Last Episode of Shaman King

Scene 3 (version 2.0, corrected so many terms and grammatical mistakes...)

This scene is viewed for Counter times.

(This is the English translated version of version 1.0 by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The Chinese version is this.)

Seeing Yoh had suddenly fainted, Amidamaru cried, 'Yoh-sama!! '

Ryu searched for Yoh's pulse and gasped, 'No pulse! '

Obviously this was too much for Anna. She fell onto her knees, and wailed, 'Where are you, Yoh? '

Just before the group in the hotel 'Flame' went into a state of chaos, Ren, who had been silent, spoke, 'This is the state of pseudo-death. Yoh is being baptized by the Great Spirit. ' His voice carried a tint of ire. 'Oh! ' the group immediately understood what'd happened.

The one who becomes the Shaman King must receive the Great Spirit's baptism and therefore drops into a state of pseudo-death. This was a fact long known by the group. Oracle Bells could be used to transmit messages, but no one could send messages anonymously. All users knew that only the Great Spirit could emit anonymous messages. It was with these knowledge, Ren deduced that "Yoh had become the Shaman King and therefore had to receive the baptism and thus is in a state of pseudo-death" to explain what happened to Yoh.

"Ah! ' The group exclaimed and kept silent for 2 seconds. "Are you sure it's not HAO? "Anna asked. The group got a fright. Anna wasn't that kind of people who would ask stupid question. If Anna asked this, she must have sound reasons to support it. If HAO had become the Shaman King... uncontrollably, the group stared at Yoh, who was lying on Ryu's knee.

"How come?... " Before Horohoro could finished, he was hit by Bason and flied to a far corner of the room.

"But if HAO really is the Shaman King, shouldn't he have got the Great Spirit long time ago? " said Manta calmly.

"HAO had not become the Shaman King. I am sure of it," Ren said with tone that could have broke a piece of iron, 'At that time HAO didn't go into a state of pseudo-death, which means that he didn't receive the baptism. He had only let his Spirit of Fire take several mouthful of the Great Spirit, that's it."

"Ahhh! Right! Great observations!" Bason commented.

"However, if Anna asked that she must have some other reasons to support her doubt... " said Ryu.

Anna answered with a stiff voice, "I think I just saw HAO's soul attached to Yoh's body and controlling it, but..."

"But no one has ever seen HAO's spirit! Is HAO really dead? " Horohoro inserted his speech before Anna finished off.

Anna looked at Horohoro angrily and said, "You seem to have forgotten that HAO can use air as the medium? " And the group was enlightened. A hibernating spirit that is inside a medium cannot be seen unless being summoned out.

"However you have tried to summon out HAO's spirit but failed, haven't you? "Horohoro surely didn't think he could be wrong.

"What a moron! " Ren scolded, "There are two possibilities:
1. HAO is not dead;
2. HAO's spirit has been attached to Yoh. With Yoh's protection, Anna's summoning would fail. Am I correct, Anna? "

Anna nodded with a black face.

"But why choose today? " Horohoro asked an irrelevant question. "And it is ridiculous to think that the Great Spirit would have given such a light-hearted message! "

"Well then, ask him, " said Anna. Just as all couldn't understand what Anna meant, Anna used her ITAKO skills and tried to summon HAO's spirit -- How could Yoh, who was in a state of pseudo-death, protect HAO then?

"Accumulating one for the father, accumulating two for the mother, accumauating three, brothers in the homeland, please come back -- appear, ASAKURA HAO!! " Suddenly Anna felt that her summoning had failed again like in the past, but...

"Heh... I knew it would be like this, " HAO, floating in a sitting posture with his legs folded suddenly appeared above the table which was full of dishes of deliciousfood.

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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