About Rainbow Challenge

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What is it and tips for challengers!! Last updated: 8th March 2003

What is Rainbow Challenge?
It is a mini-RPG game consisting 7 challenges. The player's role is a challenger who is willing to take up an adventure in the world of the Rainbow.

Why is it called the 'Rainbow Challenge'?
This is because in this game, the player have to pass 7 challenges, each symbolized by a color of the 7 colors of Rainbow.

Now think of it associatively: rainbow, illusion, light, mixutre, colors, emotions...

Who builds Rainbow Challenge?
Windera Z. Aquaz, the messenger of the Wind from Water designs and builds it. She hopes to give some messages to the players through the game. It is now maintained, managed and owned by Rainbow Challenge (the airbot of Windera).

What is the theme of Rainbow Challenge?
The theme is the Rainbow, which symbolizes the multiple things we would meet in life.

So, can you tell me about the Challenges?
Sure. The Challenges are:
The Red Challenge: the test of courage
The Orange Challenge: the temptation of Comfort
The Yellow Challenge: the test of power
The Green Challenge: the test of Confidence
The Lawngreen Challenge: the test of Perseverance
The Blue challenge: the test of Wisdom
THe Purple challenge: the test of Faith

How do I know where to go in case there is no guide there?
Just follow the where the wooden arrow points. The wooden arrows are all 'honest'.

Tips for each test?
Big tip: some of the objects you can pick up will be useful. Some, like the dragon, is useless.
Red Don't be afraid. Nothing will result in death in this game.
Orange If you fall into the temptation of Comfort, remove yourself from the trap by eliminating the source of comfort.
Yellow There are three paths: on the right is the path of Fame, symbolized by the red cape. The middle one is the path of Wealth, symbolized by the ruby necklace. The one on the left is the path of the dreamer.
One have to have Power in order to pursuit the way of the dreamer; and Intelligence and Wisdom is required to use Fame. Otherwise, use what you have got/chose to get through.
If you have a famous or wealthy companion, you might be able to sneak through too, but you have to be clever to do that :)
Green It's a maze called 'Illusion Forest'. Treasure what you have already and be confident.
Lawngreen Put your steps carefully. Be calm.
Blue You may use your brain or violence to pass this challenge. Having companions may help too.
Purple Trust your subconsciousness.

Portals to other rooms

Furres who have completed the Rainbow Challenge
Back to the entrance hall of MESSWORLD X FURCADIA



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