Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 25 (version 3.0)

(Please note that this version has some slight differences compared to the original chinese version)

This scene has been viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

"Mistress Kyouyama!" cried HAO, whose face was suddenly covered with tears, "If I knew it would end up like this, I would not have shown myself up at all! I took the risk only because I wanted to be able to face you frankly, with an open heart. It was not because of Yoh's command that I had spent so much effort in explaining the truth to you all -- Yoh didn't know about the truth at all! What I hoped was only to show you my sincerity through my honesty and frankness -- I was sincere when I said I love you!" Sometime during which HAO was making his speech, the group discovered that a doll-sized HAO oversoul was hanging on Anna's YUKATA (AKIDA: this is the type of KIMONO Japanese wear in the summer), and that 'doll' was hanging itself onto Anna's YUKATA with a very XXX hugging pose.

Naturally, Anna immediately knew about HAO's mischievious act with her spiritual sight. Just when Anna, whose blood vessels were practically jumping on her face, was formulating how to tackle with the unscrupulous HAO, Manta gave out an hysterical shriek, "Ehhhhh? Then what you said when you first appeared, that you were doing some voluntary job for Yoh, was actually a lie?" In no time, the facial expression of Yoh, who was also tied up by the 1080, changed from that of being slightly surprised and helpless to an obvious fearful one.

Seeing that Yoh's face had suddenly turned blue, and hearing Yoh muttering in his heart "don't ask don't ask don't ask don't ask" through her spiritual sight, Anna immediately turned to HAO and asked in a threatening voice, "What did Yoh tell you to do last night?"

HAO summoned up his Shikigama, Zenki and Gouki, to separate Anna from himself and then gave a cunny smile, "He told me to try the food you made." Interestingly, Yoh started to whimper upon hearing HAO's reply. The group stared blankly at this suddenly change in the direction of development.

Tamao was obviously surprised and asked, "But no one except Anna-SAMA and I knew what food was prepared by Anna!"
"And you said that two persons with their spiritual sight opened cannot see what the other's mind," added Anna.
"So you looked into Tamao's mind," thought the group.

Observing the fact that all were staring at himself, and that Tamao was staring most intensively at himself, HAO realized what the group must be thinking and shook his head, "No I didn't. It is because people who have got a huge amount of Furyoku like us always unconsciously inject our Furyoku into stuffs which we made with great effort and care." (AKIDA: see the anime in which Yoh and Ren etc had to write their love's name on a grain of rice)

"But how could you taste something with an oversoul body?" Pilica pointed out the gist.

"Haha, I still have the Spirit of Fire with me, you know!" HAO said suggestively.

"What kind of 'tasting' is that?!" Anna scolded the twins fiercely and held up her left hand. HAO's voice rang in Anna's consciousness, "Eh, my little Anna, you have rubbed those rice dumplings for so long that you managed to rub your Furyoku into it! So much of the water in those rice dumplings must have evaporated -- they had become more flammable than wet logs! The only thing I could do with them was to burn them as fuel -- how could I let you become a joke before so much people, and let my cute little brother eat such things?"

Just as the group thought they would be able to see the famous continuous-technique of the 'legendary left', 'legendary twins attack', a red-eared-black-faced Anna slowly retrieved her left hand and withdrew something like a TV remote control from her YUKATA and pressed a button on it. In a blink's time, the floor beneath the twins disappeared completely.

"Aaaaaa!! " Yoh and HAO fell into the hole together. The group was horrified and mystified as well. Smiling slightly, Matamune continued to lie in a corner and watched the soap opera going on.

Ringringringringring! The telephoned rang suddenly.

Bearing the group's stare -- the dollish HAO oversoul was still hanging onto Anna's back by hugging her YUKATA in an XXX pose -- Anna walked to the phone and received the call, "Hello? The Asakura's... Yoh! It's Kinou-SAMA."

Yoh flied out of the trap on HAO's back to receive the phone call. "Hello? Yoh's speaking."

"So your friends have not yet left? I detected HAO's aura, and he's near where you are..." said Kinou.

"Ahhh, there's nothing to worry about -- we have sorted it out," replied Yoh.
"...oh yeah? That's good."

"I'll come back during the summer holidays, granny. Please take care of yourself meanwhile. See ya." Yoh put down the phone, jumped off HAO's back and smiled towards HAO, "OKAERIMASU!" (AKIDA: this is what Japanese said when someone comes back to his/her home and the speaker is the one who is already at home, so it can be translated to 'welcome back'.)

A big smile appeared on HAO's face. HAO looked like he would like to say something, but obviously he had changed his mind. He spreaded his arms and threw himself towards Yoh in an extremely graceful speed and arc instead. The group stared with their mouth apart at the scene as HAO's long, brownish black hair danced artistically as it drifted in the air and fell in the most natural way in front of the background of his white cloak. "What a beautiful oversoul! - - Shaman king IS shaman king! " praised the group in their heart.

HAO gave Yoh a big hug and smiled shiningly, "TADAIMA! " (AKIDA: this is what Japanese people say for 'I'm back (home)'... some of you might have notice that I *constantly* mix this phrase up with 'itadakimasu', which is a phrase said before eating o.o;;) Matamune observed the smile on HAO's face and retrieved into a nap, looking contented.

