Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 2 (version 2.0, translation of Chinese version 1.0)

This scene is viewed for Counter times.

(This English translation by me, AKIDA Yamakakusa. The original Chinese version is here.

Why was Anna so frightened?

When Anna walked out from the kitchen, Yoh's Orcale Bell, which was hanging on the Japanese sword HARUSAME (AKIDA: literally meaning 'sping's rain'), which was placed in a corner of the dining room, rang.
Anna thought, 'So afterall, Shaman Fight is going to start again! '
Just when Anna wanted to remind Yoh about the ringing, Yoh spoke and said he had heard the Oracle Bell ringing, stood up and walked across the room to where his Oracle Bell was to read the message. Anna noticed the moment when Yoh's expression suddenly changed from a startled freeze to an overly graceful smile, and felt something's wrong. At this moment...

'Anna, I love you! ' a voice which had not been heard for a long time, which was gentle on the surface but had a tint of despite deep inside, spoke in Anna's mind. Anna spent 0.01 seconds and successfully retreived the identity of the one who used this voice -- ASAKURA HAO (AKIDA: notice that 'HAO' is pronouced like "HAOU", which means "leaf king" in Japanese. HAOU is pronounced as 'ha-oh'.). Although this had given Anna a shock, it wasn't exactly out of her expectation. Nevertheless, it had made Anna feel that something is really wrong, so that her face showed that she was startled.

Yoh had never started a conversation about his last fight with HAO after the fight, and he went back to his 'usual life' like nothing has ever happened. No matter how other people discussed whether HAO was dead or not, where HAO's soul had gone, whether HAO could reincarnate or not in front of Yoh, Yoh would only add some unimportant comments at suitable times, and then laughed innocently like he always did, and artfully avoided other's interpellation.

Anna had observed all these cooly. She knew that Yoh's character is an excellent natural cover-up. She had suspected that HAO's soul had been unified with Yoh's -- Yoh would really have done such a thing -- but if it was so, Yoh's behavior would inevitably change, and these changes, however small, still would not be able to escape from Anna's sharp eyes. However, Yoh was still Yoh -- at least it had been so since then. However, Anna still instinctively knew that HAO had not disappeared, and therefore had always kept a sharp eye, and was prepared to face this difficult enemy again at any time.

Therefore, when Anna found that there was something wrong with the posture of Yoh walking to the Orcale Bell -- that graceful but dangerous style belonged to HAO -- Anna's heart plunged, 'Yoh!' she cried in her mind, and she couldn't help that her face immediately showed that she was frightened. 'You are a big moron! ' Anna silently scolded.
At this moment, Ryu started to read Yoh's message aloud, and then a weird thing happened: although Anna could see with her own eyes that all were silently listening to Ryu, she found the room was very noisy with speaking.

Childhood memories rushed into Anna's consciousness. This was Anna's inborn ability, which was the same with HAOU's -- spiritual sight -- an ability which enables one to know other's mind without looking nor hearing. Because this ability had disappered after Yoh defeated the Big Ghost, Anna had always thought it was Yoh who sealed this ability of hers with some unknown power. 'Now that this ability had come back, it means that Yoh no longer exists anymore?! Even at that time when Yoh's soul was eaten by HAO, my spiritual sight didn't come back! Now this time... ' All the confusion on Anna's face was read by Ren.

And it was at this moment that Yoh chose 'Yes' and fainted before all the eyes in the room.

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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