Last episode of Shaman King

Scene 8 (version 2.0)

(This English translation is done by me, AKIDA Yamakusa. The original Chinese version is here.)

The group was startled. 'What this means is that Shaman Fight was just Hao's little self-directed script acted out by himself from the very beginning, ' the group thought.

"If you don't beleive in me, you can summon the spirits of that team out and ask them about it, " HAO added.

"Then, " Yoh said, "I think I now understand why the arrangements of the Shaman Fight looks exactly like it's done by you. "

"Because it was!! " The group cried angrily.

"Wait, " said Pilika, "then the message Yoh received a while ago was..."

"Was obviously from me, " HAO said leisurely. "However, with the huge effort of the past Shaman Kings, the 'Great Spirit' is now not just a simple collection of souls of the dead and spirits. The 5 Spirits of the 5 elements, the bird-like spirits which told you to 'display your soul' are all works of the past Shaman Kings.

"But why... I mean, isn't it true that Yoh is now the Shaman King? " Horohoro asked with a diminuendo.

"Hey, that's not a stupid question! " HAO laughed. "Actually, Yoh had never known that I am the one who gave out those anonymous messages." HAO stopped for a while, seemingly to have remembered something, and switched topic with a naughty expression, "I didn't idle during this 500 years of waiting, you know. I invented how to artificially produce a spiritual field that is as strong as the maximum one that occurs naturally every 500 years."

Anna asked with a surprisingly gentle voice, "So, you have been the Shaman King for quite a while, right? HAO."

HAO looked at Anna in the way a lover would look at the loved one, and spoke, "Right, that's it. I am the Shaman King since I was born, my little Anna."

Manta, surprised, said"No wonder you always said that the Great Spirit is yours definitely..."

The group went silent. No wonder HAO called himself 'The King of Future' without shame.

Ren interrogated, "If so, what is the relationship between the 500 year cycle? You can be the Shaman King whenever you want it! Why did you still hold the Shaman Fight, which involved so many innocent people?

HAO replied calmly, "First, the idea of Shaman Fight isn't totally my idea. I held the Shaman Fight 500 years ago for the sake of summoning a group of excellent shamans. But this time, it was those Patch people who called themselves the 'guardian of the Great Spirit' who thought of the fact that the one who becomes the Shaman King will have to go into the state of pseudo death, wanted to use Shaman Fight to summon a group of powerful shamans to kill the Shaman King, if the Shaman King candidate is not welcome, and therefore they don't need to do it themselves. However, this interesting stage turned out to have given me much entertainment. HA!"

"And why I had waited for 500 years? That's because in order to artificially produce such a large spiritual force field, I must have a shamanic body, " HAO, enjoying the attention from the crowd, happily continued, "and around this period of maximum spiritual field which appears every 500 years, bodies as good as my little brother's and mine are more easily formed. "

The group tried hard to understand this incredible news.

HAO, ignoring the group, continued by himself, "When I just died, I decided that I would use Yoh's body to become the Shaman King, and therefore attached to Yoh's body. However, Yoh's lazy character and happy memories assimilated me and made me think that it would be nice to see what kind of life my dear little brother leads. I have nothing to rush. Soon, I changed my mind. I decided that I would let Yoh, who has more potentials than me, to become the Shaman King in secrecy."

Judging from the crowd's expression, what HAO just said seemed to be more difficult to understand than the facts like "the ancestors of the Patch are Asakuras' shamans", "HAO was the Shaman King when born", and the real reasons for holding Shaman Fight and the true identity of the one behind all the Shaman Fights.

"Why? " HAO spoke as if he was speaking to himself, "Not only Yoh has got some potentials which I don't, he has less enemies than I have got. Even if one is the Shaman King, it is still no fun to have to take care of pests who want to assassinate you everyday. Needless to say, I have much confidence in Yoh -- I believe that Yoh will understand my true desire, and help me to achieve my dream. I wanted to build a world where only excellent shamans exist because I don't like being treated as different due to my power, can't bear the sight of stupid people doing ignorant things and hurt each other every day, and what I would like is just to live a carefree, leisurely life. "
(AKIDA: hmm... this paragraph actually contains many words where there are no 100% correspondence in English... *sigh* so if anyone of you have questions or comments about my translation, don't forget to tell me by email...)

The group of people and spirits looked at HAO wide-eyed. "It is really difficult to have to suddenly change our original believes..." Horohoro sighed.

Ponchi and Honchi, who had been hiding behind Tamao, lost all their fears towards HAO and came out together. They pointed their fingers to each other, and squeaked, "Hey, do you understand what he is talking about? " And then they were tied up by Anna by a sealing technique from the Chou-Senjiryakketsu, and lost all they ability to move and talk.

"Now that I think of it, at that time when I interrogated you before we fought, you really had just used more questions to answer the questions in my mind, and never answered my questions actually, " Yoh said thoughtfully.

"Well then, from the start to the end, you actually had never wanted to 'eliminate all human beings'? " Manta exclaimed.
(AKIDA: note that shamans ARE human beings...)

AKIDA Yamakusa 2003

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