"Well, I have to go now," said Ren.

"Me too. Bye and thanx for your meals and stuffs!"

"Sorry for give you so much trouble! Bye."

"We'll come again next year! See ya!"

"I will go to learn how to be a good cook, and then come back to serve, boss!"

"I'm going back to Izumo, Yoh-SAMA, Anna-SAMA."

Suddenly all the guests left. Yoh, standing at the main entrance of EN, waved bye-bye at his friend one by one as he asked Amidamaru, "Have I done something wrong?"

* * *

It's 9th of September, 2007 at Funbari Hill. EN, the ONSEN hotel which has just expanded into the northern and southern wings, each a seven-storeyed building respectively, was trailing two long shades due to the setting sun, and therefore looked like the pair of couple inside the hall in the southern wing.

Today's the wedding ceremony of Yoh and Anna. Friends and relatives gathered from all over the world were congratulating the pair of newly married couple, making the scene filled with lively energy. Except people from the Asakuras and best friends of Yoh, Silver, Grim, Chocolove, Lily Five, Jeanne, Lyserg etc as well as other people Yoh had acquainted with during the Shaman Fight, there were also some frequent customers of EN, and business companions of course. One thing to note was that of all of people and spirits that were attending the ceremony, there's only a small portion who knew about the bridegroom's true identity.

Naturally, Jeanne was the one holding the ceremony. After witnessing the honey-like kiss of Yoh and Anna, HAO became a buddha in front of all the people. (AKIDA: If you don't understand what is meant by 'becoming buddha', read this.)

After the ceremony, Anna announced that Faust and Elisa had come back from their study of Chinese medicine in China, and would stay in EN as the registered doctor to serve all. Then Ryu demonstrated his skills in making noodles and in using knives to prove that he was indeed qualified for the head chef of EN.

The group ate, drank and played like they were still in their years of gay youth until deep into the night and then finally went to rest in their own rooms. Yoh and Anna went to Manta's room instead. "So what's the result of your research on oversouls? I really want to see them!" said Yoh like an excited child.

"Haven't I told you about that with your Shikigami? I have successfully made use of the oversoul generated by the Spiritual Field and Furyoku Interchange Engine which you and HAO had invented, together with the Oyamada computers which act as the medium, to spread the oversoul to all parts of the Earth with the help of the internet. Although this is only a small step, but it's certainly a concrete step towards our dream, the 'I. system'!" said Manta as he opened and switched on an Oyamada laptop computer.

"You're right! Although that prototype in the Sacred Land of the Star (AKIDA: please refer to scene 13,14) was cruel and quite meaningless, the idea is really great - - what's better than making wishes come true? But if the price of making some people's wishes come true is to make others' wishes never able to come true, or even causing death, then, this is no good at all," replied Yoh.

"Therefore you had been inspired by the system of autonomous region in the Great Spirit, and therefore is planning to have seperate autonomous regions in the 'I.system' too?" asked the Spirit of Fire.

"Yeah, right, hehe, " said Yoh embarrassedly, scratching his head, "But I am still very far away from that, you know..."

"Everything will come true given enough time, " said the Spirit of Water.

Manta raised his head and announced, "Initialization finished! This subsystem which was completed can transfer you two to anyplace in the world in no time at all."

"How to use, then?" the Spirit of Wood spoke the two's mind.

"Hehe...Well..." said Manta embarrassedly, "I have not finished writing the formal interface... but you two have spiritual sight, right? Therefore you just need to think about where you want to go, and then inject your thought in the form of Furyoku into this computer."

"So I just need to put my hand on it?" asked Anna.
"Yup," replied Manta.

Anna gave Yoh a look and Yoh immediately, obediently said, "You'll decide where to go."

Anna wore a cool smile, and then with her right hand holding Yoh's hand, she put her left hand on the computer.

Yoh blinked and found he was lying with Anna on a large piece of grassland. The Spirit of Earth whispered 'This is Tibet' to Yoh and disappeared.

Anna suddenly asked, "How are we going to go back?"
Yoh smiled and answered, "How about by the Spirit of Fire?"

Anna gave a weird look when she realized that Yoh's smile was like that of HAO and thought of something. "Why did you let HAO peep on us for so long? Do you know what is meant by privacy?"

Yoh looked up, stared at the stars in the clear sky and chewed on Anna's teasing. "I didn't know he was watching. If he was really watching our life it would be impossible for him not to make any response at all for so long!" said Yoh as he gave a naughty wink to Anna.

Anna shot back a firey stare to Yoh. Yoh turned his body to face Anna and continued with a low voice, "And... it was me who killed him. In my opinion, no matter who one is, one should have the right to enjoy some normal, leisurely life." The two pairs of eyes met.

With the help of the grassland's slight tilt, Anna leaned onto Yoh comfortably. Yoh immediately embraced Anna lightly, shortening the distance between the two significantly.

After awhile, Yoh spoke into Anna's ear softly, "I think HAO had also loved you from the bottom of his heart, you know."

Silently, Anna thought back at the parade of incidents which happened during the few years in which the three of them ran EN with their blood and sweat, and finally said, "Yeah."

The distance between the two diminished further.

~~The End~~

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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