer I got obviously was that third requirement I talked about, including the explanation I gave you just a few minutes ago. And then I was led around the autonomous regions." Hot food was distributed by Tamao and placed to each person's seat by the two HAOs.

"ITADAKIMASU!! (AKIDA: In case I haven't explained before, this is what Japanese people say aloud just before they start having a meal)", said Yoh.

"ITADAKIMASU!" replied the others. The carbon-copy HAO gave a 'what should I do' expression and dissolved himself into the air. The original copy diminished in size and tried to squeeze into the petit space between Yoh and Anna. This made the others winked uncontrollably -- 'Soap opera ready to set out again early in the morning?' thought the group.

Just when Anna wanted to go berserk, Ren spoke -- with a strong scent of read-to-kill smell, "ASAKURA YOH! HOW DARE YOU ARE! COLLUDING WITH HAO, AND TOGETHER ACTED OUT THE SCRIPT OF 'BECOMING THE SHAMAN KING INNOCENTLY'!" Suddenly, Yoh found that a big Chinese knife, Kwan-Tao overoul was posed threateningly near his neck. HAO suddenly wore a secretive smile on his face, but the attention of the group was attracted to Ren and Yoh and no one noticed the smile.

Ryu immediately leased out his 8-headed snake oversoul and cried, "Don't fight! We'll talk the matter out! Don't harm our boss Yoh!" Except Matamune, all the others were shocked by this dramatic change.

Anna, whose spiritual sight has resumed, immediately knew what Ren was talking about. From her eyes shot out cold arrows to Yoh, and from her mouth spitted out words which has the tone of carbon-dioxide ice, "HAO just said that when you are asleep, and therefore your sense of self-consciousness is weakened, you two will share your memory? If that's true, you have known about all from the day you killed HAO, and is totally aware that something like what happened last night will happen one day! Do you know that you have made us worry about you to death?"

"Ah!!" exclaimed the audience.

"I really don't know about anything!" said Yoh with a bitter smile.

"Huh! Who will believe you? Especially for what you just did before us..." Horohoro said angrily as he pointed at MATAMUNE .

"Ladies and Gentlemen please calm down!" said the suddenly popped up Matamune, "Have you ever wonder about the conditions only with which, when satisfied, could the statement "Yoh and HAO share their memory" be true? If Yoh-SAMA could keep his self-consciousness strong enough even when dreaming, he might not have touched HAO-SAMA's memory at all!"

"Ah!" exclaimed Anna in her heart as she remembered witnessing Yoh keeping his self-consciousness in his dream last night. She immediately relaxed and started eating. (AKIDA: please refer to scene 19)

HAO continued, "And the memory Yoh used to produce Matamune's oversoul body was probably his own - - yesterday I used his body to produce this oversoul body of mine, remember?"

"You mean the body's memory? " mumbled Manta, as he started to eat. Manta's brain power was obviously as good as ever.

"Unbelievable!" was the expression written on the group's faces. "Actually I had tried to send similar messages to Yoh before through the Oracle Bell -- I had told you that my original plan was to secretly let Yoh become the Shaman King, right? But he had always chosen 'No' before, and I dared not ask him to let me use his body, or directly seize control over his body, because I am afraid this would made him cautious and suspect that I am up to something. Finally I decided that yesterday it was the perfect chance for me -- if there were so much friends before him, he shouldn't be afraid of anything, so I made the Oracle Bell ring, and asked Yoh to let me use his body for a while -- as expected, he really let me do so. The important point here is: he is a good little brother who trusts his ONII-CHAN!" complimented HAO.

"He is just a moron," said Ren as he dismissed his oversoul and started eating. Ryu followed with an obvious smile on his face.

Finally, the atmosphere became calm again, and HAO, after being coaxed by Yoh, sat aside and played with Matamune like a little child.

Soon, the group finished their meal. Anna put down her bowl and chopsticks and made an announcement, "Now, Yoh, you are finally the Shaman King, so let me be the Mistress of the ONSEN hotel and have a comfortable life. But, before that, please seal my spiritual sight first."

"No, you've got the idea wrong, Anna!" said HAO and Yoh in unison, and continued as if they actually enjoyed this little performance, "Only 'trust' can switch off the spiritual sight!" The group stared at this pair of overly synchronized twins and felt that something was really wrong.

"As a matter of fact, this is because I also have this spiritual sight... " said Yoh embarrassedly as he scratched his head, obviously thinking that telling the group this fact before they discover it with logic and induciton is better than letting them work it out themselves.

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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