Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 24 (version 2.1)

(Please notice that this version might contain slight differences with the original Chinese version.)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

"WHAT?! " the room exploded.

ZOOM!!! Suddenly, all sorts of oversoul were shooting towards Yoh, who had obviously become the target under attack.

Looking at Yoh, who just blocked or dodged the attacks without fighting back at all while wearing an apologetic smile on his cute (from HAO's point of view) face, HAO gave a "well then I will play with you" expression, and started blocking stray attacks from hurting Anna while establishing a protective shell to cover everything in the room, so that every missed attack would bounce back when it hit something. The result was that the dining room soon became a mess which forced everyone to stop their attack. Meanwhile, Anna had sunk into deep thinking and had completely ignored what was happening around her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the day before New Years' Eve eight years ago, for the first time I saw a person with a tranquil heart and heart-warming wisdom -- and immediately knew that this silly-looking boy was my fiance -- Asakura Yoh.

The first time seeing for myself that there really existed such kind of person, and moreover, he would be 'mine'. The first time having a feeling of real joy, I was so surprised and scared that I told him the exact opposite of what I was feeling.

"Be dead! " How could I have said such words! For the first time I hated myself. I had been hating this world, hating all the people, but hating myself from the bottom of my heart, it was still the first time. And then, subconsciously, I summoned a Ghost to kill this person whom made me hate myself.

He was very weak. He didn't even know what a ghost is. But that cat spirit, which was much more stronger than he was, protected him. I couldn't understand why such a powerful spirit would be willing to follow him, protect him, and even show signs that it liked him.

I was shaken from within. I didn't know whether I was hating him or that I actually liked him -- the Ghost disappeared suddenly just when it was about to deliver a critical hit to him and I couldn't help myself yelling out in the hope that he would dodge in time. I felt something was broken deep inside me. Not only my confidence, but something else too.

On that New Year's Eve, Yoh started a discussion with me on my 'spiritual sight'. He was the first one, except Kino and Yohmei, who dared to talk about that power of mine with me, and really understand my situation (AKIDA: Anna could be sure of this because of her 'spiritual sight'.).

He called 'spiritual sight' as 'the ability to know and understand other's mind'. I thought he was only outstandingly intelligent and brave. But now that I think of it, if he didn't have the power of using spiritual sight, how would he know that having spiritual sight was not a relaxing experience, and be able to say something like "knowing other's mind is really tiring" ? (AKIDA: please refer to chapter 170 "The Marvelous Journey in Ozoresan/Kyouyama VIII") He is just a ten-year-old kid -- and unlike HAO, Yoh has not got any memories from past lives!

At that time I was simply deeply shocked by his feeling of 'liking' me. He really liked me from the bottom of his heart -- he liked my stubbornness, my dark side, my power, my look -- he liked all of mine. There really exists someone who likes someone like me! And then, Yoh sacrificed his first and a very powerful primary spirit for me. The shock made me unable to think deeply about the situation and I just concluded that he must be that rare type of people who have an extraordinary talent at putting oneself into other's shoes, and completely ignored the obvious fact that ordinary people would never be able to imagine nor understand my power nor my dark past in only two days...

Soon my spiritual sight disappeared when Yoh defeated the Great Ghost. I cannot hurt him, nor let him be hurt again! I ... love Yoh.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So that's why yesterday you said "luckily the body of this elder brother *also* had got spiritual sight", HAO!" panted Manta as he dismissed his oversoul hammer. (AKIDA: please refer to Scene 9)

The group gave a weird stare to Manta for his outstanding memory performance.

"Right! If Yoh is HAO's identical twin brother, then it is not that absurd for Yoh to have spiritual sight also!" said Ren angrily as he sat down, " However, I am still very angry!" He gave Yoh a struck with his Kwan Dao (AKIDA: Big Chinese knife) after he finished with his speech, but was blocked in the mid-air by HAO's own oversoul body.

Ren looked at the funny look of HAO 'sticking' onto his Kwan Dao in mid-air and hesitated for a blink's time which was enough for HAO to insert his speech, "But Yoh had never use spiritual sight on you lot! Since he learnt to walk, he had never used his spiritual sight again!"

At the same time, HAO chucked what he discovered the night before -- two persons, both with spiritual sight opened, cannot feel the other's thoughts -- together with how he managed to close down his own spiritual sight, into Anna's consciousness so to let her know.

Yoh also defended for himself, "Because I was very small at that time, I had nearly forgotten that I had this power; until I went into 'Chou.Senjiryakketsu', and contacted with Haou, I didn't know that this ability of mine was called 'spiritual sight'."

HAO laughed out loud when he saw Ren freezed due to shock, "You guys are really stupid! You all knew that I am currently using Yoh's body, and you have all witnessed me using spiritual sight last night, so how come none of you was able to deduce the fact that Yoh also has got spiritual sight as well? " The group gave an expression like something was sticking out from their hearts, and then they ran through in their mind their time with Yoh -- no matter how they changed their viewpoints, Yoh just didn't look like a person who used spiritual sight.

"Because he 'trusts' people...?" said Anna in a far-away voice.
"Because he is stupid!" said Ren and Horohoro in unison.
"Because he is wise!" Ryu and Tamao fought back.

"If you had used spiritual sight early enough to know what HAO was thinking, then we wouldn't need to fight against him at all!" said Manta dejectedly.

"But my principle is I won't use my spiritual sight at all! " smiled Yoh bitterly.

"BAKA!!! (AKIDA: the Japanese word for scolding people for being stupid)" The group broke into a scuffle. HAO took his chance and whispered into Anna's ear, "You really don't know that the switch is 'trust'? If your spiritual sight is really completely opened, you couldn't have asked such question! Hehe! " Anna's ears started to shine in a bright red color from the root. HAO got the signal and immediately turned away and joined the scuffle of 'bashing' Yoh.

"Hear hear! If you had used your spiritual sight early enough then we wouldn't need to share a single body! " laughed HAO absent-mindedly as he raised his hands in the attempt to ruffle Yoh's hair.

Finally Anna exploded. She tied up HAO with Yoh with her 1080 and growled, "HAO! Leave Yoh's body now! Or else don't complain about my lack of leniency! You are already my primary spirit and you are still afraid to die?! And Yoh! If you dare to help him I can't guarantee you will be unhurt! "

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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